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Real JW Questions to ponder. Please I want an answer from a Jehovah's Witnesses!!!?

I joined Jehovah's witnesses because they had "True Love" among others and this is primary reason why I joined them, since I did not see that in my church members and they were only concerned about money all the time. I always believed they had True Love for Jehovah and Jesus. Since Jesus has given our life back and he is our king and ruler, and I am really grateful for him. So I always believed that Jesus taught us to love Jehovah and as his people should be the same. My faith could not have been easily shattered but I think JW people faith is vulnerable when they come to know Bad incidents much inside. And its not easy when you are in a congregation for a long time, you seem to hear some irrelevant context of messages which is indeed true when it gives you the whole shape, this makes you feel sorry. And my mind goes through and says where their True Love? Ex: Broken Marriages, Unity. These thing do happen in a Christian congregation and but you cannot find the truth anywhere else isn't? That’s what I believed then and that’s what I believe now too. These wandering questions let me to research about JW, which indeed a wrong move made by me, since then I have many confusions and contradictions. I do have cleared some issues which I researched. I am firm in following doctrine of JW 1.Trinity, 2.Hell, 3.Ressurction, 4.Blood, 5.Prayer, 6.Salvation. And one of the things which I fear I was confusing myself is the "Last Days and it’s Predictions". And another one is "Christian Brotherhood".

"Last Days and its Predictions", as I have been researching I found out 607BCE is not the date accordance with the history, this sometimes was confusing since the beginning date is wrong and the end date is correct (1914). Though not fully correct, it is partially and it marked the invisible presence of Christ. And thereafter 1915, 1918, 1925 and 1975 has been prophesied as the end of this system of things. And about these dates I heard many facts really unable to digest, but I did. These incidents made me question myself, and I had some answer recently and I was not satisfied yet. Sometimes I even think about Jesus words in Mark 13:32 (NWT) where it states "Concerning that day or the hour nobody knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the son (Jesus Christ), but the father". But why do JW proclaim a date for the end of this system of things, even Jesus Christ and Angels do not know the date. I have been assured that Jehovah does everything for your good and you should think same for those dates, there is a reason behind those dates and Jehovah only knows it. Some JW say that Jehovah wants to filter wrong people from the organization. Anyway it does not satisfy me, since Jehovah sole purpose is that everybody should repent and be saved. (2 peter3:9, 1Timothy2:4 NWT). And telling a false prophesy will not certainly do it, does it? Most of these times I get knocked down when I support JW ideas on this matter of Last Days of Predictions. Can anyone of JW clear that issue for me?

"Christian Brotherhood" it’s disturbing to know whether JW are demanding Enforced unity among fellow Christians. It sometimes leads to serious problems inside the congregation and in family. Yes I have to agree the fact that JW have created unity among color people, different caste people etc, and they are like a single family and I rate them as high among many others who try to make reforms on this matter. But the point here is different while people are not allowed to show disrespect face to face among the people who they don’t like, they are virtually hated inside their hearts and this reflects on their attitude towards others and it gets worsen day by day it leads to hypocrisy. And many of these worrying incidents happen among Elders who have responsibility to teach the congregation with their example. And sometimes Unity is must even if you know the elders are doing wrong, you should not form groups this is likely to follow the example of David even though he knew that Saul is doing bad he didn't kill him because Saul was anointed by Jehovah. I have been associated with 3 congregations for the past 5 years and I have seen all this among the people who call themselves "True Christians". It’s not that I have harm against JW, it’s my anguish. But I do give due credit to some of those in congregation who have really proved that they are True Christians for themselves and others. But why do JW demand enforced unity while the bible shows that first century Christians were united within their hearts (Ephesians 4:13 NWT). Can anyone of JW clear this issue for me?

Please don’t get hindered by my words. This is something serious which should be looked into, and this does not mean JW are not True Christians, because God's chosen people (Israel) at ancient times did go through some of these serious issues like this.


Thanks to your answers, JW's. I am really proud there are multitude of people to help out here. (Heb 12:1-3) I am sure I would do my best to keep off apostate teachings from me.

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I will not try to address your entire post, only a couple of points.

