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All atheists and unbelievers, I'm trying again, can you see time?

Please everyone, this is not to insult anyone, and you don't need to insult me. Let's just answer the questions, and if we don't have an answer, we can say we don't know. There is a lot I don't know too. Time cannot be seen, but you can see the effects of it, and it can be measured by a clock, but still cannot be seen physically. All I'm trying to do is get you to understand Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't real. That's all. I know you are intelligent, that is why I am asking, so you will use that intelligence to understand where I am coming from. Sorry if you felt like I insulted you, didn't mean it that way.


To see the effects of God is easy, creation. The stars, galaxies, and everything on earth, from the blue whale to the flea, or even dust mite. God made them all.

Update 2:

God is the reason we have 4 seasons, He is the reason the ocean stops where it does ( except for a hurricane, sunami, or full moon ). It is heavy, but read Job chapter 38, God asked Job these questions.

Update 3:

To zero, time is real, just read Revelation 10:5-7, the angel declared that there should be time no longer.

Update 4:

I can prove there is a God. When all hell breaks loose in your life, and you have absolutely no answer or anywhere else to turn for help, call on God and ask Him into your heart. He promised He would come in, because He said all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:9-10 and 10:13

Update 5:

Truth defies logic. In the bible, an axe head "swam". 185,000 Syrian soldiers were killed by 1 angel, the Red Sea parted, and Israel went across on dry ground, not wet, or even damp. Yes, it does take faith to believe these things.

Update 6:

The question was simple: can you see time? It is a non-physical thing, and cannot be seen. The main reason for my question was to get people to consider there is a God, and just because we don't see, feel, or touch Him does not prove He isn't real, just like time. I know from personal experience He is real: I have had experiences science and no man can explain, but everyone can experience it and more, but it will require any individual to believe that He IS, simple as that. Sorry that you don't believe, that is your choice.

50 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes but like you said yourself, time can be measured. That is how we know it exists. If you are comparing it to god there is no comparison. Time obviously exists, but deities are another story.


    What is insulting isn't the question itself, but all the padding and bullshlt you put around it. Don't say "All atheists and unbelievers, I'm trying again" because it makes me think it's going to be an insulting question. Usually the only people who say that are about to insult us. Also, the following are kind of insulting:

    "you don't need to insult me" (because you are assuming that we're going to)

    "Let's just answer the questions, and if we don't have an answer, we can say we don't know." (Jeeeze that's not condescending or anything)

    "All I'm trying to do is get you to understand..." (We don't agree with you. That doesn't mean we don't understand the point you're trying to make.)

    I'm not saying all this to you just to complain. I'm saying it because if you cut this kind of stuff out you will get better answers to your questions. If you really think we're intelligent then just ask a strait forward question without all the padding.

    Source(s): ADDED: "To see the effects of God is easy, creation..." -- I respectfully disagree.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your problem is your huge over blow ego. On the one hand you say just because you can't see something does not mean it is not real. You are talking to well educated people here. I am a retired scientific analyst for example. And then you claim there is a giant invisible sky fairy.

    If something is real and true it can be detected or verified by some means. The bible for example God says the world is shaped like an oblong box, and the sky is a solid barrier with holes in to allow the light of the sun moon and stars. Do you believe that. The church used to because they murdered anyone who disagreed the world was not flat.

    There is more than a lot you don't understand. For instance 'certainty' in the scientific world is a BIG word. They are 100% objective. They don't care what the results of their research show at all. They have no agenda to prove things one way or the other. They are only interested in the answer.

    But I can see we are all wasting our time with you because you are not interested in the truth. Your agenda to prove you are right over hundreds of years of objective research, says so.

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I follow your rationale, and I think i do, then anyone who is blind would have to admit that they cannot prove the existence of anything tangible. Likewise, the deaf would have to believe there is no such thing as music.

    Some would say that time can be seen. Astrophysics looks back into time frequently. When you see the stars tonight, you will be looking at time, since the light left their systems light years ago.


    Ernie, it's interesting that you say that the existence of anything, or actually everything, is proof of God. I find it an interesting point of view because it speaks directly to another frequently held tenet of many Christian religious factions that God is pure love, and pure good. Which leads me to observe, with all the evil there is in the world, and everything in it being created by God, that God may not exist, because God would never create all this evil. God is, after all, pure goodness.

