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My fellow catholics, whats your opinion on this response I receive from my inbox on U -Tube today.?

Here it is..........

<I am a ttraditional roman catholic,

The pope is the royal priest who is pope as divinely instituted monarch of the roman catholic church outside of her sacramental unity and inviolate one public profession of her one divine faith no salvation. the st athanasian creed well states to be saved you must keep the one divine faith INVIOLATE. Vatican 2 is a false and many times anathematized council of false counsiliarism. Vatican 2 has many errors. It was called to re open the churches prior infallible decesions. This is false known as counciliarism and Pope Pius II stated will destroy the catholic faith. Heaven recognizes only one form of government and that is divinely instituted priesthood a special mark of our divine Lords kingship. The dogmatic council of trent states with the unanimous mind of the church all the cardinals and bishops in unity with the pope the churches perpetual constitution of government is monarchy. Heaven recognizes only the perpetual government of royal priesthood pope as perpetual divinely instituted MONARCHY. It is anathema to follow publically a false bishop of rome. A heretic schismatic or apostate prior to his invalid election even if appearing to be validly elected in all eyes will never be the pope validly no matter how much time passes. both rancalli and ratzinger were suspected of modernism prior to their invalid election by infallible Pope Pius XII and can never be validly the pope. They are invalidly elected anti popes. The st Jeromes scriptural commentary from Pope Pius XII states the meaning of the gospels about Christ sending the stewards into the vineyard the church who trample the vineyard, Christ will take their life. the stewards guaranteeing the divine sacraments divinely instituted by our divine Lord are sent by him into the vineyard. A pope who would fail to guaranteee the churches sacraments trampling the divine vineyard Christ states himself in the gospels he will kill/take his divine sacramental nature and authority life direct from Christ and he himself will fall out of the life of the church. We arent calling ratzsinger out on some personal private sin but on demonic false ecumenism each act is an individual act of treason against Christ his divine church and holy infallible ghost. Ratzinger is also a modrnist who came fully out of his modernist closet after the death of infallible Pope Pius XII.

Benedict rat is a modernist, a demonic false ecumenist.

The church is indefectible. we are in an interregnum where all the divine sacraments are still valid in the fully traditional rites and priesthood. The mass of Pope Pius V is the universal rite of the universal church. The mass canon and dogmatic roman consecration are to be said in latin even according to false vatican 2. Roncalli was an invalidly elected anti pope. Where there are but rumors of invalid elections such as in the case of Cardinal siri being validly elected the pope accepting the papacy and taking the papal name of Pope Gregory XVII we can never be termed schismatic by the church. Rancalli was a heretic whose false encyclical on religous liberty was freemasonic twisting the meaning of the natural laws like the freemasons twist how the divine laws perfectly fulfill the natural laws. There is no luciferian right to public private conscience against the church and her one divine sacramental unity. Paul VI was a satanic jewish infiltrator a direct relative of anti pope Annacletus II whom St Bernard called abomination of the desolation in the holy place of God/roman catholic chuich. Paul VI invalidated the mass in the roman rite. He implemented doubtful ordination rites to priesthood. He is a signal enemy to Christ and the church who meets every single definition of the anti christ according to the roman catholic encyclopedia. Novus ordo is a false invalid government a false church of demonic false ecumenism preaching a false gospel. False religions are no means of either grace or sanctification. False religions are 100% means of both damnation and hell. The roman priesthood carries within her divinely instituted sacramental nature direct from Christ the eternal divine right to elect her head the royal priest who is divinely instituted pope as monarch with power to loose and bind in heaven and on earth.

I suggest you leave the false church of the anti christ. Anti christ will rise on the beast of the sea and the beast of the sea according to roman catholic tradition is judaism. The private revelations of our saints say satan and the enemies of the Lord are in the church. Pope Leo XIII had a vision of all the enemies of Christ in the chruch for 100 years 33 years to the day before the miracle of the sun at Fatima.

