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1st month TTC - when should I test for pregnancy?

We are TTC. According to Clear-blue, I am to start 'trying' July 1st. Do we 'try' every day? every other day? several times a day? And when should I test for pregnancy?

Also, if someone could explain some of the short forms used in this category, that would be appreciated. It is hard to understand some of the answers containing short forms like BD EW CM.



7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    BD=baby dance-sex

    EWCM= egg white cervical mucus

    TWW= two week wait

    DH= dear husband

    AF= aunt flow

    O= ovulation

    BFN=big fat nagative

    BFP= big fat positive

    BBT= basal body temp

    OPK= ovulation predictor kit

    CM= cervical mucus

    CD= conception day

    DPO= days past ovulation

    those are the most common terms used here

    you should also start taking prenatals BBT, checking CM and using an OPK and even an ovulation calendar (i use the one on using a combination of any of these will help you better pin point when you are going to ovulate. you should BD every other day during your fertal window and the day of ovulation and the day after. remember you are not always going to O on the same day of each cycle either. good luck baby dust!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I used It tells you your fertile days. Also my doctor says that having sex every other day isn't necessary. He said the more you do it the more chances you have. As far as testing goes wait til your next period is due. If your like me that is harder done than said. Try getting some test from the dollar store. I got my first positive 5 days before with the dollar store test. the first response didn't show until 2 days before!

    Source(s): I'm 10 weeks prego after 1 month ttc!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly, you want quality not quanity. You may want to try acccording to your prefrence in sex of the baby if you believe in that but I would say keep it simple to your most fertile days. You want a good sperm count of high quality sperm. Make sure to have you and your partner eat properly and workout, swim etc and make sure evrything is in tact so you have healthy sperm swimming in a healthy enviorment. I would wait till you are late for your period because it may be a little bit of a wait but at least you have a more of a realistic answer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to test on the first day that you have a missed period, or are expecting a period.

    Do a quick web search for "ovulation calendar", there are a lot of helpful tools out there, that's how I conceived.

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  • have sex every other day... it gives the man time to build up his sperm! and since this is your first month test 19 days past ovulation! use to track your ovulation! its an amazing site!

    AF= Aunt Flo/ your period

    BD= baby dancing

    EWCM= egg white cervical mucus

    DH= dear husband

    TWW= two week wait/ time in between ovulation ann your period

  • I would tell you to try doing it like three days before and after your ovulation day: in those six days, all the times you want to do it.

    Check your ovulation date by online ovulation calendars, or doctors.

    BD> baby dancing-Sex

    CM> Cervical Mucus

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been TTC for almost 2 years now.

    I would have sex every OTHER day.

    And I would test if you're period is late.

    CM=Cervical Mucus

    BD=Baby dancing/having sex.

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