    We do not try to enforce unity, BUT it is absolutely Scriptural to prohibit those who promote disunity from doing so. For example see Romans 16:17 & 1 Corinthians 1:10. In a similar line of thought, Titus 3:10 says: "As for a man that promotes a sect, reject him after a first and a second admonition." A sect is disunity at its worst.

    Sometimes Jehovah allows wrongdoing to continue a while, even among thos in responsible positions, so others can show their true feelings, whether they really are following Jehovah and his congregation under Christ, or just following men. If we allow the actions of some men to pull us away from Jehovah, who are we following?

    As for the date of 607 BCE, actually that is the correct date despite the things opposers say.

    There is far more evidence than I could ever begin to post here to prove it, much of it can be found at the following link:

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Alex, I thank you young brother for posting this question. Over the years I have done just this and asked my self why I bother with those that are no longer JW's for whatever reason. Last week a question was asked that had to do with what you are saying. I have always answered the X-JW's so people that don't know the truth about us can decide for themselves who is telling the truth. BUT, after last week, I've decided to not bother with those people any longer. I know one that has so much pain that stems from something that happened when this person was young. I don't know if it is the truth or not but something has caused this person pain and that causes attacks on JW's to be strong. I have prayed for this person to the point of tears at times and all I can do is turn it over to Jehovah our God as His Hands are the best place for anyone. I personally won't be replying to any I feel are no longer JW's.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are doing a wonderful thing by asking a question and wanting to know what you should do. But you have to be careful who you get your answers from on here. (I.E. Pay Dirt. Pay him no mind) As was stated in many of our brothers and sisters answers above, you should go to an elder that you feel comfortable with and let him know how you feel. Tell him what's going on. But remember, you have to do it in a mild temper, and be humble about it.

    Whenever I feel like there is so much going on around me that I can't see any positivity around me, I go back into my Bible and look at 2 Timothy 3:1-5. What are the days that we are living in? The last days. That scripture isn't talking about ones who are outside of the congregation only, but they are talking about ones INSIDE the congregation. (don't worry, I'm not shouting. I'm using the caps for emphasis.) Just try extremely hard not to let those attitudes rub off on you.

    In the Israelites time, when they disobeyed Jehovah and left him, do you remember what Jehovah did to them? If not, go back and read the this account (Deuteronomy 28:1-68 NWT). Jehovah always gave them a choice and the results for choosing either road.

    I hope this helps out a little bit, at least.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sometimes there are bad associations even inside the congregation

    “Now we are giving you orders, brothers, . . . to withdraw from every brother walking disorderly and not according to the tradition you received from us. For your part, brothers, do not give up in doing right. But if anyone is not obedient to our word through this letter, keep this one marked, stop associating with him, that he may become ashamed. And yet do not be considering him as an enemy, but continue admonishing him as a brother.”—2 Thessalonians 3:6, 13-15.

    Also, in some congregations there may be serious problems just as there were in the first century. Don't let that stumble you either. Remember the organization is not perfect and neither are it's members but it has God's spirit and is being used to accomplish his will even as the nation of Israel was once used by him and look at all the badness that existed with them from time to time.

    “Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God.”—John 6:68, 69. If we don't have the truth then who does? and why? Who else is preaching the good news for a witness to all nations?

    Need more?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Doubt is a serious problem that you should not allow to ruin your Christian identity. If you have questions that needs to be cleared up talk to an Elder you truest. If you don't want to do that then write the Watchtower they will write back but it will take a little while.

    Every congregation has problems. In some congreations the people are more loving, while in others the people are more spiritual minded. That is why we have our oversees to address some of the problems they see in each congregation and how each congregation can rectify it. Find out who the circuit overseer is for your area and write to him if needed. If it is serious enough he will discuss it the next time he is at your congreation. Instead of watching the bad you see in others, you be an example Jehovah in due course will rectify the situation if there is one. Jehovah's Witnesses have disfellowshiped ENTIRE congregations because of wrongdoing. My aunt belonged to one such congregation. She along with a FEW others were not disfellowshiped and were sent to other congregations in good standing. Her old congregation is no more.