He composed his famou exercism prayer to St Michael to be prayed after esach low mass. Novus ordo is not the catholic church and is not the roman rite mass.

Wake up before it is too late.


Where do they get this propaganda from? I think he's a


I think he's a sede impeditist trad.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    About as intelligent as Coronet Blue and his stupid and ignorant interpretation of the seven Hills of Rome but Moscow has seven Hills as does many other cities including some in the US. The stuff you copied sounds like it's by a SEDEvancanist that has finally flipped out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As with so many of the arguments against the Church, it's based on misunderstandings. The only thing that changed about the Mass aside from it being previously more ritualistic, was that the language was changed from Latin to the vernacular of the land where it's being said. The meanings are still the same. The language as in what's meant, though it can't be directly translated, as is the case with translating one thing from any language to another, still means the same. In other words, the INTENT of the Mass is still there, and that hasn't changed, nor will it. A change in the language it was said in originally doesn't mean that the theology has changed as well. If you really wanted to get technical about it, then the Mass should've been said in Ahramaic all along as that's the language it was said in first. In short, the Last Supper. So don't let the whole Latin/English argument throw you. As far as the whole ecumenism thing is concerned, it's in reaching out to learn, NOT to say "it's all the same now, blah blah blah." The Church still holds to its belief that "there is no salvation outside of Catholicism." That never changed, nor will it.

  • 1 decade ago

    He sounds like a person who is afraid of change, a sad but common trait among some Roman Catholics! I feel sorry for him and people who think like him!

    I do find one thing funny though, he states, "The pope is the royal priest who is pope as divinely instituted monarch of the roman catholic church outside of her sacramental unity and inviolate one public profession of her one divine faith no salvation. the st athanasian creed well states to be saved you must keep the one divine faith INVIOLATE."

    Which states that the Pope is the one true source of the correct interpretation of the Roman Catholic faith, which most Catholics would agree with, but then he goes on to state,

    "This is false known as counciliarism and Pope Pius II stated will destroy the catholic faith."

    where he is now trying to state the the Pope is NOT the one true source of the correct interpretation of the Roman Catholic faith!

    You can't have it both ways! He makes his whole argument mute with these two statements!

    God bless and Peace!

  • Faye
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    lol someone's been wikipedi-ing too much.

    He calls himself a "traditional Roman-Catholic" while in actual fact he is blaspheming against the Church!

    He doesn't even makes sense - focusing his argument on two invalid statements. First he agrees that the pope is the true leader of the Church on faith and morals, but then he disagrees with it later on. He is a hypocrite, weaving his sentences along with Pope Pius II quotes and calling out what he believes are "anti-popes".

    "Wake up before it is too late?" I think he needs too, he is obviously confused and stuck within his hypocrisy.

    Source(s): Roman-Catholic
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there are 2 brothers that run an anti cathoic web page , saying that pius xii was the last true pope, they are called sedevacanists, meaning the seat of the pope is empty.

    it seems like pope john the xxiii ,known as cardinal roncalli was a freemason , so they seem to think his choosing was wrong and that all other popes after pius xii were not true , unfortunately mel gibson and his ilk called dissenters refuse to acknowledge the our latest pope, but they are insulting our lord

  • korban
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Surely every Catholic would know that Jesus is head of the Church and Satan can never prevail!

    Satan is a master of deception

    and a sower of confusion,sorry to say but there are hundreds of sites and you tube that have stories like this and I would suspect they are EX Catholics.

    I know a few traditional Catholics and they all follow the Church even though they are not happy with somethings, yet they know obedience is for the laity also.

    That said our blessed Church is under attack, Our Blessed Mother has asked us to pray hard for Priests!

    God bless Hussein.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never heard such non-sense before. Coronet Blue..He is referring to the emperor of Rome at that time.

  • Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He sounds like a tweaker with a tin-foil hat. That's what I think about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    the person is confused, i'd ignore it and pray for him/her and those like minded.

  • Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    it's a spam, no reason to take it seriously

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