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Why do many Jehovah's Witnesses now call themselves "Christians"?

Does this mean they agree that Christians have always been on the right road since they want to also be classed in the same group????


I thought the Jehovah's Witnesses always said they are the only ones who will be saved but now they want to be join those who they are mislead.

Makes me think why???

Maybe they trying to cover something up

Update 2:

CHristians believe that Jesus Christ is a Saviour and Jehovah's Witnesses openly sa NO to Jesus when they have their memorial when the cup passes around they reject it and say we do not want any part with Jesus

Update 3:

Interesting to see comments mde that Jehovah's witneses say they have always called themselves Chistians but me thinks that is wrong and if one was to do some research they will see it was not like that before

Update 4:

Me thinks the Bible teaches that to be a christian you need to belive in Jesus Christ who came and was born and then died for our sins and then rose again as is written in the bible and is not some angel who the JW's say he is

Update 5:

In 1910 Russell wrote, "If anyone lays the Scripture Studies (short for a 7-volume WTS publication entitled Studies in the Scriptures, hereafter abbreviated as Studies) aside, even after he has used them, after he has become familiar with them, after he has read them for ten years—if he lays them aside and ignores them and goes to the Bible alone, though he has understood the Bible for ten years, our experience shows that within two years he goes into darkness. On the other hand, if he had merely read the Scripture Studies with their references and had not read a page of the Bible, as such, he will be in the light at the end of two years . . . " (WT Reprints, 9-15-1910, 4685).

Update 6:


This is a cardinal truth of Christianity. It is the fundamental foundation upon which our faith rests. Without the incarnation, Christianity could not stand. There is no way of getting rid of the incarnation without getting rid of Christianity.

The word “incarnation” comes from the Latin word meaning enfleshment; thus, when we speak of the incarnation of Christ Jesus, the Son of God, we mean the “enfleshment” of God — God manifest in the flesh.

So do Jehovah's Witnesses believe this or they only want to use the name of Christian when they have a different Jesus to the one in the Bible

Update 7:

Poto Poto Poto you said to use current !!!

Besides false prophesies, the WTS has misled its members through countless changes in doctrine and practice:

"To worship Christ in any form cannot be wrong ... " (WT, 3-1880, 83). "It is unscriptural for worshippers of the living and true God to render worship to the Son of God, Jesus Christ" (WT, 11-1-1964, 671).

The men of Sodom will be resurrected (WT, 7-1879, 7-8). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (WT, 6-1-1952, 338). The men of Sodom will be resurrected (WT 8-1-1965, 479). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (WT 6-1-1988, 31). The men of Sodom will be resurrected (Live Forever, early ed., 179). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (Live Forever, later ed., 179). The men of Sodom will be resurrected (Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, 985). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand! 273)

So how can one stay current when your teachings change so fast!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow confussion

Update 8:

Poto Poto Poto you said to use current !!!

Besides false prophesies, the WTS has misled its members through countless changes in doctrine and practice:

"To worship Christ in any form cannot be wrong ... " (WT, 3-1880, 83). "It is unscriptural for worshippers of the living and true God to render worship to the Son of God, Jesus Christ" (WT, 11-1-1964, 671).

The men of Sodom will be resurrected (WT, 7-1879, 7-8). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (WT, 6-1-1952, 338). The men of Sodom will be resurrected (WT 8-1-1965, 479). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (WT 6-1-1988, 31). The men of Sodom will be resurrected (Live Forever, early ed., 179). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (Live Forever, later ed., 179). The men of Sodom will be resurrected (Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, 985). The men of Sodom will not be resurrected (Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand! 273)

So how can one stay current when your teachings change so fast!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow confussion

Update 9:

bar_enosh bar_enosh bar_enosh to attend your memorial onewill see that you reject Jesus Christ and how many of JW's take the cup or do they reject it. The bible says in Matt. 26:27

The words “this do” are a command of the Lord, and the words “all of it” (Matt. 26:27) are better translated “all of you.” This ordinance is for the entire Body of Christ.

If the Lord Jesus is not coming the second time, why celebrate the Lord’s Supper? He is coming! Remember, in answer to those who ask, “Where is the promise of His coming?”, we point to the Lord’s Supper.

Update 10:

Christians believe Jesus Christ is God as stated in the Bible.

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” (Matt. 1:23). As the Scripture tells us, it means “God with us.” Remember, the Lord Jesus is Emmanuel — God with us; He will never leave nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5, 6).

In the Old Testament God said to Moses, “I AM THAT I AM.” This name was used frequently by Jesus to validate His deity. When he frequently used the name "I AM," He was saying, "I am God."

"I AM the bread which came down from heaven." John 6:41.

"I AM the light of the world." John 8:12.

"I AM the door." John 10:7.

"I AM the good shepherd." John 10:11.

"I AM the resurrection and the life." John 11:25.

"I AM the way, the truth and the life." John 14:6.

"I AM the true vine." John 15:1.

Also see John 1:1 where Jesus is the Word and the Word was God and then see John 1:14 where the Word became flesh

Update 11:

ladywife ladywife ladywife are you for real that your progressive or just trying to cover up your mistakes and as you do that more are made and so the hole becmes bigger and deeper another words bigger mistakes are made.

God's Word does not change so why is there needed change unless your not following God's Word but watchtower society.

Update 12:

RobertJW RobertJW RobertJW you mentioned that Jehovah's Witnesses obstain from blood and why are JW's allowed to have blood transfussions in Bulgaria then So please before you say something make sure you keep up with the everchanging teachings of watchtower)))))))

Update 13:

RobertJW RobertJW RobertJW you mentioned that Jehovah's Witnesses obstain from blood and why are JW's allowed to have blood transfussions in Bulgaria then So please before you say something make sure you keep up with the everchanging teachings of watchtower)))))))

32 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that to be a true christian you must believe in Jesus.

    But believe what? That He is the arch angel Michael?

    No, you must believe that He is who He said He was.

    Jhn 8:24 I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins.

    What did He mean by that?

    The greek used in the "I AM" is the exact same greek used when Moses asked for the name of the God who spoke to him from the burning bush.

    Jesus had many "I AM" statements.

    I am the bread of life,

    I am the way, the truth and the life.

    I am the good shepard, ect...ect......

    We must believe in Jesus the real Jesus of the bible to be real christians.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont know why they do, but they should know that they are not able to save anyone, unless God the Father draws that person and reveals Himself to that person through Christ Jesus our Lord. So I have no idea why they stand on street corners or go from door to door to make converts. Wouldnt the Holy Spirit within one's heart know true religion from false religion?

  • 1 decade ago

    I ask myself the same question. How dare they call themselves "Christians" when they don't even believe in Jesus Christ. I'd say, "they are a bunch oh hypocrite people" but who blames the blind for not knowing the truth? It's their organization that's jacked up with a bunch of contradictions and blasphemy, denying the deity of Christ. And yes, I know I'll have a lot of votes down but the truth hurts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jehovah's witnesses want people to think they are like other Christians and believe in the same Bible but whe they have their own Bible and reject what Christians have believed but they are not Christian and do not even know Jesus Christ who died and rose again and they reject Him and say Jesus never rose again bodily which again goes against what the Bible says.

    Paul says if Christ did not riase from the dead our faith is useless but He rose from the dead and JW cult rejects this and it is a yo yo religion which changes faster then the weather.

    They can call themselves whatever they wish but it does not make them be what they say.

    Any religion who prophecies and their prophecies do not come true is not from God but the devil

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  • hunter
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    YUP-Wasting my symbolic breath here I know,but as others said you really don't have a clue or know what you are trying to verbalize before your equals so as to set upon JW's. who by the way are blowing you away in your unreasoning. Having wasted that much breath I will go on to admit JW's ARE Christ's close followers as you should be aware,failing that ,with some humility ask them for a genuine Bible Study and see with open eyes.Nuff said.La huff la puff>and still got some breath left.

