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To all atheists, is air real?

This may seem like a dumb question, but hear me out. Don't give a stupid answer, it will only show your lack of intelligence. Do you believe air is real, and why? You can't see air, even wind. You can see the results of wind, but not the wind itself. Does that mean it isn't real because you can't see it? This question is for all who think they are wise, and please don't talk about the components of air, that is not the question. You say we believe in a God we cannot see, and you are right. But like air, is He not real because we can't see Him? Look around, you can see the creation, His effects. Look at torn up homes and trees, and you will see the effect of a tornado, but the air cannot be seen. By faith you believe the air you breathe is real, and at the same time don't believe in the One who gave you the lungs to breathe it. Just as real ( and even more so ) is the love of God towards us. You can't see it, but it is real, just like your love towards others, a boyfriend, girlfriend, or family. Love cannot be felt physically, does that mean it isn't real? Just think about your answer a moment before you give it, and we will see how wise you are. Feel free to invoke science for this one, I am curious to see if there is a real answer.


I expected ignorant answers, you can't even give me scientific proof, but use the same argument against the bible. Pretty lame people, I thought you could do better than that.

Update 2:

I said see, the same thing you have said about my invisible God. I didn't say measure, or feel. Didn't you "hear" the question?

Update 3:

You can't "see" air in a wind tunnel, maybe the smoke added or the movement of it, but not the actual air, just like you can't see God, who is a Spirit, but He created the air.

Update 4:

Only Tammy gave the right answer, believe

Update 5:

LOL, you guys/gals are funny.

Update 6:

LOL, you guys/gals are funny.

Update 7:

Ok, my final attempt at an explaination. Jesus told the religious people if the destroyed the temple ( meaning His body ) that He would raise it up the third day. They HEARD if you destroy the temple, you'll build it in 3 days? They only heard the natural, Jesus spoke the spiritual. He said He would raise His temple ( or body ) in 3 days, and He did just what He said. I said how do you know the air is real if you can't see it? Many heard measure, feel, or something other than see. You don't have to see to believe is my point.

Update 8:

Jesus said blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed in John 20:29

Update 9:

Hey, check this out by science. It is a scientific fact that when the body dies, the spirit ( or breath of God ) leaves the body, and it weighs about three fourths of an ounce. God gave this breath to Adam and it is more than just air, it is the real you, your spirit.

Update 10:

Final statement on this: all of you reject God's evidence which proves that He is real. You can see trees, oceans, birds, animals, etc, but just refuse to believe that God created them. God said in Romans 1:18-21 that everyone will be judged who ignore the truth about creation, which is His proof that He is real. You can see His creation, but refuse to believe that He is the One who made all things. Creation is your visible evidence.

64 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh the irony of your "lack of intelligence" remark.

    Wind velocity can be scientifically measured & "air" is nothing but particles, particulates, & atoms that can also be scientifically measured. If wind velocity couldn't be measured, an pilot would have no idea how fast the plane was flying and the weather man would never be able to tell you the speed of the wind. Now show me a piece of scientific equipment that can measure "God", then you can talk with the grownups.

    And I'll add this, since you only want to air your own opinion and only hear people with that same opinion.....Proverbs 18:2 “Fools have no interest in understanding; they only want to air their own opinions.”

  • CJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ya know, you can't ask a question that solicits a scientific answer and then set your own biased conditions. You either want a real answer or you just want to go ahead and stay in the darkness. If the latter, then you are wasting your time, because you are making no point at all with your non-question, and simply looking absolutely ignorant.


    "and please don't talk about the components of air, that is not the question"

    Well, sunshine, you can't set the conditions. It's like saying "Prove to me that God doesn't exist, but use only verses from the Bible." Well, that condition makes a real answer inpossible.

    In terms of air, the space shuttle is in orbit and the Saturn V powered the moon missions to the moon. A COMPONENT of air was and is used to power these rockets, oxygen so cold that it is liquid (and visible). Other rockets use liquid Hydrogen -- also visible.

    But really, the bottom line, as your question proves yet again can be found in the words of one of our Founding Fathers:

    "Religions are all alike - founded upon fables and mythologies. The Christian god can easily be pictured as virtually the same god as the many ancient gods of past civilizations. The Christian god is a three-headed monster; cruel, vengeful, and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three-headed, beast-like god, one needs only to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites" -- Thomas Jefferson

    Pretty clear, eh?

    EDIT: By the way, sunshine. You CAN see air, and you see it all the time. Water is air that has been cooled. Air is water that has been heated. Condensation is proof of this. Look it up! LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Air can be measured, its a gas that can be detected and measured by scientific equipment. Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant. It makes no difference to your life what so ever if you believe there is air or not.

    God on the other hand so far has been totally illusive. God is claimed to be responsible for all creation, but all research refutes that. There is zero substantiation to the claims and actually completely contradicts it.

    Science is objective they have no specific agenda other than to find the cause of things. They have no specific agenda to prove anything and are just looking for answers. If people are too egotistical to admit they could have been wrong because the results of the research does not agree with their pet theory, then they are truly stupid.

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks .

  • 1 decade ago

    I can feel the air. I can feel the wind. We can see the effects it has.

    "I expected ignorant answers, you can't even give me scientific proof, but use the same argument against the bible. Pretty lame people, I thought you could do better than that.

    7 minutes ago

    I said see, the same thing you have said about my invisible God. I didn't say measure, or feel. Didn't you "hear" the question?

    4 minutes ago"

    Don't lie. It reflects poorly on you.

    "You can't "see" air in a wind tunnel, maybe the smoke added or the movement of it, but not the actual air, just like you can't see God, who is a Spirit, but He created the air."

    You can feel it though. You can see its effects if cloth or other loose objects are placed in the wind tunnel.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well you have a very small understanding of science, which is ok you are religious I don't expect you to be to good at it. Seeing is not the only way to measure something. We can quantify everything we know of except God. There are ways to detect the presence of air and the elements that make it up. The fact is there is no way to ever detect the presence of God. Period. Love also is not truly real it is a hormonal reaction to the presence of a person your brain happens to like/love.

    In gets a bit deeper because in the old school days of Socrates the presence of God used to be scientifically proven, with their science at the time, but when science could no longer prove God existed everyone switched over to a "faith" system. "How do you know God exists?" "I have faith he does". BS!

    I propose a new thought experiment to you. There is a tea pot that sits between Earth and Mars. No device can ever measure it's existence but because I say it is there it must be there!'s_teapot

    I also have one last question for you. Why is it in every school of thought the burden of proof is on the believer. Yet in the case of religion the burden of proof rests solely on the non-believers. It is up to you my friend to prove God's existence not me.


    There is no scientific proof that the body gets lighter when you die. Seriously what is wrong with you? Cite a science journal or a medical journal if you want to spit out of a fact like that. MacDougall's study in 1907 does not count because even he said they didn't know truly when the person died. 21 grams was just a movie.

    To your "I said 'see' air". Well you can't SEE air, buddy but you can still measure it. You can't measure God at all. There is NO proof he exists at all. There is on the other hand tons of evidence that supports air's existence.

    Do not quote the bible when you try to prove God's existence that is not how scientific debates are won. You have to cite true evidence not a story written by MEN many years ago.

    To everyone else a sad fact is that 1/3 of americans believe God wrote the bible himself, don't ask it doesn't make sense to me either. the other 50% of americans believe that God spoke to man, less crazy but still insane. The rest of us know it is no more than a collection of fables and myths.

  • 1 decade ago

    we do NOT say you there is no god because we can not see him, we say there is no god because there is no EVIDENCE to support his existence.

    you make the assumption that its all creation based on your biased beliefs. i look around me and see a lot of things that can be explained naturally.

    no i do not believe the air around me is real by faith, i know its there i can feel it, breathe it smell it, even taste it. we can test it and verify that it is in fact there.

    Your basic premise is wrong so the rest of your question is nonsense. LOL and you talked about lack of intelligence....

    EDIT- you can easily scientificly prove air exists, you can not do the same for God. your arguement is a straw man and no matter how much you try and defend it and say we are giving ignorant answers, it will not change the fact that your basic idea is wrong and fails from the start.

    Every single answer here is the right answer to your terrible obviously not well thought out question. you bring up intelligence then when you get 30 good intelligent answers you completly ignore them.

    you sir are full of fail.

    EDIT2 -

    "You can't "see" air in a wind tunnel, maybe the smoke added or the movement of it, but not the actual air, just like you can't see God, who is a Spirit, but He created the air."

    but you can prove the air is there, you can not prove that your god is real or that he created the air. making a claim like that needs evidence and you have none.

    EDIT3- thanks we are funny, and intelliget, just wish we could say the same for you.

    there is no need to believe when you can prove it exists. if you can prove something exists, no matter howits done, sight, touch, taste, hearing,or smell then it exists, you can not to any of that with God.

    your anology is horribly flawed and you might as well jut accept it.


    "I said how do you know the air is real if you can't see it?"

    you know it by measuring it it other ways.

    ok so your point is you do not have to see to believe, but there are other ways to be sure. by other means of testing it.

    if you can't see something then you use other things to test its existence, you don't just say its not there.

    if you mean to come across as you don't need to see to believe then you did it in an a**backwards way.

    Edit5 -

    you can not even prove Jesus said taht since the bible was not written during his lifetime.

    EDIT6- There is no scienticfic evidence for the spirit. makigng false claims only hurts the education process and make you look like a moron.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all everyone here has probably seen air. Have you ever been under water and exhaled a great big air bubble? Have you ever used a curly straw to blow bubbles in your chocolate milk? If so, you have seen air. Further more "Not being able to visually see god." is not my argument for why I do not believe in a god, you are setting up a straw man argument that is logically faulty so that your counter argument will look superior.

    There is no empirical evidence of god.

