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Serious question to Christians regarding omnipotence?

Can your God do anything _at all_ or just anything _logically possible_?


Suggested category:

Pregnancy & Parenting > Trying to Conceive


Update 2:


So he can't do something illogical, according to you?

Update 3:

Wisen smart:

Your answer has zero connection to my question.

Update 4:

The apostle:

Then how can we know anything at all about God? If someone says "God is evil" you say "no, God is good", but if our logic doesn't apply to him, can't he be both, for example?

Update 5:

The Apostle:

but logic is what leads you to the conclusion you can trust the Bible.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Given that God created everything that exists, and did so by a simple act of will, what makes you think that you have any hope of understanding Him?

    "Good" and "evil" both come from God.

    We have His promise that "all things work together for good to those who love the Lord"...

    We can't understand God's purposes, we can't understand God's motives...that is one reason why God chose to come to us in the form of a Man. To better know God, get to know Jesus Christ, for He is God in the flesh.

    And, once you know Jesus Christ, your mind will be at peace. You will understand that God, whatever else He is, is love.

    What else, really, do you need to know?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You may be all things LOGIC and all things TRUE and live in your own reality of what that is, but you will never be on the level of LOGIC that God has, and only he has. He has done it all and will do more. You don't understand or comprehend anything that you can't see or can assume is not logical in your eyes. Doesn't make what you think " is not real" a work of fiction.. You are part of proof that he does all things and you are part of his problem. You are his opposition. You are the one putting doubt into people's minds about what they believe, and in my mind anyone against God misleading a believer is no better than those trying to say that they know that their religion is the one true religion. All of this is old and tired and quite boring and has no solution except HIS solution and when he decides to reveal it, all eyes Will be opened, at least for that moment.

  • rich k
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Logic is a human construct designed to make use of available data in achieving understanding, as such it is necessarily limited just as our human minds and senses are limited. A God, being infinite and omniscient as well as omnipotent, would be without such limitations and thus not restricted to the framework of our human constructs and ability to understand, it would be like asking if a human being could do something beyond the comprehension of an amoeba, of course we could, the same would be true for a God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well let's see the miracles of God in the bible. He sent brimstone and fire falling from the heavens to Sodom and Gomorrah, allowed a 90 yr old woman to bear a child, die and resurrect. In conclusion, he can do anything including illogical things.

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  • papa G
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    God as a purpose for the earth and mankind and he does things to fulfill His purpose. His purpose will solve all the problems on earth including problems with pregnancy & parenting.

    Man is imperfect and will remain imperfect until God's Kingdom come and fix all the wrong. trough that Kingdom mankind will be nursed back to perfection.

  • 1 decade ago

    God's miracles are measured by your faith and trust in Him. Sometimes He holds on to our blessings to get us close to Him. To convince us that He is the one, and only one that deserves the credit and the glory. Acknowledge Him in all your ways, his plans for you are good ones, remember that prayer is a two way conversation. Be still and listen to his whispers. The more difficult the challenge, the greater the blessing but its up to you to embrace His love, receive His forgiveness, His mercy, His grace and most importantly, His will.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, logically impossible things remain impossible. There is no was to make a married bachelor or a square with 3 sides.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    hmm...ur sentence shape and grammar kinda fell aside somewhat in the direction of the top, so forgive me if i do no longer understand your question precisely. yet consistent with what i study, you look to concentration on the contradiction of a loving God killing human beings. i think of the biggest component is that God isn't just about love. The Bible pronounced that God is likewise to be feared and respected. how can a loving God be feared if he's all love? needless to say God has the flexibility to kill us and has executed so interior the previous. Does this make God imperfect? no. only because of the fact God's cruel strikes could make him look imperfect to us, yet extremely, interior the top, who're we to decide? an analogy for that's think of we are only a team of dogs obeying a grasp. The grasp is ingesting a chew of chocolate. we'd decide to consume it too. we beg and whine, however the grasp only won't enable us to. we predict of the grasp is being unfair, and that if he's a loving grasp, he will share the chocolate. yet there is not any way we are in a position to appreciate that if we consume the chocolate, we are able to die (dogs can't consume chocolate). so i think of whether we predict of God's strikes are too loopy, who're we to decide? our thoughts capacities only ain't sufficient to appreciate God. it extremely is the comparable element with evolution (which i've got confidence in btw). you are able to't see evolution in case you check out a time span of a few 1000's of years. you're able to desire to bypass 1000's, thousands and thousands of years to be certain an result. comparable element right here. if we only decide God consistent with our awareness and our limited lifespan, we pass over out the super image

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mt 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. <<< means nothing is impossible to God.

    omnipotent = infinite ie. never ending POWER.

    1Sa 1:5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb.

    17 Then Eli [the priest] answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy PETITION that thou hast asked of him.

    20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.

    if you want a baby, email me, i could pray for you ONLY if you want me to.

  • 1 decade ago

    He can do anything....

    but the Bible clearly states do not tempt the Lord your God, meaning he will not do something just because you asked.

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