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Right or wrong? AARP does some good for seniors, but is too far left and becoming a for profit business.?

10 Answers

  • DeeJay
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Couldn't agree with you more. We could see it coming - when the so called liberal elderly celebrities took over and it was all about them - no longer for benefit of all seniors.

    No longer a member.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, AARP lobbys for seniors issues and have done some good. They have done some harm as well, like backing some of GW Bush's programs. However, they will never forfeit their not-for-profit status. They would never actually get in the business of competing for seniors dollars.

    Yes, they have changed the marketing model. Yes, they tend to focus on non-typical seniors, stars, rich and famous. Just think, if Micheal Jackson had lived a little longer he'd be a topic with AARP also, sadly. Hopefully the managing group at AARP, are beginning to see just how many seniors are not happy with AARP. Much like the republican Party, they are in need of a serious make over. When and if that happens I'll consider rejoining, until then, I'll stay out.

  • Cleo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I agree. AARP has been for profit for a long time like most other "not for profits". I refuse to send them the membership money and sent an email asking them to take me off of their mailing list. Still get the darn stuff filling up my mail box.

    My mother in law did taxes for the elderly and low income as a part of the program that AARP recruits seniors to do. The last 5 years people with incomes over 200,000 a year were coming in to get free tax returns filed. When she called AARP to get support and guidance, she was told to go ahead to do those peoples taxes and basically shut up. These were people that could afford a professional tax service but decided to dodge their fee and get the freebie.

    AARP wouldn't even reimburse my mother in law for her printer ink used during tax season.

    A month before she passed away she notified AARP that she wouldn't be doing taxes for them anymore. One of the last conversations she and I had was about AARP and her advice to me was not to take their membership. This gal followed that advice.

  • 4 years ago

    There are particularly some distinctive spells that paintings for turning out to be a mermaid, right this is the single i be attentive to basically right: a million) Get a Pisces flower. it somewhat is a undeniable style of flower, with seven almond shaped petals that are sea-green. you should be waiting to locate it decrease than water, some quarter of a mile from shore. once you have it, destroy it into pulp and combine that pulp with clean sea water. go away out interior the completed moon's shine in one day. 2) consume that blend, and close your eyes. do no longer OPEN THEM. 3) walk to the sea, nonetheless with your eyes closed. on the way, repeat this mermaid chant: Iv A Von, Sartis, Menamon, Sartis. Iv A Von, Menamon, Jagsta, Kestar, Sartis. Iv A Von, Sartis, Menamon, Sartis. Iv A Von, Venamon, Casta, Mex. 4) once you sense your get touching the sea water, shop on going until you're thoroughly submerged. Open your eyes. despite the fact which you do, do no longer resurface until your sight darkens thoroughly. Your legs will sense numb and you will sense drained, yet do no longer difficulty, it somewhat is the potential of adjusting right into a mermaid. once you awaken, nicely. you will see. ;)

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  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't be surprised if AARP were connected in some way to ACORN. I'd have to say WRONG because I can't see anything good in their magazine or on their's just a joke to this 55 year old! I don't have a credit card or bank account. If I did, I'm sure the good folks at AARP would clean it out!

  • nappa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    right they are not what they were supposed to be. the sponsers that advertize for them are many times more expensive than buying from somewhere else.

    i have been a member for many years and have to check elsewhere for prices and find aarp is much higher, so if you do belong be sure to double check with others before you buy

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That's true on the whole. Sadly, it benefits me more at this time than I am "moved" to oppose it's negatives.

    Have a Seasoned day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are way too far to the left and spend too much money trying to recruit new members. Hmmm, sounds like a Ponzi scheme.

  • cutsup
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    what is the good that the aarp allegedly does for seniors. this is just another money grubbing Corporation that to, is purely self serving. in short, they suck!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they are communists that will turn us into soylent green

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