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Is Heaven attainable or a pipe dream?

If heaven really exists, what percentage of people make it there?

How can any human being claim truth in knowing who and what God favors?

Does being pure, loving, and Christ-like etc guarantee a spot?

Is Hell more fun? or better armed?

Heaven or Hell. Is there a third option?

Are everyday sinners tossed in with the murderers and child molesters?

22 Answers

  • LJM
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Heaven is real and you get there by trusting Christ as Saviour. Ephesians 2:8,9. You don't get there by your works, only by putting your faith completely in Him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only God knows the percentage. If a person claims that we cannot know the truth about what God favors, then they are making a claim which is just as falsifiable as the above one you asked. Being pure does not guarantee admittance. An all perfect being would not be able to tolerate wickedness in his presence, this is why Christianity is so revolutionary, because the chasm between us and perfection is so great that the perfect being came to us and created the bridge for us. Hell is not more fun. Imagine the hottest day of your life, multiply it by a thousand and then there is not a single Starbucks or water fountain anywhere (no beer either).

  • 1 decade ago

    The scriptures say that few will be saved.

    We know what "God favors" because He has revealed it through the Scriptures.

    The only thing that "guarantees a spot" is being born again.

    He is a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Doesn't sound like fun to me.

    There is no third option.

    All sinners (all people) are deserving of hell. Murderers are no worse of better than thieves, or liars etc. Only those who repent and are baptized as Peter preached will avoid Hell and then only because of Gods grace not their own goodness.

  • Andy F
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know, and I don't call mysefl a Christian anymore.

    When I still did, though, I was much impressed by Jesus's comments in one of the gospels that "The kingdom of heaven is inside you," or as some scholars translate it, "The kingdom of heaven is among you."

    This is also my sense of what the eastern religions -- Buddhism etc. -- are teaching at their highest.

    If "heaven" exists, I think it exists HERE and NOW, for the people who are spiritually and emotionally open to it.

    I could be wrong about this, of course. But I personally don't think that God created one afterlife called "heaven" and another called "hell," even if I like to think that my political opponents will end up in hell.

    As for the murderers & child molesters, perhaps they are in "hell" already, since that's the reality prevailing in their minds.

    But I don't know, and don't know of anyone who does, not for certain.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Pipedream. Here's why:

    Heaven and hell exist only in the minds of people. I presume the heaven and hell you speak of is that of the Catholic faith. Why question just that version of heaven and hell? There are countless versions of the idea of both through time. Why not question the possible existence of Valhalla and Hades?

    No version of heaven or hell survives after the people who created it no longer exist. Ie: No more Vikings, no more Valhalla. Furthermore, the idea of Valhalla never existed until the Norsemen created it. After they were gone, so was Valhalla. Did it ever REALLY exist? Of course not. But to the Vikings who lived in those times, it was as real as heaven and hell are to modern day believers. With the passage of time, all religions are destined to become myths.

    Source(s): I am a born-again turned atheist. (For me it was a long, grueling process that took years.)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hear the voice of a spirit that claims to be God™.

    He say's that everybody goes to Heaven. Evil people get their punishment there by Him. There is no Hell.

    Some people will get a gift. That gift is reincarnation, as themselve's, 1,000's of times. People will live like 'Adam & Eve' did. Naked and unashamed. Earth's climate will be stable enough for naked people, as the oceans will be back in the sky again, where they were before the flood.

    Men will have several, or more, wives. Women will also have wives, as they will far outnumber men on Earth.

    Some people are ineligible for that gift. Because of something that they do or have done, but they still go to Heaven.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heaven and Hell are states of mind - there is nothing to attain in the afterlife but truth. People live in heaven or hell ON earth, based upon the environment they create inwardly with their thoughts and outwardly through their actions. No one can buy a ticket to heaven or hell through a religious belief. Heaven is yours NOW by believing in yourself, by being compassionate and creative, and by not doing anything to anyone that you wouldn't want them doing to you. As above, so below.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. I hope at least 90%, even though the Word states that it has enlarged itself to receive more.

    2. We'll just take a good guess.

    3. No. You must confess Jesus. The Word says "no man comes to the father except through Jesus".

    4. Can't answer that, but with the people who claim they will bust hell wide open, I would not want to spend eternity with them.

    5. Haven't heard of one that would convince me to opt for it.

    6. Yep.

  • AmberP
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    if you are talking in forms of christianity then i have this take on it. Heaven is a place of being at peace, hell is a place of feeling "away" from God. I do not believe in hell as a literal place of eternal damnation. I believe that heaven can be acheived or felt around us..if we just stop to apreciate what we have around us.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heaven is real and so is hell.

    The awsome thing is, is that heaven is attainable. and you dont have to work for it or be god enough to get there. how could any one be good enough to go to a perfect place like heaven.

    instead Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins we have commited so we can go to heaven. but you have to accept him and realize you are not good enough because of the worng you have done and ask God to forgive you. you can have any questoins answered just call 847-695-6222

  • Of course it's Michael Jackson, a Chuck E Cheese was heaven.

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