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Would we get a better health care plan if?

all politicians from the President to the House and Senate were made to drop their insurance for the health care plan they are creating for us? From what I understand they all have the best plan possible and it's free to them.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe if these politicians were getting the health care plans we were getting they would have fixed our system decades ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's the best addition the this health care package that I've heard so far. It would also be a good idea to put them under SS and to have a system that requires them to earn their pay increases rather than allowing them to just vote themselves one. I'd also like to see them work more than 6 months out of the year. I keep saying that this is the dumbest group ever to fill Congress but then, look who's getting rich and who's getting poor.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    once you're a socialist hippie liberal, what's to no longer love approximately Comrade Obama's wellness care plan? Hell, permit's socialize each marketplace...permit's repeal that pesky twenty 2d substitute and make Comrade Obama president for existence...permit's bypass the path of the former Soviet Union. whilst will those communist liberals comprehend that the Soviet Union FAILED...and failed for a reason. Socialism does no longer artwork. Socialism works so nicely that China (the final large bastion of socialism) is shifting in the direction of a CAPITALIST economic equipment... "the hardship with socialism is which you eventually run out of people's money."

  • 1 decade ago

    You're only partly correct. The congress has a great health plan but they do pay a token amount to get it. As far as what they have in mind for us, check the Kennedy amendment. It would exclude congress from having to take the plan they foist on the rest of us. Does anyone else think there's something wrong with that?

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  • 1 decade ago

    We are in for a long 4 years......

    Ofcourse he would not go on the plan. This is just another way to spend money foolishly. Everyone knows it will not work. We would have voted for it during the Clinton years. This is just something else he is forcing on us, to show his power.

    Having had cancer before, and will most likely have it again...all I can say is .... it was nice speaking with you all.

    With his plan, treatment will be out of the question. They will send me home with low grade pain pills.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why don't the just open us the house and senate plan to all of us and we would be done with it. You can then choose to go on their plan at a cost. Problem with healthcare solved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you notice that the Obama was asked if he would give up his plan for his family to participate in this NEW plan? He said no. The Obama is a sly devil that thinks we are all his subjects and that we should be happy with what he deems necessary for us. What a nice guy.

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Unfair, right? Originally B.O. promised a healthcare plan like the House and Senate has. Well, true to his form, that fell to the wayside. But that IS what he campaigned on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stop accepting these people's premises. Obama is going to 'allow' people to keep their doctor. Who the hell is he to 'allow' us to do anything? He works for us! We are the ones who have the power to say, 'No"!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to see them drop their life time pensions as well.

    Unethical at worst, criminal at best.

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