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  • How to Secure a freestanding adjacent furniture or wall? want it to be move-able. No children climbing. on hardwood floor?

    I have two types of tall about 78" storage cabinets from IKEA. Two tall Besta - with drawers on the bottom and doors/shelves on the top and a Pax with interior drawers and shelves and a heavy mirrored door. With out the door on yet the PAX seem very stable

    I wondered if using an existing and adding additional heavy picture hooks (hold 50 to 75 lbs thin nail in at a downward angle) and then looping a cord/wire to the cabinets and hooking it to the picture hangers?

    One configuration has Besta then about a 3' dresser then another tall Besta cabinet. Another idea was somehow connecting the cabinets to the dresser?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling6 years ago
  • What qualifies as a BlackJack - various rules by site?

    I do not want to get into the issue of whether it is every a good idea to split 10s. (I know the "standard" opinions - vs card counting. The logic of splitting against a dealer's 6., etc. )

    Okay they tell you to always split A's . but apparently some (most?) places won't consider it a BJ it you get a 10 after splitting the A (21 yes, not BJ - although I recall some places I played that paid it.)

    But since the sites DO CALL OUT split Aces getting a Ten as (likely) not a BJ,

    I never see any rules claiming that if you get an Ace on a split 10 - that it would not be a BJ.

    In fact, quite a few times (and at major casinos) - i have seen the person splitting 10's getting BJ on both hands.

    I guess what I am looking for it specific rules in general and specific to AC, Vegas, etc (or by casino)

    5 AnswersGambling8 years ago
  • Facebook cancelling friend request I didn't send?

    I never sent a request and kind of mortified to see that it sent one to someone I did not know. I was looking at someone I met that I was considering working with for professional reasons. And checking out whether we knew any of the same people and dang it when I went back FB had shown that it sent a Friend Request from me - which I absolutely would not have done.

    Now if I'd immediately noticed, I might be less concerned, but I had first looked a number of days ago and then I see that FB shows that had sent a request. I cancelled it by following the instructions - but wonder How it got created in the first place AND whether the person could have seen it or could see it in now? I don't want to look like a crazy person - just for searching someone I was considering doing business with.

    1 AnswerFacebook8 years ago
  • Use of a (rear/hitch) Cargo Carrier - Ford Escape for moving a dresser?

    Hi I will be moving from a temporary site - 600 miles. I had been considering a 4x8 u-haul trailer - but have heard some concerns about the safety. (issues with the wheels and one friend had it detach?)

    I have a Ford Escape with a hitch and was wondering if anyone has ever used a rear cargo carrier (most I saw were rated for 500 to 600 lbs) to move a dresser or a (stuffed) chair or anything similar.

    Any major trouble?

    How about a full size mattress (in a protective sealed bag) on the roof carrier? If it is properly tied down does is create a lot of drag?


  • 401(k) contributions - both Employee AND Employer - withholding rules?

    Hi I have a very small business and am just going to be starting a 401k for my first two w-2 employees. I think it will be a safe harbor 401k.

    So I know that I am going to have to match 4%.

    so can someone tell me which parts are subject to taxes (withholding). For example. . .

    . Say the person makes $2,000 and has 10% going to their 401k, which is $200 -

    I'll have to match 4% which is $80, correct? (meaning the employee get $280 total into the 401(k) acct, right?)

    So my understanding is that there is NO FED withholding for the $200 or the $80.

    FICA & Medicare is computed on the full $2,000, (but not on the $80 I put in, correct?

    And then there is the state (in this case Ohio, and city) ..

    how do I find out whether the full $2,000 gross or $1800 (net after employee contribution) is subject to state and city withholding? Or if someone knows, I'd appreciate the info)

    And is the employer contribution subject to any tax (withholding)


    3 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • Delivery Failure - Matches a profile the Internet community may consider spam?

    Really annoyed. This is coming mostly when I send to ONE email address. One it comes from my own domain to a professional I am writing for business purposed. But if I send it to his personal email or from my AOL it works?

    Can anyone tell me what can be done to fix this? I have tried changing the subject with no better results.

    554 5.7.1 The message from (xxxxx) with the subject (xxxxxx) matches a profile the Internet community may consider spam

    2 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Obama - is he really college educated? Extra - Ordinary v Extraordinary?

    Now along with Corpse man (which should be pronounced core-man) he calls people extra ordinary (rather than ext-roar-dinary) Ignoring the content, he sounds like an idiot

    Is that what happens in the 57 states?

