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Has anyone ever bought anything from this website?

If found this website the other day and I wanted to buy a laptop from them, but never heard of them before. Has anyone used this site before?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Never heard of them.

    You can also try searching them on

    The better business bureau.

  • 5 years ago

    Sorry to read that you lost money to a scammer running a scam but happy that you found this site to post your story. Thanks for posting up that information on a scam. Making a scammer's scam googlable on every scam-warner-anti-fraud-busting site you can find is a great way to slow that scammer down when a suspicious potential victim goes looking for information, finds your post containing the name the scammer is using, his email address, phone number and the emails themselves and then that potential victim does not become a scam victim because you took the time "get the word out". Wasting a scammer's time legally and safely is called "scambaiting". If you google that word, you will find sites where you can read scambaits, post up the emails and email addresses of scammers, post up a fake website, read up on how to alert a hosting company that they are hosting a fake website, ask questions and learn all about the hobby of scambaiting.

  • 1 decade ago


    People get scammed everyday from things like this.

    Waste a little bit of gas or hitch a ride with a friend to circuit city or something. At least then you have a warranty you know for sure is real.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Looks like a scam. They only accept paypal, their contact info looks amateurish. And some of their prices looks strangely low.

    A proper site would accept credit card, have a much bigger inventory, and have information on delivery.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would say it is probably genuine, they have a real address and a fixed telephone number. However, if you are not comfortable using them then don't.

    I don't think the fact they use paypal is a problem and at least your money is guaranteed

  • 1 decade ago

    there u go , here u can find all the best selling laptops with the prices u want , couldnt hurt to look ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Never. Why not search it on

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