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Christians - do you believe God controls the weather (not an attack, an honest query)?

So, for instance if it were to start to rain then it is because God decided it should rain and made it happen with a click of his fingers... or do you believe that air pressure, cold fronts and other atmospheric conditions are the cause - that regardless of the creator of the weather, it is a system that exists by itself, with countless factors and principles that although cannot be perceived have an outcome you can recognise - and not only this, that it can be proven to do so?

If so, why the problem in accepting evolution?

You can say a system is created by anything from God to the great Space Penguin, but if the system itself has evidence it exists and results of it which can be perceived in countless examples, even if you cant see it happening itself (like you can't see air pressure) surely you have to accept it is real?

That being the case, why do so many people see evolution as an attack on their faith, when really it is explaining a system - not who or what created the system in the first place?


It isn't an attack, nor a cheap shot to open up a line of thinking and openly request others respond to it.... especially as in this case I hope they do, because I'd be really interested in their thinking and approach to it.... I actually went to some lengths NOT to undermine belief and seperate evolution as a subject from topic of the existence of God...

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Edited as I may have been seen to be making a seemingly personal attack on questioner - that was not my intention.


    It could be argued that god left earth in the charge of man and it could be argued that the weather system of our lovely blue marble is, as you suggest, an autonomous system initially created by god and, as you say; 'with countless factors and principles that although cannot be perceived have an outcome you can recognise'

    Same with evolution.

    Can you say 'watchmaker' or 'Intelligent design'?

    Christians, as with many organised groups, are taught to see things in certain ways. They follow a doctrine, often from childhood, and can find it difficult to accept, tolerate or understand another point of view.

    We are all like that though!

    We choose to believe or not, we choose to accept or not and we choose whether or not to tolerate other points of view.

    As for:

    'That being the case, why do so many people see evolution as an attack on their faith, when really it is explaining a system - not who or what created the system in the first place?'

    Though I agree that the theories behind Evolution explain the workings of a system as apposed to the system designer or builder, to some, the very idea of mankind evolving from something much more primitive is a direct insult and contravenes the idea that mankind was created by god.

    To those people, there was no evolution, mankind came into existence by being created by god.

    Your comparison of evolution and the weather system, in a way, becomes quite mute to some.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God controls the weather. He makes the air pressure, the cold fronts and other atmospheric conditions happen. It's not so much him snapping his fingers as him willing it. Because if God even loses concentration for a second, we all stop existing - as does the weather.

    Evolution is not an explanation, it is a way out. It shows that if you make a lie seem logical enough and say it enough times, people will believe it. Christianity doesn't make sense for the reason that God does not have to follow the logic we go by.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes and No. He controls the weather in the manner he is the one who made the laws that weather are regulated by. All things are subject to the lords laws, we are just figuring out what drives those laws, however he can also over ride those laws with his higher law when ever he so chooses, and has done so many times in the scriptures. As an example Jesus walked on water, that is manipulating our understanding of the laws of nature. God has made many lands dry up because of unworthy people, however as his prophets have said he makes it rain upon the wicked as well as the righteous.

  • J.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    God reveal God to man, not the other way around.

    God existed before God created everything we can observe. What we know about God is what God told us.

    The scientific theory of evolution explains scientific facts using the scientific method. If the scientific facts change, the scientific theory may change as well. A scientific fact is an observation made by people independent of location.

    We have two belief systems: observation and beyond observation.

    Answer: You question is based on observation applying to beyond observation. In short, you are trying to observe the unobservable.

    Source(s): Bible; science
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  • 1 decade ago

    Storms, floods, and earthquakes are indeed a part of the present world. We sometimes call them “natural disasters,” but they are not a surprise to God. Yes, God certainly can control the weather and send deadly storms.

    Some have concluded that suffering occurs because it is beyond God's control. This is incorrect. God has indeed established certain laws and principles that govern nature, but he remains sovereign over these laws. Psalm 148:8 declares that storms “do his bidding.” Concerning Jonah, it was the Lord who "sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea" (Jonah 1:4 KJV). Old Testament writers did not hesitate to attribute the forces of nature to God: "thy waterspouts … thy waves … thy billows" (Psalm 42:7 KJV). Today, God's creation is too often depersonalized. He is in control, and has His reasons for all kinds of weather, both fair and stormy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe God created a universe and world that works pretty remarkably well to maintain balance and support life. Weather is part of that intricately balanced and ordered system. The more you study the laws of science and nature, the more remarkable it becomes that things are the way they are. I believe, for the most part, that God created and maintains the order of the universe, but as its creator, He has the power to calm the storm, move the mountain, or make a donkey talk if it fits His divine purpose. I'm not convinced the evolutionary fairy tales are true, but IF God has used His knowledge of our makeup and used "evolution" to engineer life as it exists and has given mankind knowledge of Him, I can accept that. I just don't see any good "natural" explanation for the impossibility of life as we know it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The weather is created by the various forces in play. For instance, the super hurricanes that hit America began as tropical storms off of Africa. They went west to the Caribbean where they grew into hurricanes. The increase in frequency and power of these hurricanes is due to the increased temperature of the Caribbean due to pollution mainly caused by the United States.

    Now God is the one that set all the processes in place that give us weather and seasons, but what man has done interferes with these to an extent.

    God can, and does, intervene at certain times. In the case of Israel, He withheld rain because of Israel's disobedience. These days He intervenes only in response to prayer. To do otherwise would interfere with man's free will.

    I was walking with a friend in Colchester. The sky was overcast. I prayed 'Father, please could we have some blue sky?' Within minutes the only cloud we saw was at the edge of the horizon. Read into that what you please.

  • 1 decade ago

    God set in motion the laws that govern the weather. He can supersede those laws of nature if he had sufficient cause.

    God has used the weather as judgment against certain nations in the past, but in most cases, God just allows nature to take its course, and when bad things DO happen (such as Katrina or the tsunami, etc.), He wants us to turn to Him for help first and foremost.

    The one thing He will NOT do is intervene if we have pushed Him away!

    I mean, we pushed God out of the public school system, we pushed God out of our government, certain groups are trying to push God out of our country completely; so when some weather-related catastrophe DOES occur, we can't go whining "Where is God in all this?" It's hypocritical to push God away, and then turn around and whine and complain that He isn't there to rescue you when disaster strikes! And they WILL strike - it happens!

  • 1 decade ago

    no its a natural process that sustains itself but gets thrown out of whack.

    inorganic material can not cause organic material to appear

    a living cell only produces living cells that are encoded in its DNA

    it never produces a new generation that is completely different from what it was

    a animal that reproduces only produces what is in its DNA it never produces a different species. With a different DNA.

    dinosaurs produced dinosaur DNA they did not produce or change into birds.

    Two different species

    Paleontologists and some in biology have long believed that modern birds are the direct descendants of ancient, meat-eating dinosaurs.

    Researchers at Oregon State University contend they have made a fundamental new discovery about how birds breathe and have a lung capacity that allows for flight – and the finding means it's unlikely that birds descended from any known theropod dinosaurs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe God controls the weather. I don't believe God interferes with our life. I think we are give a life to live and it just happens; good and bad.

    I personally am willing to accept evolution as true. I can't see why evolution wasn't God's way of doing things.

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