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Proud Canadian, mother of 3 dogs, happily married, Tupperware Consultant. My boys...¤t=myboys.jpg Lucky, 10ish, golden retriever Miles, 7, wire-haired dachshund Joey, 4, Yorkie Chi mix Best puppies in the world! :) <3

  • How do I keep small rodents out of my backyard for the sake of my pups and my sanity?

    Hi all,

    I have a 9 yr old dachshund named Miles. This weekend he found himself a bunny nest and took out 6 of them. How do I keep this from happening again?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Home made caramel... Need help please.?

    Hi everyone!

    I tried making my own caramel following a recipe from Michael Smith - water, sugar follwed by cream. The process went fine, but the caramel had a bitter, burnt taste. Does that mean I over cooked it? It wasnt that dark or anything.

    Also, I have seen caramel made with corn syrup and or butter. What is the best way to make yummy caramel?


    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Shared well with neighbours, having major issues with no water. Please help!?

    We are on a shared well with 3 neighbouring houses - we are number 3 on the line. Neighbour #4 has installed a pump in his basement to suck water directly from the well when his pressure gets to a certain level. The result of this is neighbour #2 and I have no water temporarily, but it happens a lot. I have not spoken to neighbour #1 to see if they are experiencing these 'outages' too.

    So I do have a few questions about this...

    Do I need to get one of the same pumps installed so I can get water directly from the well?

    Should my neighbour not have consulted with us before altering the water system? He is a stubborn 90 year old man and will not turn this pump off. He makes beer, even though he can't drink it!

    What are my options here? I desperately need some help.


    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • wasps nest in exterior pipe. Pls Help!?

    I am going to try to explain this clearly but I am a little clueless so pls bare with me...

    On the back of my house there are 2 black PVC? plumbing pipes with open tops - a short on pointing down and a larger S shaped one coming up. There is a wasps nest in the larger one. I am afraid that the nest will plug the pipe up and whatever vents from there will not be able to vent.

    Can I cut this pipe off and replace it with similar pipe from Home Depot? And is there some sort of screen for the top to prevent this from happening again?

    Also, does anyone know what those pipe are? I see them on almost every house.

    Thanks in advance!

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I'm finally getting my girl! Now what...?

    I have 3 male pups, Lucky is 11ish, Miles is almost 8 and Joey will be 5 in the summer. A friend of a friend has a golden border collie mix 6 month old female. She is not being treated well, she doesn;t go for walks, goes outside on a short lead and spend a lot of time in a crate. So, I spoke to the owners and I have decided to take this pup in. And I have a few questions...

    When do I get her spayed? Should I give her a lengthy period of adjustment to her new home, or do it as soon as possible? (all my boys are fixed)

    When I met her today she peed on the floor. SHe was super excited and just got out of her crate. Could this be submissive peeing or just a puppy bladder thing?

    Lastly, (for now anyways), she has been crate trained, and I don't believe in that. Will it be an easy transition from crate to no crate? Or am I going to have an issue there? I have never crate trained, I was fortunate enough to have somewhat well behaved dogs and again, fortunate enough to be able to dedicate a room to them.

    Thanks all, any advice you can offer is appreciated!

    Also, I don't need to be slammed because I don't believe in crating. To each their own!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Canned Kidney beans.... To drain or not to drain?

    Hello all!

    Just wondering what everyones thoughts are on ddrainingoff beans before adding them to chili. I know Rachael Ray uses the syrup but I have heard and seen other chefs rinse them. And I believe I heard somewhere that the syrup was not good and can make one sick.

    So, what is the deal?

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Computer help needed please....?

    First off, let me just say that I am NOT computer saavy, so please bear with me...

    Here is what I know about my computer...

    It is a Toshiba Laptop, bought it new a year and a half ago.

    I am running Windows but I am not sure what version.

    I am connected thru Rogers Wireless.

    And here is my problem...

    Pages "Not responding" frequently

    Can't open Task Manager

    Scans without prompting me causing the system to run super slow

    I can't stop a current scan on WIndows Defender

    I think I may get violent with this piece of crap!

    Any tips?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Is a 'saws all' the same as a reciprocating saw?

    My husband wants one for Christmas and it would help if I knew what one was. lol

    And what are good makes?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How to help a limping puppy out for a piddle?

    At around 10 this morning, Miles (my 7 yr old Dachshund) was outside playing. He was under the tree and I called him to come in. He took a while, which is normal, but when he came out from under the tree, he wouldn't walk on his front left paw.

    We got him to the vet and they sedated him. My vet felt around and took x-rays. Luckily there are no broken bones. She thinks it is a torn ligament. So, he was medicated today, she gave him the sedative and Profenol (sp?) and a shot of Metcam which he is to take daily for a few days.

    I have tried to take him outside, but he doesn't do anything. He can't (or won't) walk and just wants to come inside. I have been giving him water and he had a good bit of dinner.

    He has rested all day and slept for a good bit. He is now just lying on his pillow staring around (breaks my heart).

    I know his dopiness is most likely from the drugs, but would they cause him to not sleep, or is it because he has rested all day?

    Also, and most importantly, how can I get him to have a pee? Or will he just go when he feels like it? Like tomorrow morning. It is midnight here, so he hasn't pee'd in 14 hours. Should I be concerned?

    Sorry it's so long...

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I feel like the worst puppy mommy ever!?

    I went on a nail cutting spree this afternoon, I cut 3 dogs nails without issue. I saved my dachshund until the end because usually cutting his nails is easy peasy. Well, I will never be able to say that again....