    Ok, off my box. I think your logic is flawed, but can understand your question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can not see time but you can see its effects. The only reason you think you can see God's effects is because you believe he created us and everything around us. We have no idea what created us. God is a theory based on absolutely no fact at all. He's used as an answer because we have no answers as to how or why we are here. I could put an invisible dinosaur or a sock in his place if I wanted. He is just the "something'' that must have created us because you need to have an answer right now instead of just waiting for science to do that for us.

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  • zero
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Time is a concept, it does not exist in the physical world (I learned that in Physics 101). What we call time is actually the measurement of the movement of objects though space.

    "To zero, time is real, just read Revelation 10:5-7, the angel declared that there should be time no longer."

    This proves nothing, sorry. If time is real, then capture some and show it to me.

    As I said before, you aren't interested in truth. You are only interested in being right at all costs. That is the sure path to blindness.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We cannot see time. Technically time does not exist. Sure you could go into quantum physics and talk about space time, but when you get right to it time is not a physical thing. It is a concept created by people to help measure certain things. It can be verrified as a concept using physics equations and so on.

    Where is god, help me see or feel or hear or smell or taste him! Nono of our most powerful tools or most sophisticated equations even hint at there being a god. He is nowhere to be found. We don't experience anything other than blind faith that says he is up there.

    Stop with your metaphors about air and trees and time! They are all observable, god isn't!

    You are making the claim, burden of proof lies with you. We don't need to prove he doesn't exist, you need to prove he does. That is logic, I don't care how uncofortable it makes you, that is the way it works.

  • Oberon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I understand your point, Ernie, but I do not agree with that idea of Time.

    Time is subjective and really only a creation of the human imagination.

    No one before man ever worried about time and it was all relative.

    Today is the same as yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow.

    BTW - I've done that whole - calling on God when things are bad number - and NOTHING ever happened.

    I have learned in life that crap happens. It always ends and things always get better. That's just how life is. There is no "god" to make it all better. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. Can't see air either. But I can prove both exist. Math and science. There are a lot of things that cannot be seen with our eyes but exist.

    Can you prove god exists? What's the experiment?

    P.S. Sorry for all of the mean insults you get all the time. It's just that rationale folks tend to get a little excited when it's really really easy to debunk a ridiculous analogy that "proves god exists".

    Plus when you and people like you have been put down by "god loving folks" for thousands of years you tend to get a little defensive. If you guys had simply let Galileo have his silly little theory that the Earth isn't the center of the Universe...maybe we wouldn't get so upset.

    Keep your beliefs out of my kids science classroom and we won't have any problems.

    Edit. Yeah. That's not proof. How about some math? Got any math? What about a scientific experiment? In the lab I work in we use Western Blots to understand how proteins behave. Got any Western Blots???

    Moreover, why is modern medicine so good at curing disease that "god" seems to have a lot of trouble with?

    The reason we have four seasons is that the Earth rotates around the Sun on an access.

    If you have diabetes no amount of praying will fix your problem without a little insulin a few times a day.

    The ocean stops where it does because the continents move and because of erosion.

    Simplifying everything into "god made me and loves me" is a lousy way to live life. In 2009 people live to be 80 years old because of science, not god.

    No. Truth/logic defies fairy tales. The bible is a collection of stories. Moreover, you're trying to use a "logical" argument like "can you see time" to prove the existence of god.

    Why is your bible correct but the Quran is wrong? Faith is great. It just doesn't stop you from dying of diabetes.

  • Watev
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The problem with your argument is that you can measure time easily. You can measure heat, light, wind effects, pressure, etc. And God cannot be measured by ANY means. If you say he can be, then you must agree that God is no more great than the physical universe, which is a characteristic God needs to have in order to be omnipotent. But then, he wouldn't be God.

    Edit: To your added details, that is NOT measurable. In fact, it's quite ridiculous that you think that. Prove that it was designed, and you might even begin to have an argument. And even if it was designed, what makes you think YOUR deity did it? Your point still fails.

  • 1 decade ago

    no you can not see time, but you can measure it.

    but seeing is not the only form of measurement. there are many many others.

    you are making it seem like the only way to measure the existence of something is through sight and that is were you are going wrong.

    you can't see leprechauns or unicorns or the invisible blob on your desk, so they all must be real to. do you see the problem a bit better now?

    im sorry Ernie, but you can not prove that God even exists much less prove that he created it all, that claim you make there is simply based on opinion and not at all in fact.

    everything you lsited that God "does" has a natural explanation and ha snothing to do with a God. if you can prove your claim i would love to see what evidence you have.

    Ernie, the bible is only proof that man can write fiction. using it to try and prove anything else is pointless.

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