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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Religious Questions (Religious people only please)?

What I mean by that is that there are so many reasons why people believe there's no god. Please answer these questions.

-1)Why do believe in God?

-Did your parents?

-Because you want to believe in a better place?

-Because you're scared of death?

-The bible says it even though the bible was written by Jesus' followers years after Jesus died?

2) Why do you think your religion is right and others are not?

3)Why do you think very crazy religious people vote based on religious beliefs, smother other people with their beliefs, and pretend they're always in god's will?

-Why do you think rather religious countries that battle each other always say that they'll win because god will help them succeed? (Sarah Palin said that about US and the Pope said that during the Crusades)

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Because I see perfection in the world around me.

    Parents- not really

    - I do believe in a better place but we have to make it so ~ 'be the change you want in the world' (Gandhi)

    - No, Death is natural. Life is a circle, always beginning and ending but never beginning or ending.

    I don't believe in the bible

    Why do you think your religion is right and others are not?

    I don't, my religion is right for me, not necessarily for everyone else

    Why do you think very crazy religious people vote based on religious beliefs, smother other people with their beliefs, and pretend they're always in god's will?

    because they're crazy

    Why do you think rather religious countries that battle each other always say that they'll win because god will help them succeed? (Sarah Palin said that about US and the Pope said that during the Crusades)

    - because they're crazy

    Source(s): Wiccan - religious does not mean christian.
  • 1 decade ago

    1) Because I see her work all around me every day. Someone must be causing all this chaos { HAIL ERIS!


    My parents believed in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic god but not that strongly.

    The better place is oneness with the multiverse

    There is no real death just transmigration

    The bible is like a travel guide from 2000 years ago

    2) I don't, all I believe is that my faith is right for me.

    3)If you are secure in your belief you don't need the validation of others believing exactly as you do. If you have doubts you need to make sure everyone agrees with you. No religion is the one true one but the truer ones must be sought.

    "Each seeker must find their own path"

    Having said that I should add

    "When the pupil is ready the teacher will appear"

    I'm willing to concede for some Christ is the way. But he ain't for everyone that's fer sure.

    People who run multinational corporations and Countries find war profitable. They do not want to risk their necks fighting though. If they asked most people to go and fight so they can get richer and more powerful most of them wouldn't. Religion is something they can use to motivate the rank and file average guys and gals to "Go defend the faith from the godless heathens"

  • 1 decade ago

    1)I know God is real. God saved me from my self-destructive ways.

    One parent is an agnostic and the other parent is an atheist.

    No, I don't believe in God, just because I want to go to heaven.

    I am not afraid to die.

    The Bible wasn't written after Jesus' death only the NT.

    2) Jesus is the only way, that is why.

    3) Same reason crazy non-religious people vote based on their beliefs, smother other people with their beliefs, and pretend they're always right.

    4) Because that is how leaders get people to support what they are doing. Non-religious people use science and progress to justify their actions.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    1: I believe since God almost always answers my prayers as yes and I've heard him (or her, how do we know the gender?) speak with my ears (not just my heart, my HUMAN ears!)

    2: I think there's not necessarily a wrong way to worship God (well, very few) but I think most standard Christians don't believe in the last supper, and as a catholic, I do, because (s)he died for our sins and gave his (her) body for us to eat and blood to drink so we could be more like God.

    3: Because few things make since about crazy people!

    4: Because they think they're right and think God will save them since they "are".

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  • 6 years ago

    1) I feel as if I've felt God's presence, there have been quite a few coincidences after praying, so I decided to believe.

    - They do

    - I don't believe in the afterlife though, (and if it does exist I'm indifferent)

    - Death does seem scary, but that's not why

    2) It seems to make sense, and I prayed for a sign that it was and it was affirmed.

    3) No one wants to be wrong, and if they think they're right, then it makes sense that those who believe differently seem wrong in their eyes.

    Okay, this doesn't necessarily answer this, but there's a story in the bible in which the people of God want to fight a nation, and ignoring God 's will, they take the ark that was believed to contain an essence of God (God is considered omnipresent so it's not the entirety of God) and take it with them to the battle field. They believe they will win because "wow, we have God on our side" but God has them lose and the ark is stolen. Even though they literally brought God with them, they lost because the battle wasn't God's will.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe in God because He created EVERYTHING. And yes my parents believe. I believe in Heaven after death. And no, i am not scared of dying b/c i know that i will be going to heaven. God created the universe that is why i believe that every one should know God. Believers tell others about God b/c they want them to believe and be saved

    "God will help them succeed" they believe in God with all their heart and they trust Him that he will give them strength to get through the difficult times.

    Source(s): been a christian all my life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God calls people to Him.

    Religion is wrong. Jesus said to beware of false religion.

    People can pretend anything they want. All that God has to say to us is written in the Bible. That is why it is there.

  • 7 years ago

    Understanding the Almighty God, would have you work at getting to know him. Although we have evidence all around us that he exist, there are many misconception about his purpose and love for mankind. I encourage you to study wholehearted for the truth.

    This site help change my misconception about God and help to see the difference between "gods" and " God". It will also answer every single question you have listed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because i belive there is too much in the universe to be created by itself. there has to be creator.

    i dont think islam is the only right religion. in islam jesus, moses, noah,adam all r ONLY prophets of allah and have been sent to bring people to the right path.

    some people whose faith is not strong hide in the veil of religion as they r scared of death. these people promote their own religion in the wrong ways.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1)-i do believe in god because of serveral reasons Mostly because I use my brain.

    Random fluctuations don't randomly start themselves. And scientific processes have to be driven by something. Saying they 'spontaneously' happen.... is roughly saying they 'magically' happen. Wrong. Atheism is out of the question. God is controlling it.

    there is nothing created by itself .

    -yeah they do believe in god too.

    -because its logical to believe about better place after your death its not logical to die and there's nothing after it that means in this case killing people and do bad things then you die its the same to someone live a good life help people and do good things thats not logical ofcourse there's better place to good ppl and to ppl who sufferd in this life and bad place to ppl who killed raped and destroyed .

    -its the opposite i never scared about death because its a normal thing plus i didn't do bad things in my life so far so why should i scare and there's a muslim wisdom says 'live your life as you never die and live for your destiny as you gonna die tomorrow' the meaning of this moslim wisdom is enjoy your life be seccuss in your job do your best be happy and look for it but in the same time pray to god thank him for his graces and do good things in your life help ppl and try to never hate or destroy and ofcourse never kill another person .

    -i'm muslim so i believe about quran and i believe in jesus as a great prophet and a good massanger but to me there's one god who created everything and who stills creating things .

    According to Bible and the Qur'an (scripture of Islam) God is ONE and he doesn't like anyone to associate partners with him. Second in Christianity Jesus has taken in some sects and dominations as GOD. Which is not true, because Jesus never claimed to be God, he was the Creation of God. God cannot be born of womb of Woman, he cannot eat,he cannot sleep,tempted by Devil .

    2)-i think my religion is right for many many reasons :

    The word 'ISLAM' came from the Arabic word 'Salam' and Aramaic 'Selam' which means 'Peace'. It also means Submission. The word 'Islam' means Submission (your will) to ONE God. So the basic principle of Islam is propagade that there is only ONE God. Then those who are part of this Religion are known as Muslims. Muslims means 'The one who Submit to One God or Worship One God.' Jesus Christ who is known as Son of God among Christians was also a Muslim because he worship one God.

    ISLAM is the ONLY religion whose doctrines made any sense. Non-contradictory, non-irrational, non-erroneous, etc. I have found things that don't make sense in every religion except Islam.

    So when you find a religion as non-erroneous as Islam, there is no point in going on and studying the other minor religions which might as well be wrong, because they're derived from the major religions, such as Sikhism, Confucianism, Jainism, Shinto.. which I did lightly read about.

    And as a Bio Major, the science in the Quran just astounds me.

    It was ahead of its time, the Quran is poetically impossible to imitate, it's consistent with the natural world, it's beneficial. This Holy Book is perfect.

    Perfection only comes from God.

    This Holy Quran has to be the final revelation of God.


    3)-i always vote based on logical beliefs .

    -because each country thinks they are in the right side plus to make them feel more stronge and ofcourse when you believe that you are in god's side and you do believe in god from your deep nothing will stope you and that stronge beliefs makes always the different in the battle .

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