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Fun loving (but anally retentive) Mom of 2 great kids and one beautiful cat. I have a love/hate relationship with running, looooove pizza and junk food, and would love to be stranded on a desert island with Wes Bentley. Oh yeah, and am a big Rangers and Giants fan!!! Go New York!!

  • Feeling tired after starting to date?

    My son and his girlfriend started dating a few days ago. They were friends for about a month before they dated. She said she wanted space and wasn't ready for a relationship but now says she is. Early in the friendship there was a dispute between the two. My son said he had really liked this girl in the beginning but now he feels nothing and doesn't understand why. He wants it to work with her and says when they aren't together he misses her but when he's with her he feels hollow. He also said he feels tired all the time. She told him today she didn't want to scare him off but she has had this tired feeling since they started dating as well. I'm really trying not to put too much into this because they are both only 16, but it's my son's first "real" girlfriend and he seems to want it to work out. I don't know what to tell him the tiredness is that they feel other than perhaps they both have their guard up for fear of being hurt or maybe they are both mentally exhausted trying to make it work when it's not meant to be. My son keeps saying if things don't work out with her he doesn't want to live, which of course has me ready to pull all my hair out, lock him in his room and not let him out til he's mature enough to handle dating. Any ideas as to what the "tiredness" these two feel might be??? Thanks everyone!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Does anyone know the emancipation laws of a minor in NY State?

    My daughter is 11 and wants to stop her visitations with her father for personal reasons. At what age is she legally able to make that decision without a court order?

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • How to delete hard drive without recovery disk?

    I have a dell laptop. It has become completely infected with a virus. I know the hard drive is infected because it has shut down administrator and keeps showing warning that system 32 is not usable. I would like to completely wipe out my hard drive bringing it back to factory status but I don't have the restore disk. Is this something I can do without the disk? If so, how? Thanks!

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Need Help With Computer Problem?

    My son has an HP computer. He's had it less than a year. I don't know if it's what he's installing on it or what, but it forever has problems. Normally it's a megaclick issue (got one of those now and really wish it were JUST that). For some reason I either can't get to his desktop, or when I do, it starts to cycle thru and then some blue screen comes up with all this stuff on it and says "windows detected a problem and had to shut down" and then all this other stuff comes up including "computing crash dump". I've tried going into safe mode to uninstall some things but with no luck. I've also gotten a message that there is a program that is not compatible with windows that is shutting the computer down. I can't seem to find what it is because when I go into normal mode and back to desktop I'm brought back to blue screen and it keeps trying to reboot with same results. HELP! At this point I can't get a computer guy in and am trying to resolve this on my own. Any help out there would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Am I the Only One Who Feels This?

    Am I the only person who feels Michael Jackson's death has taken the spot light over other news, including Farrah Fawcett's death which was the same day. I truly feel sorry for her family. His death is plastered all over the news as if he was God Almighty and she has completely been forgotten. I send my prayers out to her family, as I'm sure they would have appreciated a little more support from people rather than her death becoming old hat the same day it happened.

    31 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Music From Mr. Bean's Holiday?

    I was wondering if someone out there might know the answer to this. I recently saw the movie Mr. Bean's Holiday. In the movie there is a scene where he and the boy he is with act out the scene from an opera. I know I've heard this music before and not sure if it's the same music from the opera scene in Pretty Woman. Nonetheless, I am trying to find out the name of the song and what opera it is from. If anyone knows I would appreciate the help. Thanks!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Surveillance Software?

    How can I find out if surveillance software has been downloaded onto my computer. I have a feeling my husband has downloaded it but can't seem to find it. Also, can that software give out my password for my email account? Thanks!

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Question for Parents with ADHD Son?

    I have a 13 year old son. He recently had to be evaluated by a psychiatrist in lieu of a superintendent hearing due to a suspension from school. In the evaluation, the doctor had stated he felt my son displayed alot of symptoms of ADHD and recommended he be evaluated for it. My son has always been very smart, but had trouble focusing or sitting still in class. I've gotten calls from every teacher he has had since the 1st grade. He calls out in class and talks about things that don't pertain to the work at hand. His grades are slipping. Lately I have noticed his attitude is getting worse towards me. He has no respect for authority whatsoever. He talks back stating he has a right to defend himself (this is against me taking away his cell phone). He is rude, disrespectful and obnoxious. He hangs around with 2 sets of set are good kids, the other are 2 dirtbags in the area. He has asked me on several occasions if he could sleep over said dirtbags house or stay out later. When I say "no", he comes back and demands I give him a reason other than "because I said so". As his mother I have told him I don't have to give him any reason and he has no rights asking for one since he's the kid. This is getting worse and worse. The other day we had such a huge blowout I took all of his clothes and threw them on the floor so he could go live with his father (we are divorced). He started "crying" and begging me to stop being angry and promised he would change. Lo and behold, not more than 24 hours later, he is up to his crap again. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I feel like I'm drowning in this whirlpool of a mess. I don't know how to punish without there being this huge scream-fest. Any advice would be great, especially if anyone out there has the same situation.

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy?

    If anyone out there is a cardiologist, I'd love some help. I'm a 43 year old female in good health. I have good b/p. I am 5'1 and weigh about 117 lbs. I run 6 days a week, 3 miles a day at between 6-7 miles per hour. I tend to get alot of irregular heartbeats and always have (was diagnosed with MVP many years ago but was told it was very minor and would not cause symptoms). My question is this. If someone is a recreational runner, not running long distances or speeds, are they at risk to develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (thickening of the heart)? I have had EKG's, ecocardiograms, a stress test and even wore a holter monitor (last year) for the irregular heart beats and nothing was every found, even tho those tests were done years ago. Should I be concerned or cut my running routine? I thought I was doing something good for me but am worried I'm doing more harm than good.