  • hunter
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You have received a wall of great answers here which is good,and which you will get from no other people of any other religious group on the face of this whole earth. Are you a baptized witness of Jehovah,and your opening about your reason for joining was about a people with true love should have gone beyond that with love in your heart for the Truth itself and the one that gave us it Jehovah and his son Jesus through his earthly contact with you .Your research is off and if you go down the line to a simple but strong answer is the one by (Goshine2) that may apply to your quest for a reliable answer to YOU in your particular frame of mind. You ARE in serious doubt so RUN to Jehovah for help,and the capitalized words are just emphasizing. Edit--If you talk to the travelling bros or your local Elders I would suggest bring along a copy of your detailed Que. you have here as perhaps it expresses yourself better than a verbal conversation alone and your question can serve as a note of reminders,things you won't remember in conversation.

  • God's people are not any more perfect today than they were in the first century, when the Christian congregation was established and guided by the holy spirit.

    The fact is that God uses imperfect people to do His will, since there are no other kind of people available. That means mistakes, wrong actions, wrong thinking, and other matters that have to be corrected. Many of the letters in the New Testament were written to correct wrong thoughts and wrong actions among spirit-anointed Christians.

    You are only giving one side of a story, and every story has two sides. But even if what you say is 100% accurate in your experience, it only shows that Jehovah's people are human beings striving to serve God. We are not perfect and we make no claims to perfection. But we do keep trying to fulfill God's will and purpose to the best of our ability.

    Also be aware that the experiences you describe have not been shared by other Witnesses. Therefore, your bad experiences do not describe Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole, and may be representative of only a very few among us, who need to continue growing toward spiritual maturity.

    But do not be so easily stumbled in your faith. If anyone is looking for mistakes, they are easy to find. But above all that, Jehovah has a worldwide association of Christians who truly love one another and who truly love Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Our love is far greater than our human imperfections.

    Source(s): The HOLY Bible
  • You said ... ""Christian Brotherhood" it’s disturbing to know whether JW are demanding Enforced unity among fellow Christians."

    In my experience, the unity among Jehovah's people is honest, unmatched & true Christian unity .. it is not enforced but comes from the heart. This can only be experienced if you are within the congregation ... that is, baptised & part of that worldwide brotherhood.

    We are not perfect & may have tiny differences of opinions, we are imperfect humans, after all. But ... our love covers over all differences we may have & united us in love & worship.

    You also refer to Jehovah's Witnesses as though you were not one yourself. Maybe it's the language barrier.

    About 607...

    In short ....this is the correct date because we know the bible to be accurate when it says that Jerusalam would be desolated for 70 years. This went from 537BCE ... & counting from then 70 years takes us to 607BCE. We know Jehovah's word to be accurate & so disregard other speculations.

  • Mindy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Holy great wall of text Batman!!!

    Well maybe I shouldn't be answering because I'm only studying, but I would say that you should go to the elders in your congregation, unless your nervous that if you tell them of your doubts that you'll get punished, disfellowshipped or something. From what I have seen and no of so far, the elders are very caring and are in the congregations as a way of God protecting his people and helping those who go through hardships in this chaotic time period of the last days.

    Dude, are you scared to go to the elders? You shouldn't be. Any elder who punishes you for having or expressing doubts should be ashamed of themselves. Then again, like I said, I am only studying. From what I have read, you have received some pretty damn good info here from JW's.

    Those that I truly believe are JW's from what I have read of their comments here and in the past are:




    An Earthly Hope (I totally dig her answers)

    Porcelain Vessel (I love her spirit)

    Quicentella 3

    Myro (I freakin love that JW)

    Rick G (He has very sincere answers)

    Lone Dissenter (although I don't think he is one of JW's, his heart is in the right place and I like his defense of the Bible. LD reminds me of Saul who became Paul)

    LadyWife (I think she's one of JW's, although sometimes her answers seem a little to the left at times, then again it could be just that her mind has a tendency to jumble things around. I know many writers who have that problem. Then again, she could be just plain nuts... who knows. J/K LadyWife)

    Love from Lisa is just a straight out the box custom designed born again false Christian and the website she mentioned is apostacy (or is it apostate? I get confused with the exact wording). Who the hell asked for Lisa's input anyway? The question was for real JW's, not real born again Christians and whatnot. Then again, I'm only studying so maybe I shouldn't have answered either.