    We can analyze that air exists using more advanced technology such as a mass spectrometer. As a matter of fact a mass spectrometer will allow us to measure all kinds of tiny molecules that are invisible to the human eye. There are are number of ways in which we can find empirical evidence for the existence of air; they are quantifiable and testable.

    But there still remains no way to test the existence of god. You cannot physically feel, taste, smell, see, or hear god (despite what some people may claim). You claim that we may witness the results of god, in the same way that we may witness the results of wind or a tornado. However, there is no evidence to suggest that god was responsible for any of these "results."

    The fact that there is no evidence for god's existence does not disprove god, it simply means that it is very unlikely that he is responsible for many things in nature. If you are trying to answer questions about who created the universe or who started that first big bang... then: Thor smashed his hammer on an anvil, or a unicorn sneezed a rainbow, is just as likely as God created the heavens and the earth. No one has any better idea or has any more knowledge on this subject than anyone else. We are all just as equally clueless.

    Technically love is not real either. Love and god are very similar in that they are both abstract thoughts contained only within the human mind. We can be in love with a person, we can have chemical and hormonal changes that make us feel attached to another person. But there is no quantifiable or testable element that is love. It only exists as a conceptual idea. We can perform actions in the name of love, we can perform acts of compassion and forgiveness, these things exist within us and have meaning, but they have no actual physical embodiment. Compassion is never going to magically build a house for you, however, compassionate people may build a house for you.

    In this same way people may claim to do god's will... however, god's will is far more complex than simple abstract concepts such as compassion, love and forgiveness. The concepts of forgiveness, compassion and love are all simple enough for anyone to understand. In general, people have a similar understanding of what these concepts mean. But even these concepts can be interpreted differently by different people. So, when you are dealing with an abstract concept that is as complex as god it is hard to expect that everyone will have that same understanding. The only written documents that describe this complex concept are holy scriptures. This is problematic because these documents are thousands of years old, they have been translated numerous times, and were written by numerous authors over very long spans of time. It is highly unlikely that they even remotely resemble their original text.

    Ok I am tired of this... in short please please please take an introductory science class, maybe even a course in logic. And remember, you are genetically bred to believe in things that do not exist.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can feel and measure the existence of air. on the contrary by viewing the dust and other object caught in a tornado you can see the path of air as it moves.

    if you ask it in a manner that doesn't seem as though you look down on people for having a different opinion or just not the one you want you would be getting better responses from people, just saying.

    people don't have to have faith in air cause we breath it everyday. a " real answer " is the one you've already formulated in your head and are currently waiting for someone else to say. it doesn't matter what sense is used.

    Source(s): non-religious
  • 1 decade ago

    We may not see air, because it is colorless and oderless but we can do tests and experiments to prove air exist, take a deep in hail and you'll feel the pressure it in your lungs, if you tip a can of air (computer air dust can) upside down you and see the water vapor which is a gas like air or an Oder (methane) you can smell and can't see, you can also feel & hear the wind, or get a foul taste when you pump gas and the gas vapor. You can't feel god, or touch, or smell or see or taste, but you can feel air, you can see fog which is air that is that holds moister, and you can touch/feel cold air from you freezer, or a smell is carried by air.

    I list a few examples of feel, touch, see, and smell of air, can you do the same for God?

    All the creation that you see is from Nature.

    Man made God in his imagine, man wrote the bible to fit man's imagine of God, and man killed to enforce that imagine.

    Nature was here before us and will be here after were gone.

    I guess Ernie can't counter my examples, nor provide examples of his own.

  • zero
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    "please don't talk about the components of air, that is not the question"

    Just because you don't like that answer because it blows your position out of the water, doesn't mean you can make it any less true by trying to tell people not to give that answer. How in the world can you expect to get honest answers if you already go ahead and tell people what they can and can't answer? The real answer is that you can see air. You can see it, feel it, bottle it and smell it. You can deny that all you want and dismiss that answer cause you don't like it. But it is true.

    Oh, and what we commonly call 'love' is the result of a myriad of chemical reactions in the brain. If you claim it's something else, something magical, then you need to provide some proof.

    "I said see, the same thing you have said about my invisible God. I didn't say measure, or feel. Didn't you "hear" the question?"

    You are not listening. Does your brain work? YOU CAN SEE AIR. Hello?

    Oh, I guess in your mind, laboratories don't count for some reason that you can't explain. Go ahead, explain why looking through a microscope doesn't count.

    Sorry for being rude, but it really irritates me when someone says answer me this, but don't say this and don't say that and so on and so forth. It's obvious you have an agenda and every answer given you will dismiss based on some rules that YOU MADE UP.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let me explain it to you this way, we may not be able to "see" air with the naked eye, however that was never an argument against your God. No atheist living saw the Big Bang or dinosaurs, we've just seen reasonable proof that the two were in existence at some point. We never asked theists to bring us God so we can see him, only for reasonable proof of his existence, but you're asking us to show you air. What kind of sense does that make?

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