  • 5 years ago

    Because by definition-we ARE. Christian means a follower or believer in the teachings of Christ. Jesus himself, was a witness of Jehovah. More so than anyone, he had been witness to the power and love of Jehovah. Why does our identifying ourselves as worshipers of the God that Jesus worshiped preclude us from being called 'christian'. By your reasoning-why do Protestants call themselves christian? Why do Catholics call themselves christian? Why does any religion that considers itself christian have ANY other name, other than 'christian? Next!

  • 1 decade ago









    Greek Orthodox Christian of the Greek Septuagint and the New Testamnet Bible

  • 1 decade ago


    I am not a member of JWs,but to me you sound as though you are using fear mongering.

    Incarnation deals with the relationship between Jesus and God and is a doctrine of men and theological teaching of orthodox (Nicene) Christianity, based .

    ie.......Emperor Constantine helped the Idea by letting other teachings not of God in to the holy writings,such as the cross.

    ("logos" is Greek for "Word")


    The English word nature is derived from the Latin natura and is the equivalent of the Greek phusis ( Rom 2:14; Gal 2:15; 4:8 ; Eph 2:3; 2 Pet 1:4).

    One of the difficult aspects of the relationship of the two natures of Christ is that, while the attributes of one nature are never attributed to the other, the attributes of both natures are properly attributed to His person. Thus Christ at the same moment has seemingly contradictory dualities. He can be weak and oninipotent, increasing in knowledge and omniscient, finite and infinite. These qualities can, of course, be traced to their corresponding nature, but, as presented in Scripture, a variety of treatment can be observed.

    In theology the expression substance from the Latin "substantia" is also used, corresponding to the Greek "ousia."

    Theologians speak of two natures, the human and the divine, each with their respective attributes.

    Much confusion arose in the early history of the church on the problem of how such incompatible natures as a human nature and a divine nature could be joined in one person without one or the other losing some of its essential characteristics. The resulting discussion, however, led to the orthodox statement that the two natures are united without loss of any essential attributes and that the two natures maintain their separate identity.

    One of the difficult aspects of the relationship of the two natures of Christ is that, while the attributes of one nature are never attributed to the other, the attributes of both natures are properly attributed to His person. Thus Christ at the same moment has seemingly contradictory dualities. He can be weak and oninipotent, increasing in knowledge and omniscient, finite and infinite. These qualities can, of course, be traced to their corresponding nature, but, as presented in Scripture, a variety of treatment can be observed.

    Jesus, The Christ was willingly used as an instrument for Gods overall purpose. That did not make him God.

    Contact me if you or any JW's think I am incorrect.

  • 1 decade ago

    As far as I'm concerned anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as their savior is a Christian. Religious and denominational differences aside we are all united by one common belief. As my very wise grandmother used to say " I don't care what church you go to, we're all trying to get through the same Pearly Gates".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being a Christian and saying you are a Christian are 2 different things. Does God call you a Christian? That should be the question. He does not accept all forms of worship.

    Can we be sure that Jesus will not one day say to us, ‘Get away from me, you worker of lawlessness’? Yes, if our worship is thoroughly grounded in Bible principles. It can be if we closely examine the Bible, particularly the words of Jesus. Jesus did walk on the narrow, cramped road to life—in fact, he was “the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6) If we apply his sayings and follow closely in his footsteps, we will be on the same road.—John 6:68; 1 Peter 2:21.

    Jesus’ immediate followers also walked that narrow, cramped road to life. Therefore, when Jesus died he committed into their hands the work of teaching others to worship God. He also warned that he would return and expect a reckoning from them as to how they had conducted themselves during his absence.—Matthew 24:46; 25:14-23; 28:19, 20.

    Eventually, the number of those claiming to follow Christ climbed into the hundreds of millions. But in most cases, the worship by these vast throngs was not based on Bible principles. Thus, when Jesus was installed as heavenly King in 1914 and then ‘arrived’ to have a reckoning with those who claimed to be his followers, what did he find? Millions of professed Christians were engaged in the most terrible war in mankind’s history up to that point.