    Thanks everyone!

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Would You Feel This Way Also?

    Say you meet the person "of your dreams". You fall deeply in love and want to spend every minute with each other. You are both from past marriages and there are children on both sides. You think this person is the piece of you that is missing. You finally get married after years of dating. After you get married, the s**t hits the fan and this person is not the same. They become an alcoholic, drinking every night. When they get mad and drunk they make you feel small and useless and throw you and your kids out. They sit around and drink and get fat and sleep and don't have any interest in doing anything with you anymore. When you have sex, that person is the only one getting off. Is it wrong to feel like you want someone else? While I realize this was a "for better or worse" thing, how "worse" does it need to get before you start dreaming of another person.

    PS: He knows my feelings so don't tell me to talk to him. He is not interested in changing.

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Natasha Betingfield Song on American Idol?

    Does anyone know what the name of the song Natasha Betingfield sang on American Idol tonight. I can't find it on her newest CD. Thanks!

    5 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Jogging On Mini Tramp VS. Jogging On Treadmill?

    Hey everyone, I have a questions for expert joggers/runners who have ever tried jogging on a mini trampoline. I have been running on the treadmill since September. I haven't lost any weight but at least feel I'm doing something good by running. I run 6 days a week for 3-3.5 miles at between 6-6.5 mph. Problem is, I have started developing very dibilitating pain in my joints, especially my right leg. Pain in knee, shin and ankle are causing me alot of pain when running. Doctor sees nothing abnormal on xrays. My question is this. Has anyone ever jogged/ran on a mini trampoline and are the benefits as good as the treadmill? I'd really like to know because I would hate to give up jogging altogether, but my legs are crapping out on me pretty quick. Thanks everyone!

    2 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Scrubs Music Question?

    There is an episode of Scrubs where there's this fast song playing and you see alot of excerps of other episodes of characters dancing. Does anyone know the song and artist?

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Idol Elimination?? ? WTF???

    Ok, am I the only one here who thinks tonight's elimination was way off? While Michael Johns might not have had a banner performance last night, he should not have been voted off yet. Kristy...who has managed to keep flying under the radar, should have gone LONG before him, followed by Syesha and Jason. I thought for sure he was going to make it to the finals. When I read that there was a shocker of an elimination tonight and the person leaving was not in the bottom 3, I had a feeling it was him. Sorry got it wrong this time. Good luck Mr. Johns...I know there is a contract with your name on it waiting for you.

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Running Question?

    I have a question for expert runners out there. I've been running for about 6 months now. I run every day for 3 miles at 6 mph. My question is this. As far as weight loss and endurance is concerned, is it better to run at a faster pace for a shorter amount of time, or a slower pace (5 mph) for a longer time and distance. I've been alternating lately between 6 and 6.5 mph and trying to throw a few minutes of 7 mph in there but it's hurting my legs. What's the better solution? Thanks everyone!

    6 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Eli Stone Soundtrack?

    Does anyone know what songs (beside's George Michael's Faith) were featured in the pilot to Eli Stone last night? There was a song at the very end of the show and I didn't catch the credits to see if it was listed. Would appreciate any help. I've tried searching the web and came up with nothing. Thanks all!

    Go Giants!!!

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • World of Warcraft Install Error Code?

    I just got a new computer for my son. It more memory and faster processor than last one. I tried to download WOW and it keeps coming up with some sort of bootstrap #132 error message. What can I do? I did a Memory scan and it came back that there were no errors. I never had this on his other computer and this one has a better graphics card as well. Is Vista an issue here?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Sims 2 Bon Voyage Installation Problem?


    Been trying to install The Sims 2 Bon Voyage on my daughter's laptop. Have enough disk space and memory and Disk 1 installs fine, but when I put Disk 2 in, it just sits there and does nothing. What could be causing this and how can I get it to install? Thanks!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Disk Space Question?

    I have a question and hope someone can help. My daughter has the Dell Inspiron B130 notebook. I just upgraded her memory to 2GB because I was having trouble installing The Sims Bon Voyage. For some reason, I still can't install Disk 2. I can do the first one but the second one just sits. I did disk defrag today but I could only do C drive. I need to do E drive because it is saying in properties that there is no space left. How can I defrag drive E and if I can't, is there a way to install more space onto the hard drive? I know The Sims games take up alot of space. She already has The Sims 2, plus a few of the expansion packs so I'm guessing there's no room left. I hope someone can help since the $75 I just spend in memory was useless.

    Thank you!

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Emachines T3095 Running Slow and Freezing Up - HELP!?

    Hi everyone! I have a question for anyone out there who has knowledge of PCs. My son has the emachines T3095 computer. It has the AMD Sempron 3000+ Processor. I have upgraded his memory to 1GB and have upgraded the video graphics card. His computer runs slow constantly and always freezes up. He has deleted alot of programs to see if it helps, but nothing. He mostly uses it for MySpace and World of Warcraft. I contacted emachines who gave me told me to run a system tune up. I did and it is still freezing up. Is this a processor problem and if so, can I upgrade the processor without having to spend to buy a whole new CPU? Both Dell and emachines say no, I have to buy a new system. I can't afford to do that now. Any ideas would be helpful.

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago