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jon t asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Good argument for being pro-choice? Pro-Life?

Someone asked 'Are you pro-life, or pro-choice?'

And a significant amount of the answers seemed to be pro-choice.

I won't say yet which side i'm on here, but I want to hear the REASONING behind why you would be pro-choice; And why you would be pro-life. I'm sure you can already see which side i'm on...


Thanks for all the answers, guys!

I see the points of view for both sides now, and there are exceptions like the occasional rape, but i'm still firmly planted on my side. Not to sound like a fascist or anything, and please don't think less of me because of my opinion, but I am pro-life. I believe that if a woman has sex consentually, whether on birth control or not, she knows she is taking a risk, and should not be able to take 'whatever steps necessary' to insure that her life stays the way it has been. I understand that the subject regards a woman's own body, and that it isn't right to dictate to her what she can and cannot do with it, but in the case of pregnancy and abortion, It isn't just her body anymore. There is a child, born or unborn, involved, whose life shouldn't be taken because a mistake was made. Personally, i'm an 18 year old father. I wasn't as responsible as I should've been, but I love my son more than anything and can't imagine life without him.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm passionately pro-life, and for good reason. Leaving Christian ethics and morals aside, although they do influence my views, there are other common sense reasons for opposing the so-called "right to choose". First of all, that is the king of misnomers in politics. There is no right anywhere in the Constitution or Articles of Confederation concerning abortion.

    Radical feminists always like to claim that they can do whatever they want with "their bodies". What they fail to realize is that once the child has been conceived, it isn't just their bodies. They have a passenger on board, so to speak. Just because something is living inside you doesn't mean you suddenly have the ability to take on extra-judicial powers to murder it.

    Finally, women should not have the right to punish an innocent human being for their mistakes. Indeed, a vast majority of abortions are abortions of convenience and not because of rape or incest. No one should have the right to take an innocent life because of their gross irresponsibilities.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pro-life all the way.

    First of all, talk to someone who's been told that they would have been aborted for whatever reason. They are some of the most grateful people ever. You don't realize how much you love life until you realize that it was almost taken from you.

    Second, it shouldn't be up to you whether or not someone gets to live. As an adult, you can't another person to death for no why should one be allowed to kill an innocent person before they get a chance to even live their life?

    Third, I always hear people say "well, what if a girl was raped and she ended up pregnant? Shouldn't she get a say in whether or not she wants to keep the baby?" To that, I say yes. Rape is illegal and a whole different situation that should be handled legally.

    I believe that if a person wishes to have an abortion, there should be many legalities to go through. Maybe less would do it then.

    There are other reasons of course such as people know what the outcome of sex is. And if they aren't responsible enough to handle that outcome, then maybe they shouldn't be having sex.

    Source(s): Life, experiences, common-sense.
  • 1 decade ago

    There isn't such a thing as a person who is not pro-life. We all are generally. That things have to be done at times, things that are not easy things to have or do but must be done. Defending one's country is one example of something that must be done even though there is no-one who wants to do it. A mother that aborts has not made the decision lightly and if there were any other way would probably not do it. On the legal side, it is a matter of bringing to light what is already being done in the dark. Keep it in the dark and you have a far worse problem. Bringing it into the light doesn't make it right but it does mitigate and eliminate the many problems encountered by having it done in the dark.

    If you are one of those who do it because you like it... perhaps your not really mature enough to even think about it from the primary position of what it takes in the first place to avoid such a thing. But then you are probably the type of person who would run away from any responsibility in the first place.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Woman's body, her choice. Until that child can survive on his/her own, it is a part of the mother's body. You will hear a lot about women who ignore condoms because abortions are there to take care of it... this is Bogus. Totally untrue. Of course the is always the exception to the rule, but I have NEVER heard of ANYONE who actually has this attitude. Abortions are expensive, painful, and emotionally damaging. Nobody would rather have an abortion that use a condom.

    Most women who have abortions either do not want, or cannot support a child. Either way, what future does that provide for the kid? He's going to grow up unloved or neglected, living in government funded housing, eat off foodstamps, go to a poor public school, grow up to be a criminal or worse. (Again, theres an exception to every rule). I think we should allow the parents who recognize that this is whats in store for them and their child to handle it as they see fit.

    You'll also hear about the alternative of adoption. This is a great theory, except that the foster system is completely broken and a lot of the kids who go in don't come out much better than they would have if they hadn't been put up for adoption.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am pro-choice because every case is different.

    Sometimes birth control just didn't work and they aren't ready for a baby. You can't get mad at them for that. They were taking the steps and it failed.

    Some women are just loose whores that don't know what birth control is and resort to abortion, but really is that the type of women that should be raising a kid anyways?

    And what about rape? Would you seriously force a young girl, or any women for that matter, who just went through something totally horrendous, to carry and give birth to a child that would constantly remind them of what happen to them.

    Everyone says, well give your kid up for adoption. That's just terrible, cause yea you gave them life but now they know that they were unwanted. There are too many unwanted kids out there.

    I really think that the government should have not control over this issue. Some ppl are just not ready to be parents, and if we force them these children will most likely not receive the best upbringing they could have, which can cause them not to be the best ppl they could have been.

    But I want to add that I don't believe in late term abortions.

  • 1 decade ago


    1- It's a women's right to choose what she can and can't do with her body.

    2-Sometimes a women is faced with a choice of either she has an abortion or the baby she is carrying could kill her. So people like to say that this isn't the same thing but guess what? IT IS! Abortion is killing the unborn fetus-baby.

    3-If someone is raped-Why should the women have to carry a baby to term if getting pregnant wasn't her fault?

    Whatever someone's chose is I dont see how anyone has the right to judge them for what they feel is right for them.

    Source(s): Had to debaute Pro-life and Pro-choice 4 a college class last year
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Basic biology. Life occurs when cells are dividing. Given these cells are coded as humans, I'd say that human life is occuring. With this being said, I do think abortion in the case of rape or medical reasons for the mother is acceptable.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Pro-life... You don't see many of these white anti-abortion women volunteering to have any black fetuses transplanted into their uteruses, do you? No, you don't see them adopting a whole lot of crack babies, do you? No, that might be something Christ would do. And, you won't see alot of these pro-life people dousing themselves in kerosene and lighting themselves on fire. You know, moraly committed religious people in South Vietnam knew how to stage a goddamn demonstration, didn't they?! They knew how to put on a ******* protest. Light yourself on FIRE!! C'mon, you moral crusaders, let's see a little smoke. To match that fire in your belly.

    Here's another question I have: how come when it's us, it's an abortion, and when it's a chicken, it's an omelette? Are we so much better than chickens all of a sudden? When did this happen, that we passed chickens in goodness? Name six ways we're better than chickens... See, nobody can do it! You know why? 'Cuz chickens are decent people. You don't see chickens hanging around in drug gangs, do you? No, you don't see a chicken strapping some guy to a chair and hooking up his nuts to a car battery, do you? When's the last chicken you heard about came home from work and beat the **** out of his hen, huh? Doesn't happen. 'Cuz chickens are decent people.

    But let's get back to this abortion ****. Now, is a fetus a human being? This seems to be the central question. Well, if a fetus is a human being, how come the census doesn't count them? If a fetus is a human being, how come when there's a miscarriage they don't have a funeral? If a fetus is a human being, how come people say 'we have two children and one on the way' instead of saying 'we have three children?' People say life begins at conception, I say life began about a billion years ago and it's a continuous process. Continuous, just keeps rolling along. Rolling, rolling, rolling along.

    And say you know something? Listen, you can go back further than that. What about the carbon atoms? Hah? Human life could not exist without carbon. So is it just possible that maybe we shouldn't be burning all this coal? Just looking for a little consistency here in these anti-abortion arguments. See the really hardcore people will tell you life begins at fertilization. Fertilization, when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Which is usually a few moments after the man says 'Gee, honey, I was going to pull out but the phone rang and it startled me.' Fertilization.

    But even after the egg is fertilized, it's still six or seven days before it reaches the uterus and pregnancy begins, and not every egg makes it that far. Eighty percent of a woman's fertilized eggs are rinsed and flushed out of her body once a month during those delightful few days she has. They wind up on sanitary napkins, and yet they are fertilized eggs. So basically what these anti-abortion people are telling us is that any woman who's had more than more than one period is a serial killer! Consistency. Consistency. Hey, hey, if they really want to get serious, what about all the sperm that are wasted when the state executes a condemned man, one of these pro-life guys who's watching cums in his pants, huh? Here's a guy standing over there with his jockey shorts full of little Vinnies and Debbies, and nobody's saying a word to the guy. Not every ejaculation deserves a name.

    Now, speaking of consistency, Catholics, which I was until I reached the age of reason, Catholics and other Christians are against abortions, and they're against homosexuals. Well who has less abortions than homosexuals?! Leave these ******* people alone, for Christ sakes! Here is an entire class of people guaranteed never to have an abortion! And the Catholics and Christians are just tossing them aside! You'd think they'd make natural allies. Go look for consistency in religion. And speaking of my friends the Catholics, when John Cardinal O'Connor of New York and some of these other Cardinals and Bishops have experienced their first pregnancies and their first labor pains and they've raised a couple of children on minimum wage, then I'll be glad to hear what they have to say about abortion. I'm sure it'll be interesting. Enlightening, too. But, in the meantime what they ought to be doing is telling these priests who took a vow of chastity to keep their hands off the altar boys! Keep your hands to yourself, Father! You know? When Jesus said 'Suffer the little children come unto me', that's not what he was talking about!

    Source(s): George Carlins Comedic Approach on Abortion
  • 1 decade ago

    I am pro choice.

    A good argument is the world is already over- populated, if all the abortions did not happen think of how much more over populated the earth would be.

    Others are rape and incest, the high number of children in adoption agencies, plus the older a kid is the less chance of getting adopted.

    Source(s): personal idea's
  • 1 decade ago

    Frankly, my reason for pro-choice is that I don't believe any people in any position have the right to dictate what another does with their body. Is is that person's human right to use their belief system as they choose. This is a step in the door of someone else controlling my religion.

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