    Yes, the vast majority of “Christians” were acting completely contrary to basic Bible principles. However, there was a group of real Christians trying hard to follow godly principles and also teaching them to any who would listen in the war-mad world. These were gathered together and in time were joined by a great crowd of like-minded persons. (Matthew 24:31; Revelation 7:4, 9, 10) They are still following life-giving principles, telling others about God’s great purposes, associating together as one flock, and trying hard to conform to the “perfect will of God.”—Romans 12:2.

  • X
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses have ALWAYS been Christians.......our referring to ourselves as such is nothing new.

    You can have people who call themselves Christians but really aren't when you consider some of the unscriptural beliefs they cling to (i.e. trinity, hellfire, immortal soul, etc...) or just by the way they're living their lives (taking sides in politics, going to war, engaging in homosexuality or sex outside of marriage, etc...).

    Or you can have people who call themselves Christians and they can prove that claim by their obedience to the Bible and by zealously obeying Jesus' command to his true followers that they preach around the world about God's Kingdom.

    - You really don't know what you're talking about, do you? Jehovah's Witnesses have never said they want to join those who are misled. If anything, we want to help them to see that they have been misled so they can put themselves back on the narrow road that leads to life (according to Jesus' illustration). also don't have the slightest idea of why we celebrate the Memorial or what it's all about. Have you ever read the Bible? Do you even know what one is?

    - You can "methinks" all you're still wrong. Jehovah's Witnesses have ALWAYS been Christians and have ALWAYS identified themselves as such. We have never proclaimed Jesus as simply "some angel". The Bible tells us that he alone was directly created by Jehovah God, and Bible chronology tells us (along with secular history supporting the Bible's prophecies) that Jesus is right NOW ruling as the reigning king of God's heavenly kingdom, poised to take action against Satan and his system.

    - This isn't's 2009. If you're going to quote our literature, at least try and stay current. You know, at one time people thought the world was flat, but time certainly allowed for a changing of that view.

    - The real "cardinal truth of Christianity" is that Jesus Christ is NOT God, and never has been.....and certainly never was "God in the flesh". Only Satanic false religion promotes such lies that the Bible doesn't teach. The ones who believe and teach a different Jesus from the Bible are the ones who try and claim Jesus as God or Jesus as part of a ridiculous "trinity".

    - "Confussion" is not a word, and you're still not staying current. 1964 is not current. 1983 is not current. And the things you're trying to pick at are minor. Whether people in Sodom and Gomorrah are resurrected or not is a very minor issue. It doesn't change the fact that Jesus isn't God. It doesn't change the fact that Jesus is now ruling as King and will bring an end to Satan's system. It doesn't change the fact that 144,000 ones will be given heavenly life, while the majority of faithful mankind will enjoy perfect life on earth forever.

    Face're making yourself look really ridiculous because you simply don't have an actual education about who Jehovah's Witnesses are or what and why we believe as we do. Your Anti-JW cult programming is backfiring on you.....big-time.

    - If you ever bothered to actually attend a Memorial celebration, you'll see that your claims of us rejecting Jesus aren't merely laughably stupid......but completely wrong. The covenant Jesus instituted with his apostles the night he died was for their share in the heavenly kingdom. Not all of those who follow Jesus have that hope of heavenly life, which is why most in attendance at the Memorial are there as respectful observers......we don't reject Jesus at all. We embrace him as our redeemer and the king of God's kingdom.

    - REAL Christians reject the lie that Jesus is God, since the Bible doesn't teach anything remotely like that. Also, "I AM" is NOT a name, nor does it imply Jesus calling himself God. Only those who are ignorant of the Bible and hold fast to Satanic lies of false religion would claim otherwise.

    Wally, do us all a favor and just admit that you don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about and have absolutely no understanding of the Bible at all. (We can all see it anyway.)

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