    I'm sorry if my answering is offensive, I meant no harm.


  • 1 decade ago

    RUN!! IDIOT!!! RUN!!!

    Brother Jackson, one of the Governing Body, gave the concluding Talk at LA Dist Conv. He had this neat illustration at the very end of the convention. He said what if you were watching a football game on tv and it was the Trojans against the Fighting Irish . . . and it's been a good game . . . and it's coming down to the last seconds and the Trojans get the ball ( then he stands like a football player) and then he starts running (and he picks up his foot like he's gonna take off) and you're glued to the tv - just waiting to see what will happen . . . and he makes it to the 30 then the 20 then the 10 yard line and he's at the one inch line and he stops. the guy with the ball stops and starts looking around for the game clock. and he yells, how much time do I have left???

    And you're staring at the TV in disbelief !!!! What do you do?

    You yell at the tv - IDIOT!!! RUN!!! RUN YOU IDIOT!!!

    (and he's yelling this from the stage)

    It was so hysterical - then he stops and says that's where you are. This system is dying. We're the event the universe is watching. We're at the one inch line and some are stopping and looking around and wondering where we are in the stream of time. RUN!! IDIOT!!! RUN!!!

    Don’t look at the time just run . . . run . . . we're almost there.

    It was a very dramatic ending.


    Don't just stand there and over think this thing...none of us are perfect...we're at the end of 6000 years away from perfection.

    We're all fighting to stay alive, stay well, have jobs, raise our kids, take care of our parents, clean the house, do the shopping, go in service, study for meetings, read the literature, visit the sick, shop for clothes, and squeeze in a little vacation time at the assembly. And you may think some are prejudiced.

    People seem to hang out with people like themselves. There's a group of single sisters that go out every Friday night to the show and out to eat. I heard them talking about what fun they had and expressed a desire to join them one week. The smiled and said ok...but they have not invited me yet...they are all black and I am white. But it is fine with me. My son and I hang out now on Friday nights. He is grown but unmarried and likes to be with me for an evening....He's a good guy and a fine brother.

    Don't look at what everyone else is doing. Go ask someone straight up to go hang out with you....go to starbucks....or a restaurant....don't take everything so personal..

    We are walking to the end side by side...let's help each other along and have enough love to cheer where we can and encourage the rest.


  • 1 decade ago

    While this is not the place..I give U the benefit of Doubt....You say: why do JWs demand enforced Unity ? This is a False hood as You well know and not only that ,YOU bring Reproach on Jehovah.

    Jehovah is Our God and not to be compared to we imperfect humans. Humans are limited in knowledge and ability. They fail to discern fully the real needs of others, On the contrary, nothing escapes Jehovah’s eyes. Jehovah often helps us without our discerning and appreciating that fact because we have a tendency to focus on what we do not have and to overlook the many blessings we do have. Rather than being quick to blame our Brothers and Sisters in the faith and Jehovah for any problems we face, we should try to discern the blessings from Jehovah that we enjoy.

    According to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, a “blessing” can be defined as “a thing conducive to happiness or welfare.” Do you appreciate that this is especially true of blessings from Jehovah? Jehovah is Matchless as a Provider. When a wife says that her husband is a good provider, she generally means that he cares adequately for the needs of the family, providing sufficient food, shelter, and clothing for the family’s happiness and welfare. How good is Jehovah as our Provider? Take a closer look at our planet Earth, man’s home. It is situated 93,000,000 miles [150,000,000 km] from the sun, just the right distance for the moderate temperatures that make life possible on earth. The 23.5-degree tilt of our globe is designed perfectly, resulting in the varying seasons that contribute to abundant harvests. As a result, the earth feeds more than six billion people. Jehovah is indeed a wonderful Provider!

    Moreover, the Bible assures us that Jehovah is deeply interested in us as individuals and in our welfare. Just think, Jehovah knows each of the billions of stars by name, and not even one sparrow falls to the earth without his knowledge. (Isaiah 40:26; Matthew 10:29-31) How much more does he care for humans who love him and were bought with the precious blood of his beloved Son, Jesus Christ! (Acts 20:28) Well did the wise man proclaim: “The blessing of Jehovah—that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.”—Proverbs 10:22.

    One of JWs

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