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suicide is wrong? Really? prove it.?

Ok, I know that suicide is wrong, not arguing that point. I would simply like the biblical reference(Book, Chapter, Verse) that is used to prove it is a sin. In the Bible, God ordered the Israelite to war and kill certain groups of people, most Christians believe in capital punishment, and I'm sure we would all kill in self defense or in the defense of our loved ones.

So, where does it say that killing ones self is a sin and therefore a ticket to non-heaven? I won't use the real term as we have little ears out there.


I'm not thinking of committing suicide, I'm just asking for the sake of religious discussion. As for the Exodus verses, That would then mean that God told the israelites to break the very law he laid down. So it is my belief that if killing is justified in certain situations, then how do we know suicide isn't allowed. These are questions that I was posing.

Update 2:

As for suicide being unforgivable, I never said it was unforgivable,but, to be forgiven one must ask for forgiveness. Sort of hard to ask when your already dead.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jesus committed suicide. He lay down his life. It wasn't taken from him.

  • 1 decade ago


    There isn't any unforgivable sin..Blashemy is.. But we have to understand what,.


    AbimelechJudges 9:52-54 Abimelech lacked personal identity.

    SamsonJudges 16:25-30 Samson died for a cause he believed in and for revenge.

    Saul1 Samuel 31:4 Saul was stressed out, unable to live up to certain expectations; felt rejected and a failure

    Saul's armor-bearer1 Samuel 31:5 Impulse, he wanted to die with his boss. 40% of teenage suicide is impulse.

    Ahithophel2 Samuel 17:23 Ahithophel was bitter because his advice was not followed.

    Zimri1 Kings 16:15-20 Rebellion; Zimri had a problem with authority.

    JudasMatthew 27:3-5 Depressed, Judas felt trapped by materialism and guilt.

    Thus suicide is a sin.. but nowhere in the bible does it say , suicide is

    unforgiveable ( as all sins are)

    If you believe in me, though you are dead, yet you shall live.

    Though He Were Dead"He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and ... If you believe in Jesus, though you are not only wrong, but dead, yet shall you ...

    IC XC NIKA..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is NO reference to suicide in the bible. We consider it against God's loving will for us because we know in our hearts that killing is wrong... if you are sane of course. Which begs the question, if someone kills and is insane he is not guilty.... so if someone kills himself because he is insane is he guilty? I'd say no. But thank God that he didn't give me the job of judging others. That's his job.

    There is also no reference at all to say specifically that premarital sex is a sin... but we know that God's heart is for committed relationship... so we believe that a healthy committed relationship is not based on sex, but it's based on love. So sex should be saved for that point when you love each other enough to commit...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Exodus 20: The Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not kill. And although it's a horrible thing to commit suicide, it doesn't necessarily get you a ticket to hell. You did a bad thing, but it's forgivable... at that point, it's all in God's hands.

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  • 1 decade ago

    under the new covenant that christ ushered in at his death,he took away the sins of the whole world from the eyes of god never to see them again,if you are in christ and you kill your self absent from the body present with the lord! jesus said the only sin left in the world was unbelife in me. this needs repented of! but salvation is receiving life from jesus,read 1 john 5:11-13

    Source(s): rabbitme...
  • 1 decade ago

    what is god's definition of suicide?

    is it a bullet to the head?

    a knife to the heart?

    smoking cigarettes?

    jumping out a plane with a parachute and every intention of surviving?

    drinking soft drinks?

    eating junk food?

    working in mines or landfill where your life is cut short?

    being an alcoholic or taking drugs.

    Dont exercise regularly?

    constantly go into bad neighborhoods?

    My point is what exactly is the definition of suicide? Is it suicide if you kill yourself slowly over many years, or does it have to be sudden and instant? Does it have to definitely lead to your death, or is there a certain percentage chance that it will lead you to an early death?

    i know I didnt answer your question...i answered your question with another question....oh....

    for your family and friends sake, I hope you are not contemplating it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Suicide means the killing of one self. You can find the 10 Commandments of God in Deuteronomy Chapter 5: verses 6-21, Exodus Chapter 20: verses 2-17 and Exodus Chapter 34: verses 11-27

    Commandment #6 is You shall not kill. This means intentional, premeditated plans to take someone out. This includes yourself. Murder is usually an act of hatred, jealousy, hopelessness, discontentment, (in most cases of suicide), fear or something of that nature. Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and discontentment with God. God did not accept Cain's offering, but he accepted Abel's. Abel tried to show Cain what he needed to do in order for God to accept his offering, but Cain's jealousy and rage grew into hatred. So Cain premeditated Abel's death, (murder), out of jealousy and rage. see Genesis Chapter 4 in the Bible.

    God was not speaking of self-defense, capital punishment or military operations. During most global military operations, both past and present, although it is most unfortunate, death occurs. The police and military that defend our cities and nation, engage in battles every day; battles to combat violence and sometimes these people have to kill, in the process. The rule of engagement in these situations should always be to use the least amount of force, according to God's standards. When the Israelites were fighting, they were commanded to kill their enemies by God, to preserve themselves: self-defense. These vicious enemies were the murderers. They were planning Israel's annihilation. God preserved these people for several reasons. The Messiah came through this line of Israelites. People just don't know how important they really are in God's plan. I'm sure because He is God, He could simply replace you, but that is not how He operates. Maybe he could just duplicate you, clone you. Naaaa. God took the time to articulately plan your being and create you. You are special. You may not have any idea what greatness lies in store through your life. But if you are not on the Earth anymore, you will never know. No reincarnation. No cat lives, (nine lives). You only get one life.

    The next issue is idolatry. Commandment #1. You shall have no other gods before Me

    God is the Creator of all things. Whether you believe it or not, He is actively involved in His Universe. He has not left us here as philosophy teaches. He is not a myth as many religions would have us believe. God created all things and this includes the people of the world. (Genesis chptrs 1-2). He is perfect in every way. So when He made you, placed you in your mother's womb, He made no mistakes. Life is hard because of sin and since people reject God and His laws, it will only get worse before it gets better. (Read the Book of Revelation, especially the ending). You will find that God never had a plan for mankind to die. Adam and Eve made that choice for us. (See the Fall of Man in Genesis, Chapter 3)

    To take your own life is to tell God that He made a mistake somewhere in His plan for you. God says, For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

    Jesus warns us that in this world we will have tribulation, but he always tells us to be of good courage, to be strong. Jesus says, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

    The bottom line is that suicide is wrong because you lack faith in God. Anything that is not of faith is sin. Romans 14:23

    Source(s): The Holy Bible:
  • 1 decade ago

    My sister committed suicide this year of march. It is a sin. That not God's will it satan trick to think we have no purpose to live.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thou shalt not murder. Killing yourself would be murdering yourself, 10 commandments are in the bible more than once. Do you need more proof?

  • 1 decade ago

    Sin, probably.

    Ticket to "non-heaven", more appropriately called hell, certainly not. That ticket gets punched when you don't believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord, King, and Savior.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thou shalt not kill. Yes, killing yourself is considered murder.

    I don't know chapters and verses, I am a non-believer

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