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Do you have any tips for getting an 18 month old to sleep in a toddler bed?

Last weekend I converted my son's crib to a toddler bed. He's been able to climb out of his crib for quite awhile now, but until last week it was very infrequent. Then he decided instead of going to bed he'd rather just climb out over and over like it was a funny game. Until then when he was tired we would lay him down and after a minute or two of protest whining he was sound asleep. Now he sobs "Nighty-Night" over and over at bedtime and refuses to lay in his newly converted bed, or even in my bed with me. Rocking while restraining him for a half hour to an hour while he screams and sobs is all that seems to be working lately. Eventually he gives in and goes to sleep, but even then he gets up in the middle of the night and comes and joins my husband and I. I'd love to hear about anything that worked for you in a similar situation.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I lay down with my 20 month old - he has been on a mattress on the floor for a few months. we say "it's nite nite time" and say goodnite to his friends at daycare. I keep the lights out and lay next to him and after we say good night I don't say anything else. he usually wrestles around for a while, but eventually he gets tired enough to fall asleep (usually about 20 min-hald an hour)...I don't believe in letting them CIO. That never worked for my family. what about reading him a book in bed? does he still use a binky - mine does and that seems to help him settle (although many people say that 20 months old is too old for a pacifier, it works for me!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell him that hes a big boy now and he cant have his baby bed back.

    Every night that he sleeps in his bed give him a reward in the morning. Like maybe an m&m or a new matchbox car if hes into that stuff. But only do it for the first few nights because he will excpect a reward every morning.

    If that still dosent work take away some of his favorite toys and tell him he will get them back when he sleeps in his bed like a big boy.

    Maybe even go to the store and let him pick out his own comforter to get him more excited.

    Hope this helps

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My daughter grew to become into approximately 2 as quickly as I got here up with a thank you to maintain her in mattress. i'm uncertain if it is going to artwork with an 18 month old, in spite of the shown fact that it would. i offered some super glow-in-the-darkish stickers that have been separate (no longer all on one sheet.) i might flow examine on her each couple of minutes and if she grew to become into in mattress, i might placed a decal on the chair next to her mattress. i did no longer take the backing off the stickers so i ought to reuse them each nighttime. It worked great.

  • 1 decade ago

    As mean as this sounds it is normal to let him cry until he goes to sleep, at least Once or Twice just to see if that works.

    My son was in the same situation, What I did was Put his bed RIGHT next to yours so he feels he is Right next to you and is sleeping with you but is really on his own bed. With time, You can move his bed further away from yours. If that doesn't seem to work, You can Fix his/her bed with things she likes, I bought my son Transformers sheets and he loves sleeping in his "Transformers" Bed.. lol, That is what he calls it. Small things like that might work. Bed next to yours and sleeping right next to him, Both of u on separate beds worked for me.

    Good luck, And just like we ween them off Bottles, Pacifiers, etc. Let them cry, You are in charge.. They aren't.


    Source(s): Mommy for 4.5 years .
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  • 1 decade ago

    He might not be ready for a toddler bed yet.

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