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Favorite Answers16%
  • Teens: What magazines do you like to read?

    That is of course implying you read any :)

    14 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Do you do MyCokeRewards?

    Just curious if anyone actually use their rewards.

    I recently turned in a few for a year's subscription of a magazine.

    4 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • What is the translation of this Latin phrase?

    I think it's latin, whatever it is it should be an older phrase. It was on a tv show and I have no clue what it means and I'm curious.

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Quick Decision needed! Please help?



    I know they are both cheap but that's the point I have a $1.80 left on a gift card, so I want to use it but I can't decide on the necklace that is my fav color or a headband (i don't have any headbands left, since my friends stole all mine)

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Mortal Instruments Fans: Question about the circle?

    It's been a while since I have read the books and I can't remember why Maryse said Valentine broke her heart.

    Isn't Maryse Alec/Isabelle/Max's mom? Did she and Valentine date before he and Jocelyn or am I missing something here?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Cat acting weird after giving birth?

    My cat had kittens nearly 2 weeks ago. This isn't her first litter but it's the first time she's ever acted so jealous.

    Up until tonight she has been fine with us holding the kittens (just like every litter before) in fact she's brought us them and she's laid with us and them before.

    She also has never been much for petting or affection, until this pregnancy. But she's only clingy to me.

    All was fine until tonight, she threw one of her kittens and then left it ( i mean she actually threw it. It was in my lap and she picked it up with her mouth and threw it to the floor, then jumped down looked at the kitten and walked off.)

    She also attacked another one of our cats after I gave him attention. The night her kittens were born, he looked at them and sniffed her bed, she didn't do anything. They were fine with each other. But a few days later when I was holding him (no where close to her kittens and we weren't bothering her) she left her kittens and jumped up in my lap to attack our other cat. He's scared and won't come back in the house now.

    My mom is also worried about her attacking her. Every time my mom shows affection for me around her, she gets very tense and even growls.

    This is all out of character for her and I have no clue what to do.

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Christian's is this idolatry?

    Referring to someone by their official title of "Lord" or his "Lordship".

    The title is used in feudalism,example : Lord of Manor. As in ruler/owner. Or King's from monarchies have that title.

    It's not worship really, is just a title like Sir.

    Or am I mistaken, and people from say 15th century England were committing idolatry by force of law?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Could you see yourself raising 19 kids?

    Like :

    The Duggars (19,+2 miscarriages)

    The Bates (19, +2 miscarriages)

    Katie Davis (13 adopted children)

    The Browns (18, by 4 different women)

    The Kardashion's ( 10, step children included)

    The Gosselin's (8, twins and sixtuplets)

    The Hayes (12)


    I don't think i would ever want to..

    13 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • What should be on my 10th grade Reading List?

    The class I'm in has little reading assignments (it covers one book in the semester). So I'm looking to added some reading on the side besides my normal Young Adult Fiction.

    What books did you read in 10th Grade?


    What I've already read in for Freshman Year:

    Julius Cesar



    Goodmorning Ms.Dove

    Wuthering Heights

    Pilgrims Progress

    Sir Gawn And the Green Knight

    The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

    A Christmas Carol

    Hound of the Baskervilles

    Canterbury Tales Prologue and Select Stories from it.

    Iliad by Homer

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • What books should I read for 10th Grade Literature?

    The class I'm in has little reading assignments (it covers one book in the semester). So I'm looking to added some reading on the side besides my normal Young Adult Fiction.

    What books did you read in 10th Grade?


    What I've already read in for Freshman Year:

    Julius Cesar



    Goodmorning Ms.Dove

    Wuthering Heights

    Pilgrims Progress

    Sir Gawn And the Green Knight

    The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom

    A Christmas Carol

    Hound of the Baskervilles

    Canterbury Tales Prologue and Select Stories from it.

    Iliad by Homer

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Are there any medical options for calming PMSing?

    I'm going to talk to my doctor about it but I want to know if I have an options before I go.

    I'm 17 and I've always been told Pms will calm down as you get older. Mine was never that bad but it's slowly been getting worse. And compared to my friends, mine is really bad.

    Instead of feeling sad or becoming aggressive I've become super suicidal. As in for one week, I seriously feel like killing myself mostly for no reason.

    I can't eat without becoming physically ill. I can't go into a deep sleep and I feel horribly exhausted because of it. I also become very anti social, I mean I love being around people when I'm not on my period but while I'm pmsing I start having anxiety attacks if I'm even standing within a foot of someone, including my family.

    I don't understand any of this and why I don't feel like this most time just around the time of my period, so that's I'm assuming it's my PMSing getting worse.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What is a cool magic name or element for a fantasy book?

    I can't think of a good title.

    Any ideas?


    It's basically about a group called The Four or The Quattuor, who are secretly evil and trying to gain control of the world by tricking the purest sources of power possible.

    Anyways a girl who is cursed to be Immortal( her body dies painfully each time because it's only her soul that is immortal, and she is reincarnated instead of moving on to the afterlife) is one of those pure sources of power.

    She doesn't know for most of the story what is really going on and that they want her. She also befriends some other people along the way and the group who try to stop the Four is about the size of 9 people.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Have you ever pierced yourself?

    Ear or whatever.

    Just curious, cause I know some people have. If you did how did it work out for you?


    I haven't and considering one of my ears always gets infected with a new piercing I wouldn't risk it for myself.

    13 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Did you read the Hunger Games or see the movie first?

    of course that implies you've seen and read them.

    19 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Favorite Christmas Desert? :)?

    I love cinnamon buns in the morning.

    5 AnswersChristmas9 years ago
  • Christmas Haul Videos? Yes or no?

    Do you watch them on Youtube or have you ever?

    (Christmas Haul videos are were people make a video showing what they got for Christmas on youtube)

    1 AnswerChristmas9 years ago
  • Should I take full online or correspondence print?

    I'm new at homeschooling online and I'm not finding a lot of information about what is best and the school I'm using to guide me while I'm switching over to online, doesn't offer much help in what I should do.

    I'm using Keystone..If that matters.

    Please any advice would be of help!

    1 AnswerHome Schooling9 years ago
  • What age is suitable to read Lolita?

    I turn 17 in a few months and I don't have a teacher/librarian who has read the book themselves to ask. But around what *reading* maturity level would be good to tackle the book?


    Btw I know it's a heavy story and I also know the narrator is "unreliable" giving the book more challenge to read. I started reading books with those complexes at 15, so i'm not very worried about that.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I;m sad..Cheer me up?

    a gif. a joke. anything :)


    13 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago