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WTH doesn't Rex Tackle Stacey or punch her out for the blood? OLTL?

And why do they make him as dumb as they did to let her grab it back away from him!!!!!!



I don't mean he should beat up poooooor Stacy. But he was holding the blood and he lets her hold it and black mail him - and it not even her blood. Geez people - I swear I wouldn't want any of you responsible for my life.

Oh son, I am best friends with the police commissioners, have a license to carry a gun, but I let a 100 lb skank grab the LIFE SAVING blood out of my hand and black mail me - with your life - to sleep with her??


10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Shh Orton, Rex doesn't know that yet XPPP

    But if you really want to know why, it's because Rex is about as sharp as a sack full of moldy sponges -_-; I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't know how we are suppose to take him seriously as a PI. I mean, come on, once he realized Stacy was a little nutty he should have left just then and there. And I know what you mean, he just sort of stands there holding it all casually, and then when she reaches for it he doesn't so much as retract his hand, he just gets this look on his face and let's her take it. And he could have at least tried to restrain her or blocked teh door or something -_-; ...

    Wait o_o actually maybe he wasn't being as dumb as I thought. Maybe he was hoping that Stacey would demand that they had sex again, you know so he reailzes how much he loves her *gags*, and this way he could tell Gigi they slept together, but tell her about this second time as if it was teh only time... you know that way if Sky or Stacey brings it up, Gigi would probably just say she knew about them sleeping together and it would be left at that. o.o

  • Tracy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Jen it has been so hard to watch. There's no doubt that that skank Stacy is going to be pregnant. I can only hope that the baby will be Skyler's. Rex went from being a P.I. to a complete idiot. I just wish the writers of these shows will for once let a couple be normal, let them be happy. Bonus: I wish Maxie would accept Spinelle's proposal.

  • The writers really have dumbed his character down quite a bit. It is hard to watch. Of course, he lied to Gigi about sleeping with Stacy and that, too, will backfire when she ends up pregnant, which we all know she will. Her getting sick to her stomach yesterday was more than likely morning sickness, which apparently can strike just a few days after having sex in soap opera land.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like Jen said it would have been hard to watch.But I get where you are coming from.I mean if that was my son on the line ,I would have said forget it ,to right or wrong and I would have done what ever it takes to save him.But I don't think he is the type of man to hit a woman even if it was to save his sons life.Also they have made him so stupid lately ,I don't think he would of thought of that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I also think that this was hard to watch. But Rex would never hit or harm a woman. I also hate how dumb they turned Rex. The one amusing thing- that she thought of a fur vault to store the blood! That was actually quite clever.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know this has been so hard to watch., Rex was always smart, one step ahead of everyone else and all the sudden he is a moron! Not buying it or liking it! Stacy isn't done yet though, Gigi knocks her down the stairs next week and at the hospital discover she is pregnant!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stacy could sue him for hitting her.

  • mercs
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Real men don't hit women - even if it is deserved!

  • Boo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because it would be illegal to physically abuse her.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he loves Stacy and by the way that isn't the kind of thing you would wanna do to the mother of your unborn child

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