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kikio asked in Entertainment & MusicCelebrities · 1 decade ago

Am I the Only One Who Feels This?

Am I the only person who feels Michael Jackson's death has taken the spot light over other news, including Farrah Fawcett's death which was the same day. I truly feel sorry for her family. His death is plastered all over the news as if he was God Almighty and she has completely been forgotten. I send my prayers out to her family, as I'm sure they would have appreciated a little more support from people rather than her death becoming old hat the same day it happened.


To HT:

I am not being petty nor jealous. To be honest I didn't follow the career of either. But I do feel that because their deaths fell on the same day, and they are both entertainers, that some sort of respect should be given to Farrah Fawcett, not that she is tossed aside. And as far as a "competition"...I never said there was one. I feel very badly that they both died. While I realize MJ's death came as a complete shock, death is death and whomever dies should get equal respect. Yes, MJ was an incredible talent, but that does not mean because Farrah was out of the limelite meant she was not equally famous. Her star burned brightly 30 someodd years ago. I feel badly for both. Never thought this was a competition and am not favoring one over the other. Just felt fair is fair.

31 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes! I feel the exact same way!

    Yeah, it's sad that he died, but his death was not as horrible and painful as Farrah's. She has been dealing with this for years, and it's actually very tragic. She wanted the world to see and learn from her struggle with cancer, and she was an amazing person for that.

    People are dragging it out waaay too much. They are talking about it everywhere-- the radio, the news, the internet (there are TONS of questions about him on here) his music video's are all on TV, special TV programs are being made, and he's on every newspaper. The only time I saw anything about Farrah was on TV for about 10 minutes, and then people found out about Michael Jackson, and that was it. Farrah wasn't considered to be important anymore.

    Michael is definitely not more important than Farrah, and people need to stop being so dramatic over him. He died, it sucked, his fans are sad, but get over it.

    It's ridiculous, and it's not fair.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree. Now, that's not to say MJ shouldn't get his props. He was one of the greatest entertainers of all time, and I have very fond memories of his music. However, Farrah was an icon in her day too, and I know Farrah had been ill for some time, and her death was a bit less shocking because of that, whereas Michael's death came out of the blue and blindsided us, which is probably why it got more attention, but I know a lot of people who have said the same thing you are, and I agree.

    The really disgusting thing to me is that if you or I were even accused of half the things MJ was accused of doing to children, we'd be banished from society and thrown UNDER the jail and labelled as perverts or whatever, and rightly so! But you remind people of all of MJ's alleged acts of molestation and all they can say is "but I still loved Michael." HUH? Why? A perv is a perv, and although MJ's guilt was never proven, if you or anyone else was accused of something like that, no proof would be necessary. You'd be labelled a predator and have to register as a sex offender. Period! Why is it so hard for people to believe MJ just might have done everything he was accused of?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that MJ was a bigger star than she was. I actually didnt know who she was until about 5 seconds ago when i googled her. so i think thats why people are making such a big deal about one and not about the other. I heard that farrah fawcett was a very humble person for being a movie star though. It is truly sad they're both gone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very true..however, Michael Jackson is more well known then Farrah Fawcett. Unfortunately thats how it works in the media. Michael Jackson is the KING of Pop. He made HISTORY in music and changed the game in the music industry.

  • I don't think it is intentional. MJ's death fits more along the line of Elvis or Heath Ledger, not because MJ's life was more important than Farrah's but because his death was not expected whereas hers had been expected. I saw a report that morning that stated she would pass away "any minute." She had been in a hospital for weeks, and under treatment for months. Many honored her while she was still alive, which in my opinion is preferred! Maybe we should be more thankful and loving and honoring towards our family/friends/idols while they are still alive rather than honoring them after they are dead and will never know what your true feelings were.

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG this is not some kind of sick competition you know! The fact that they both died on the same day is an unfortunate coincidence. Just because one gets more attention than the other does not mean that you cannot mourn and grieve for both equally. Try to be a little bit more magnanimous - we are talking about death here and they are both tragedies for their families, friends and fans. Check yourself. This is not the time for petty jealousies, celebrate the lives of those you love and remember those you've lost.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree. I mean, as sad as it is, he is no more a person than Farrah Fawcett is. Her loss to her family is just as hard to bear as Michael's is for his family. It's not fair that she no longer gets a mention in the News.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To be honest, I think any family grieving the death of a loved one would prefer the lack of publicity rather than feeling jealous that Michael Jackson received more publicity.

    The reason why MJ's death was the bigger news was because of how sudden and unexpected it was, and because of the cultural and significant relevance he had on the world.

  • I agree. I mean I do feel for his family but Farrah Fawcett also passed away. Her family is suffering and she should be remembered as well. Besides I think her death is more tragic, her poor boyfriend/fiance won't get to marry her now.

  • It could be a blessing in disguise for Farrah's family. They will now be left to mourn in peace and privacy while MJ's family are hounded and all the dirty family secrets are targeted for media fodder.

    I feel sorry for both families.

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