    I had him propped up, cut one paw no problem, on the second paw, he lunged forward and I cut most of his nail off. The amount of blood was astounding! I immediately put his paw in a container full of corn starch for about 10 mins. When I took it out, he started licking it and it started to bleed more. Again, so much flipping blood!!!! I was getting quite woozy. So, off to the vet I flew, running 2 stop signs and cutting off a car to get there. My vet used some sort of wood stick with a q-tip end to stop the bleeding. Hearing my baby scream like he did just about killed me. I don't think I will ever forget his screams, it broke my heart.

    SO the thing is, he is fine - jumping around, eating his bone. I can't get over it. I am getting bouts of extreme crying all day. I feel absolutely awful. And my vet even said to come back in a few days and she would teach me how to cut his nails..... I have been taking care of my boys for years, and this is the first ( and last) time this has happened. I was kind of insulted by her remark. I am not a huge fan of my vet, she is too opinionated, but she cares about my boys, and that's what matters...

    Sorry for rambling, but all this has really tried my emotions today.

    Anyone else have a story similar to share????

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Tomato paste in a tube in Canada?

    Hello everyone!

    So, I have seen several chefs on TV using tomato paste in a tube. I asked a friend to grab me some when she travelled to the USofA and I absolutely love it! She was able to get it at WalMart down there.

    Does anyone know if Walmart Canada sells it? Or any other store....?

    Thanks bunches!

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How can I encourage my boys to play at the park?

    I have started taking my 3 boys to the dog park nearby. I don't take them regularly, and I probably should. We have a very large fenced backyard, it is about as big as the park, so they get lots of outside time.

    But when we go to the park, my golden and my yorkie chi x don't socialize too much. My dachshund is a little social butterfly. My golden with check other pups out and he is getting up there in years (10-12 we think) so he just does his thing. But my yorkie chi is terrified of people, will sometimes sniff another dog, but if a dog sniffs him, he will snap at them. And if 2 larger dogs are playing and barking, he will run up and snap at them. Most times they don't even notice, but their owners think it's hilarious. Most of the time, he stays by me or with Lucky (golden).

    How can I get him to enjoy being there and enjoy the company of other dogs? All of the dogs there are super friendly and love to play.

    Does anyone else have the same problem?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Michael Jackson Memorial at Staples cost $4mil...?

    and they are asking fans to 'helo pay for it'.

    What do you think of this?

    My feelings are perhaps the many big name celebs that attended yesterday could open the wallets and cover it. 4 million in celebrity dollars in a drop in the bucket.

    10 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Ficus tree - leaves dropping off :(?

    I have a banana leaf ficus tree in my living room that is losing leaves rather quickly. The leaves that are on her are lovely and green. She is losing about 10-20 leaves a day.

    I do not have a green thumb so any help offered is appreciated.

    If someone could give me some more info on this tree like watering and light/shade.

    Thanks so much!

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Garlic turned GREEN during cooking. Pls help quick!?

    I grated some garlic into raw mini yukon potatos, white onion and salt & pepper with some EVOO. I put it into my BBQ dish and about 40 mins into cooking, the garlic is green. It looks like avacado.

    Is it still safe to eat? The garlic was fine when I peeled it and it looked normal grated.

    Pls help... dinner is in 15

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why is there frost accumulating in my freezer all of a sudden?

    Why does frost accumulate in the freezer? My fridge is only about 3 yrs old. It is a Fridgidare.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Frustration overload! Why are they good one day and not good the next?

    Why? I just don't understand, why are my boys such good little walkers one day and so not good the next? It seems it's a pattern, Monday -- not a good walk, Yesterday - great walk, everyone was good, no pulling, minimal stopping, and then tonight... good grief! I practically had to drag them the last 75 ft. and we had to stop every 8 ft. They tripped me 3 times! WTH?!

    Let me just say, I love my boys more than life, but it has been a long hot day, one wants to stay outside, the other 2 want in after 45 secs. No one wants to eat... ugh!

    Ever have one of those days??

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • 1st month TTC - when should I test for pregnancy?

    We are TTC. According to Clear-blue, I am to start 'trying' July 1st. Do we 'try' every day? every other day? several times a day? And when should I test for pregnancy?

    Also, if someone could explain some of the short forms used in this category, that would be appreciated. It is hard to understand some of the answers containing short forms like BD EW CM.



    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is in those 'freshness packets' that are found in some dog treats?

    I am not sure what they are called, but I believe that they are in the packages for freshness.

    My dachshund got into the garbage and ripped one up. I don't believe he ate any, but I just want to be safe.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How long can a dog go without food? My vet says 3-5 days!?

    My dieting pup, Lucky (11?yr old golden) is on Slentrol. He has been on it about 2 weeks, down 3 lbs and he is very happy. Last week, he was not keen on eating, but I did whatever I could to get him to eat at least once a day (unsweetened applesauce helped a lot!). He is on Innova Low Fat and he likes it. The Slentrol causes lack of appetite and a general disinterest in food. I am supposed to double his dose now, but I told the vet I won't until the weight loss plateau's, if it does.

    Anyways, I was concerned about him not eating and she said a chubby dog can go for 3-5 days without food, maybe a handful here and there, but with water, that's all they need. I find this totally absurd! There is no way I would allow any of my boys to not eat for that long! Unless it was a medical issue where they could not or should not eat.

    So, what do you all think?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago