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Melissa asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Whats the safest way to loose weight?

I am 23. I have high blood pressure its 230/190 almost always! I cant afford a doctor. I am 234 pound and 5'3. I have a bad hear also. So If I run or ride a bike I feel my heart in my through is that normal? I have been walking everynight for 3 months not lost a pound or inch! I drink nothing but water and eat the same. I heard small changes to start then slowly eat better then your body adjust better. Any ideas? Tips? Or your personal experiences? I will report abuse and spam! I know I am a fattie hense why I am seeking help! :)


So if I cant eat after 8-midnight. I stay up till 9am and sleep till 4pm. I work nights! 11pm-7am I have ALWAYS been chunky! I was 10 pounds when I was born and was 110 pounds in 2nd grade. So I have always been fat :( Dont know what to tell you about gaining But I dont want to die so young I am afraid thats going to happen if I get on a treadmill or run! I want to not have a heartattack! lol I have cut all drinks but water already

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, the first thing to do is to not resort to stravation, and just merely water. Yes, it has been proven that water 'cleansess' your body, meaning it literally flushes out most of the unessecary stuff. But you should also consider drinking green tea, cold or hot, as it has the same effect as water, except works faster and cleansess your body much quicker. I know this is a bad explainination, but search online a bit about 'green tea and weight loss', im sure you'll find better explainnations out there. Also, try yoga. Nowadays, its not just a form of meditation, but its a great form of weightloss. It slims and tones all parts of your body. Cardio workouts also help with weight loss, but if you have trouble breathing when your heart speeds up, then you shouldn't do cardio. You also have to remember that whatever path to weight loss you may choose, you have to be consistent about it. Make yourself a schedule, make time for exercise in your day. 30 minutes of exercise every toher day for starters and as you build up strength, you should increase the time from 30 to 45 minutes, and then move on to doing the exercises daily. Also, don't rely on scales when your trying to lose weight. When you exercise, you build up muscle and muscles weight more than fat. So instead, use a measuring tape, or just rely on how u feel to see if you lost weight or not.

    As for diets, strict ones are nearly pointless. Yes, so you go through the torture of not eating anything except for rice, as an example. you lose weight, but as you go off the diet, you gain it again. Trust me, if done that before. It only makes you more depressed. Instead, try eating low fat, low caloric meals. Never skip breakfast- studies show that the people who dont eat breakfast are less inclined to lose weight than the people that do. Good foods are salads (careful with the dressings though! A spoonful of dressing may just make the salad a high caloric food. Instead, try making your own sauce: example: lemon juice, oil, a bit of sugar and salt to taste). Also, chicken is a must during your weight loss process. Chicken has a ton of protein and protein is vital when you are exercising: it helps build up muscle and burn fat. Also, try to limit your self on snacks. But when you feel like you MUST have snack ( i know i had those types of days), have something healthy, like a low-calorie granola bar or a handful of nuts, or an apple. Something not fatty.

    If you are looking for the safest way to lose weight, its basically, in a nutshell, what i wrote above: a good, steady routine that you will not give up on, and a balanced diet (which also includes small servings. Just enough to fill you up. dont over eat). The pills and coctails you see on television and such are really not that safe, so i wouldn't recommend those. I hope i helped a bit :]

  • 1 decade ago

    Develop a good sleeping habit.

    Watch what you eat. I would suggest staying away from starches and fast foods. Drink water and orange juice.

    Keep walking but try to jog in spurts along the way.

    Go swimming frequently. It's summertime. Do that while you have a chance. Try to achieve swimming 5 laps than push for more.

    Drink alcohol in moderation.

    These are the steps I suggested to a friend and she has lost 45 pounds in the last 6 months.

    Good Luck. If you have any more questions e-mail me. I am a personal trainer. I would like to help.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, I feel you! That's tough, you have a bad heart...

    The first thing, when trying to lose weight, is to sweat it out. Something high energy. You can try a DDR game and progress slowly that way. Another thing you're going to want to reconsider are your eating habits. Just drinking water won't work. Usually staying away from sweets or pop/sodas help too. Add more vegetables in your diet and less meats. And try not to eat foods past 10pm. Keep with the water, juice, tea, and milk.

    Stay away from processed foods.

    Just keep doing high energy stuff at your own pace. You will lose size and weight. Rest when your body needs it. Don't push yourself too hard.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Start by eating more fresh veggies and lean proteins. Eat more veggie snacks during the you will not actually decrease your food intake, you will only decrease your fat and sugar intake. No more chips! And yes...drink lots of water. no more juice or soft drinks. Also cut out the salt. Try salt substitutes like potassium chloride instead.

    Try fast walking...not running. you can use hand and ankle weights to help increase the aerobic benefits, too. As you get better, you can add jogging.

    Also try muscle building exercises...they will increase your resting metabolism, thus helping you burn more calories. As well as improve your over-all health.

    You can try various aerobic exercises like Tae Bo, but you need to start easy...and as your weight drops you can increase your output

    Keep in mind that the basic equation remains the same:

    You MUST burn more calories than you consume!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Morning: 1 glass of milk OR 1 glass of orange juice with Calcium

    Lunch: Broiled or microwaved in water fish or chicken. Add 1 spoon of olive oil. Eat a tomato, too.

    Dinner: 1 glass of milk or 1 glass of orange juice with Calcium

    Do some walking and be patient. It takes time for the body to adjust & start shedding the pounds. This diet works. If you keep getting hungry eat an apple. I satisfies your need for something sweet & completely erases your hunger. Good luck. You can do it!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Small changes for sure. NO diet pills! Walking is a good start and it's all about your DIET. Eat live foods the most. Make it a lifestyle change. You don't have to see the whole stairway. Just take the first step.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cut back on your meal portions. Don't eat late at night (say past 8ish). Stick with fruits and nuts as snack food. Exercise can only help so much, you need to control your intake. Large lunches are preferable to large dinners because you can work some of your lunch off.

  • 5 years ago

    jog on the treadmill at 4 mph for 25 minutes or at 7 mph for 9 minutes

  • 1 decade ago

    HEALTHY diets and slowly start into exercise... more and more every day, don't just starve yourself and exercise 24/7 (believe it or not- if you starve yourself, u get fatter and bloated cause ur body stores food cause it thinks it is starving) so just healthy eating-

    stay away from big portions and unhealthy snacks (especially midnight snacking)

    feel better about yourself, everything will work out! believe me...



  • 5 years ago

    invest in a standing desk like the ergotron workfit s 379 ergotron com or get crafty and raise your monitor and keyboard with books

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