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Lv 5
jen asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Frustration overload! Why are they good one day and not good the next?

Why? I just don't understand, why are my boys such good little walkers one day and so not good the next? It seems it's a pattern, Monday -- not a good walk, Yesterday - great walk, everyone was good, no pulling, minimal stopping, and then tonight... good grief! I practically had to drag them the last 75 ft. and we had to stop every 8 ft. They tripped me 3 times! WTH?!

Let me just say, I love my boys more than life, but it has been a long hot day, one wants to stay outside, the other 2 want in after 45 secs. No one wants to eat... ugh!

Ever have one of those days??


@Rock - I agree, the heat is making them crazy, or maybe it's just making me a little nuts! ;)

@Susanna - yes, they truly are like children... today they were like bratty children....they are so lucky they are cute, I tell ya!

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ha! My guys were like that tonight too. It's been in the high 90's here, so playing outside for prolonged periods isn't an option. They've been playing in the house and destroying everything in their path.

    On our walk tonight, my boys were very ill behaved, which very rarely happens. Thank goodness for choke chains. After about 5 minutes of being yanked back to my sides, they conceded and walked like the little angels they normally are.

    My guess is all the pent up energy from not being able to spend mass amounts of time outside like they normally do, so when the sun goes down and it's safe enough to exercise, they lose their heads.

  • Liz H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I used to. Then I started watching Cesar Millan. My walks were down right dangerous. I had to walk them on opposite sides, one pulls, one cuts in to my calf. One day they took me down. I did a shoulder roll on the pavement leaving some skin behind.

    I had to re-eveluate our walks. After some thought I realized my mistakes. We were all excited, I was in a hurry, I did not prepare them for a walk in a calm manner. It took months of practice but we got there. Now I walk both on the same side, leashes looped over my shoulder, no pulling or forging ahead! I was able to add my sister's Lab to our walk so I had all three dogs on my left.


    From the time I pick up a leash or go to the Mudroom I expect them to act calm and respectful. I did a lot of correcting ("uh-uh" or tug on collar and stare at the offender until he/she complies). They must sit. Yeah, one butt down the other pops up. Like a really bad merry-go-round. Insist. Same routine for going out the door. Dogs sit, stay, wait for you to invite them.

    Next: You are in charge of the walk, where to stop and when and how often. You don't potty on the walk - you can hold it. So can they. I stop once or twice early in the walk at a place of my choice. I stop once more near the end. No sniffing and puttering around.

    Last - Leashes/collars/harnesses:

    I don't know what you are using now, but it's not doing the job for you. Time to investigate some options. I can suggest the following products to try in the store. Premier Easy-Walker Harness, or Easy-Walker head collar, Halti head collar, Canny head collar (very different and works better). The minimum to use is a Martingale limited closing training collar. Use separate leads not a coupler so you can correct whoever is off task.

    They are taking over! when they can pay for the kibble they can be in charge - til!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your boys, sound like my girls. on their good days, they walk so nice, ignore other dogs barking, kids playing, and on their bad days, walk, stop, sniff, and so on...... could not take them today, way to hot and sticky. 90 with a dew point of 73. i wanted to, but they could not even enjoy being out side.

    during the hot months my furbabies won't eat until the sun goes down.

  • JayCee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is probably just the heat. It is hot for us as people and just imagine if you had all that fur on you.

    Btw choke collars are horrid. Never use them. They just hurt the animal. Try putting it on you and see how it works.

    (This isn't to you but the person who answered this and people who are dumb enough to use them.)

    Source(s): Owner of two pound pups.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    kinda like children huh? lol/true, just the way it goes sometimes...take deep breaths and remain calm, they feed off ur emotions etc...good luck:-)

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