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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Has there ever been a popular British Prime Minister?

Polls are always telling us that A was the most unpopular Prime Minister in 50 years, or B was the most unpopular Prime Minister in British history, or C the most unpopular PM since the war. Has there ever been a Prime Minister in Britain who was actually popular throughout his term of office? Apart from Churchill, I mean?


It seems these "popularity" polls are a waste of time, then!

I didn't mean post-Churchill, by the way --or even necessarily a 20th century Prime Minister. Would anyone care to nominate Gladstone, or Disraeli, or the Duke of Wellington, or indeed any of those who have held office in the many decades since 1721?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not universally popular, and not for all of their time in Government. Tony Blair was popular at first- he was seen as youthful and he introduced many popular policies such as minimum wage, but at the same time he has been pretty unpopular with many people, from those that opposed the war in Iraq to Conservatives who didn't support the Smoking or Fox hunting bans.

    Similarly Margaret Thatcher won plenty of support, but was hated in many areas including much of Scotland.

    Even Churchill wasn't popular all the time, after all he did lose the 1945 election to the Labour party.

    It is impossible to please everyone, all the time as an entire country is made up of so many diverse opinions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Such is the nature of British politics that the PM is 'where the buck stops'. It's the PM's job to be unpopular, because that's who's going to take the blame when things go wrong.

    The best that a PM can hope for is support from some sections of the community for their policies - such was the case with Mrs Thatcher, who polarised opinion so much that half the country loved her (because they believed she was acting in their interest) while the other half hated her (for the opposite reason). And look what happened to her - in the end she was ousted by her own party.

  • Trev
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The British population, like any other group on the planet - will think anything that they are told to think by the mass media. Thatcher destroyed Britain's manufacturing base and generated a debt that will probably never be paid off. She put millions out of work and ended Britain's first world status. Yet there is a large number of Britons who still think that she actually did some good! One mantra for you to memorize: If the economy is doing well, the population are suffering. If the population have a good life, the economy is suffering. This is just one more contradiction of this insane society.

  • 1 decade ago

    Margerat Thatcher

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  • 1 decade ago

    Bummer. I was going to say Churchill, but you beat me to it.

    I am not English, but I do know a bit about their (your?) politics, and he's really the only one I can think of who managed to pretty much be loved by everyone. Really, that's only because of the war. Had he not been leading the country through a difficult time, people would most likely have hated him, too.

    I cannot think of another one who was that popular...

  • 1 decade ago


    I watched this video in my politics class and every PM since Churchill has been disliked for some reason or another.

  • John D
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think Thatcher just after the victory in the Falklands War was very popular, but that was short lived. A lot of people saw through the phony that was Blair. Pleasing everyone all of the time is impossible.

  • Bunts
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not since Winston Churchill, who - whilst not at the time the

    most popular - has been admired by all political parties

    since his reign.

  • 1 decade ago

    Margaret Thatcher was pretty famous outside of the Britain just because she was a woman. Can't really think of any others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nope everyone seems to hate the government. the media, therefore the people do too its pathetic, i wish they would praise them when they do well and of course ridicule them when they make an unpopular policy. But no, people only care for gossip and corruption nowadays....

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