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A question about tolerance (impossible for atheists to answer)?

Pretend for a moment that the holy book you subscribe to doesn't say anything about homosexuality. Would you accept homosexuals?


Because Atheists don't subscribe to holy books.

Update 2:

I said "pretend for a for a moment"! You're really just taking the mask of morality off of your hate

Update 3:

I guess I should have directed this question directly at gay bashes, huh?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    but the Bible DOESN"T say anything about homosexuals.

    Genesis 19. the city of Sodom was not punished because the liked butt sex. the Sodomite were punished because they were rapists and murderers.

    Leviticus 20. An Old Testament book full of the the laws of man. There's two strikes against that particular passage

    Romans 1. These people were worshiping false gods and participating in orgies. it for their lust and blasphemy that they were punished, not because they were attracted to the same sex.

    1 Corinthians 6. Fornicators, referring to those who have sex without love. Adulterers, referring to those who cheat on their spouses. Boy prostitutes, referring to child prostitution.

    1 Timothy 1. Talks about prostitution

    Jude 1. Talks about Sodom Gomorrah, which as I already stated were punished for being rapists and murderers.

  • Dawn G
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    But why can an atheist pretend to subscribe to a holy book. And don't forget that many atheists (like me) were believers before they starting thinking for themselves.

    I accepted homosexuals even when I subscribed to a holy book. (I called them "People" though)

  • 1 decade ago

    I already do accept homosexuals and think that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and gay marriage. And I am Catholic.

    Generalizations about people are dangerous, my friend. You probably (WRONGLY) assume that, because I'm Catholic, I'm also against a woman's choice in abortion and evolution, and that I'm some stupid redneck. As much as some Christians generalize atheists, some atheists are no better and gneralize us right back.

    Source(s): Liberal Roman Catholic.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont recall the Vedas or Bhagavad-Gita mentioning homosexuality. I see no reason not to accept anyone for their beliefs, national origin or lifestyle.

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  • ron-D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Pretend for a moment that the holy book YOU subscribe to doesn't say "thou shall not judge"...Would you still judge? Of course you would, and you just did by thinking an atheist couldn't answer your question.

    And FYI...religious nuts aren't the only bigots who discriminate against gay people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I, as an Atheist and a human male have no issue with what anyone does in the privacy of their bedrooms. Homosexuals are as human as the rest of us, they just are attracted sexually to other humans of the same sex.

    Taoist/Atheist (very tolerant social liberal)

  • 1 decade ago


    I accept people as long as they aren't hurting anyone. Homosexuality is what it is, I might follow a religion but I also use my brain and have my own opinions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont subscribe to any holy book, and yes I accept homosexuals. Their preferences are no business of mine, and if it makes them happy, so be it

    Source(s): A good friend of mine is gay.
  • The Book does mention it, so pretending it doesn't makes this an impossible question for Christians to. I know you would like to corner us with you profound thinking, but its really not that profound.

    Edit - Just for the recoord I have nothing aginst gays. I have freinds that are gay. It is an issue between them and God. Not my business.

  • 1 decade ago

    no fair. who would they pick on? who would they feel superior to? the rest of the "sins" are easy to do so they all done those. That one no so much since is a genetic thing so is easy not to "sin".

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