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So, you UAW members who voted for Obama; how's that working for you now?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well Kris,, Here's a real show stopper for you..70 percent of UAW workers are Republicans,,by most polls taken.. Just like the old SOUTH is no longer Democrat either..So,, as usual,,the average working man,,has been voting against his own interests for 28 of the last forty years.. But like your going to hear,,what was the alternative..As for the other Republicans left in Washington..They have no answers,,they just whine and cry !! So,, Obama is America's salvation.. It sure as heck isn't and wasn't the Republicans..And as far as McCain,,or should I say McSAME,, Even HE didn't want Bush to help him !! Remember?? And Bush never campaigned for him..So,,Obama is doing the best he can,,and the Auto workers can blame their GREEDY CEO's and Corporate leaders for sending LOBBYIST to Washington to STOP emissions controls,,mileage standards,,and anything that would have made them improve their technology.. IT was ALL about profit,, so now,,All of them get what they made of their Businesses !! J"

    Source(s): But please,,Its as it is ALWAYS,,THE RICH AND BIG BUSINESS,,which controls the economy.. Blame BUSH and the Republicans for selling out the govt.. to them so as to allow them to do it !!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The UAW put a lot of Bread in Obamas Basket. They fed him like a

    starved Monkey on 89 day retreat. Did he reciprocate, sure he did.

    Just enough. To say see i got your back.

    What he didn't say is what is going to make them really upset.

    GM is not looking good in Court right at the moment. Chrysler is

    looking at losing another 20,000 UAW workers. Along with another

    125,000 Non UAW workers. Should GM dump the load. This nation

    will see another 200,000 UAW and related auto types gone. Putting

    us over 10% Nation wide unemployed. Can Obama spell Lame Duck/

  • 1 decade ago

    R U kidding? When Obama lent GM 65 billion in order to "keep them from bankruptcy", over 30 billion went to the UAW, that GM owed to them.

    So GM went bankrupt anyway and screwed all of its shareholders, but paid the UAW, executives and the commercial lenders.

    The UAW workers could not be more happy with Obammy.

    They will be well taken care of.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, the UAW was nearly paid in full when secure bondholders lost, and they will own a big chunk of the new Chrysler and likely GM, so they still can milk these companies into next failure. So how many UAW workers does it take to put in one light bulb? There was a picture in my local paper with three guys taking down a very thin and small GM sign off a wall, just like one guy could not handle it. Or maybe it was one guy with two supervisors...

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  • emp
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Actually it is funny since UAW primarily votes Democrat and yet it's the Democrats that believe in and promote with tax incentives that the public should be buying non-union fuel efficient cars.

    Maybe UAW should have thought about their voting habits a bit more seriously so that the ironic humor of their current situation would be there.

  • Well what do you know

    It appears the UAW members are not responding to your comment

    Hey I'll toss you a bone

    I am a former UAW member turned congessman for disteict 11

    I lost my position for being caught having sex with Morgan Fairchild

    Yeah that's the ticket

    Your comment pretend question is crap

    How's that working out for you?

  • 1 decade ago

    in answer to Isabella 's question "how many uaw workers does it take to change a lightbulb the answer is "12 !!!! DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT ? !!!!" just joking of course .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This isn't funny at all. Nice to know that so many Americans today are no longer considerate of the misfortune of others.

    Where are your morals?

    There are people who worked in the Auto Industry all their lives, and lost their job, their health care, homes, some of them lost everything they worked for.

    Obviously, if I was an auto worker I would vote for the Democrats as well. Socialism or not, the Republican party were going to let the worlds 2nd largest auto maker in sells collapse. Not only is the company critical to our economy, but we can't leave these workers on the street because of their greedy bosses terrible financial decisions!

    I thought the Republican party was a party of morals?

    Get off the bandwagon of Socialism. That's not important. What is important is maintaining these people's Jobs.

    Let me ask you Republicans a question.

    Would Jesus help a person who worked all their life, and suddenly gets laid off from work and almost loses everything?

    Or would he rather help someone who cashes in section 8 every month?

    He would help them both. Jesus doesn't discriminate, unfortunately your party of "Morals" does.

    If the Republican party ever wishes to lead again, they have to get rid of their own demons.

  • Spidey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They can't answer you now. They're busy getting ready to milk the unemployment system. They don't care where they get paid not to work.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is doing a fantastic job, I can't remember being this excited since JFK. I would already rate him higher than JFK and once he normalizes relations with Cuba and ends the embargo I believe he will be one of the top 3 presidents of all time.

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