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What to do about an annoying mother?

Ok... I am almost at the end of the pregnancy, and have really gotten fed up with my mother. I have tried to ignore you comments, but my hormones are going all over, and I have not been sleeping, so I can't deal with her remarks. First off, my husband is Muslim (and so am I now, but that is something she does not need to know. A whole new can of worms would go flying), and we gave our first child a Muslim first name, and a more so called "normal" (her terms, not mine) middle name. We had a bunch of names picked out for this daughter, but we thought we would just keep it simple like our first. We both (my hubby and I) loved the name Ameera for the first name, and Bella for the middle name. My mother has done nothing but complain about how whenever she tells people what we are naming our child, they go "huh?" I also get comments from her like... "I read this article about how kids with weird names grow up with emotional problems because they get picked on." She tells me I need to give her a more American name, and she is going to call her Amy. Now, she calls up, and tells me people are asking why I am giving my children "black" names (how offensive can you get?). WTF! They are MUSLIM names and there are a lot of muslims that are black in America. Does that make the names any less beautiful? I think not. I almost told her to stop being so racist, but I bit my tongue as usual. Oh... and yes, she is obsessed with the color of my children's skin. My daughter tans real easy, just like her father, and I have to hear how she is starting to look black (rolling my eyes). What the heck do you say to something like that? I pretty much hung up on her, but that is really not the best solution. My mother also is the kind of person that thinks because she gives me money for their room, that she dictates the color, and style of it too. We no longer let her do that. How do I put her in her place without being a psycho 8itch about it?

Sorry for the rant...


Nefertiti: I only wrap up when I am in Morocco, I don't mind it actually, I just am not accustom to it, but if my husband wanted me to, I probably would. My Muslim name is Fatima! I have, on occasion, worn my jahlabah out and about, but my belly is too big right now.

10 Answers

  • nana
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My father is arab and muslim, so he insisted that all his children have arab names, despite my mom being a white american woman. Anyway, my name is Latifa. Yes, like Queen Latifah (but without the "h" at the end, as you can see). You want to talk about getting black comments, well, I'm your girl!

    "Oh, your name is Latifa? Like Queen Latifah?"

    "Your name is Latifa? Isn't that a black name?"

    "Latifa? You don't look black!"

    That's because my name is not a black name, it is an arab name, and that isn't even Queen Latifah's real name. Her real name is Dana. She picked the name Latifah from a book of muslim names.

    Sorry!! As you can see, I just had to rant about it. I like my name, really, I do, and despite ignorant and rude comments, I wouldn't change it. Anyway, back to your mother.

    Seriously, she needs to stop. You need to talk to her about everything she is doing/saying. After you clearly explain what the problem is, say, "Mom, I love you, but if you don't stop, you are not welcomed around the family." She needs to respect your family, despite your personal decisions.

  • You can do what I did with my mom when she was bing a racist, bigoted wench....I cut her out of my life. And now my life is much calmer and less stressful! Your mother has no right to pick her own name for YOUR child. Ameera doesn't sound like a "black" name. It sounds like a beautiful name (my name is La'El <lay-el> and I am sure people think that is odd). It sounds like she cares way too much about what other people think of her and you, so make it easy on her, don't have anything to do with her and then she doesn't have to tell people anything! My husband is actually the same religion as my parents and the same race as my father, yet they think I should have married someone within the exact denomination they are and "whiter". They can kiss my rear. My husband and I have been married for ten years, he treats me like a queen and I never have to worry about him abusing my children physically or any other way. He is clean, sober and a great provider.....what more can any parent ask for their child? If she is unwilling to accept you and your husband for who and what you are, then to heck with you want her making comments like this in front of your children (for me even once would be too much) and making your children question your life choices?

  • 1 decade ago

    My MIL hated my daughters name and carried on about it as well. I finally had it (after 9 months of taking it) and told her if you do not call her by her name she will not call you grandma, she got very quiet and did not mention it again. As far as her skin goes I would tell your mom that you do NOT want that kind of talk around your kids and that it really hurts you and to not bring it up again. You need to gather your thought before you talk and state them calmly yet firmly and do not give in to any more conversation about it. As for the money stop taking it then she cannot hold it over your head.

    Edit: by the way I think the name is beautiful!

  • 1 decade ago

    Assalamualaikum, let Allah be with you. My family is Muslim also. My little brothers names are Abdullah and Abdul, my name is Nefertiti and my mother name is Fatima. I don't look at names as being black names or anything like that because my Grandmother is black and white, so fortunatel for me I have a biracial family. Your mother is just very ignorant and was raised by ignorant people (and I am very sorry to say) but she shouldn't act like that. Do you wrap up like a Muslim? E-mail me if you'd like... or

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think Ameera is a beautiful name. Now, if your mother is racist in her comments to you, dont you think that she will be that way to your daughter as well? You need to stand up to her for your family's sake. I dont know why you feel that you need to tip toe around your mother, if it were me and she was saying racial things about my daughter, I would not allow her around my family. Maybe that is something you should consider, tell her that if she wants to see your family she is going to have to change. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just calmly tell your mother that it's your decision. She had children of her own and she decided the name, nursery, ect. Now it's your turn. If she doesn't like that she can't control it, then tell her to simply leave you alone until she understands that these are YOUR children, and this is YOUR life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone is going to have their opinions Just know whatever you and your husband decide the way its going to be

    and her "low class" comments aren't going toaffectt you because your not going to let it

  • 1 decade ago

    wow i would say either you accept your grandchildren they way they are or don't come around and disrespect me or my family that i love no matter what color they are. .. geesh its not the 1950's anymore..

  • KitKat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    avoid the "mother". learn to set boundaries for yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love moonshine. She is always right, you know that your should always respect your elders.

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