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Crime in st louis near zip code 63120 - Goodfellow area?

    I am looking at a new job in St Louis in what looks like an office/industrial area on Goodfellow in Zip code 63120.

    I just heard a couple of horror stories, can anyone from the St. Louis area describe how bad crime is or how dangerous the area is? (or is not?)

    2 AnswersSt. Louis10 years ago
  • Help - Outlook keeps changing my table formatting?

    I have a table I copied from EXCEL, after formatting it so you can see all of the columns at once. First column has the main text I want to focus on - and also the most text - so I want this column to be the widest, to minimize the wrapping. The last column has contact info and can usually fit on two lines.

    When I copy it into Outlook, the ()*((U& Outlook keeps changing my formatting.

    I have turned OFF the Automatic Resize in the Table Properties Options.

    I try to change the Column width of the Contact info (to 1.7" and outlook keeps changing it back to 2.95".

    I went out to Outlook Tools and made sure I cleared all Table entries for Autoformatting - but no matter what I do it reformats it back to what "it wants". (Narrows the first column and widens the contact info column.)

    I HATE MS's taking control!

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • HELP - Noise From Neighbors A/C?

    Can I sue for the loss of sleep and damage to my health and constant irritation? (My head feels like it is going to explode! My blood pressure is rising, I get no sleep and feel like my ears will start bleeding)

    Living in a condo. For a month now - despite the fact that the night time temperatures have been 35 to 46F and the daytime temperature was over 60 maybe twice - the next door unit has his air conditioner on almost non stop and it is sending noise and vibrations throughout my condo practically non-stop.

    The sound has been described as -either a treadmill, a running dryer or a washing machine in the spin cycle - mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, for maybe 8 minutes straight and then clunk (like the end of the spin cycle), within a minute it started back up. Imagine this over and over and over and over all day, all night every day for a week (and then for a month). The first week I never got more than an hour sleep - moving right by the television all night. You can feel the vibrations.

    I have found plenty of evidence that this is harmful to your (my) health and in not unheard of with these air conditioners. They are split heat pumps, with an internal unit and a compressor outside - BUT.... the compressors are outside the other condo, not directly touching my wall. The vibrations can be felt and heard throughout my entire unit. I am in VA.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can anyone explain - why there seems to be a dill shortage?

    I used to be able to find Dill in the large inexpensive plastic bottles that you see at discount stores and grocers for like $.75 or $1 each. You can get garlic powder, onion powder, chives, oregano, pepper, etc, but all of the stores seemed to not have Dill (weed). Even IKEA has a sign in there spices that lists Dill, but have not had any. The few grocery stores that I have seen it in had a tiny container at like 4 times the old cost.

    I have looked in NE Ohio, and in other locations when I have traveled. I jokingly have asked about the Worldwide Dill crisis but noone seems to know what has been happening.

    (I did see another site were people showed the dill they were growing in their gardens. That is not my question. I am looking for it in the (dried) spice aisle at the store.)

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • To the Owe-BA-MAo sycophants, how do you justify this one - NASA's main mission no longer space, but placating?

    Muslims? yes, sounds just like a Christian (as Owe-BA-MAo lyingly says that he is. ????!!??!

    Look you have a right to debate missions to the moon, Mars and beyond, but NASA is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. WHAT THE H-LL is with the dismantling of the agency and their mission?

    "NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

    Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel


    "When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview. "


    as to this "He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel" - what give them access to our technology so they have better access to bomb us and our allies?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is there somewhere to see a diagram of the Gulf Pipeline that is "leaking"?

    I guess I always thought they drilled DOWN and shipped the crude oil to land. But based on the recent events, that apparently is not the case.

    I wonder about the structure and dimensions of the pipeline and at what point it is compromised.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • I'm assuming John and Brody set this up ?

    And it is likely "fake" blood- in order to get that scum to fess up.

    What do y'all think?

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • DOOL - Shouldn't the writers be putting disclaimers that they are copying the movie RANSOM?

    This story with the kidnapping is just like the movie Ransom with Mel Gibson and Rene Russo.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Project Runway - Which dress was Uli's Red Carpet look?

    On the All-Star Challenge I've been looking all over - which of her dresses was supposed to be her Red Carpet look?

    If none, I assume that os why she was bottom 4? l

    1 AnswerReality Television1 decade ago
  • Out of nowhere I felt and then saw what looked like a burn, today it started to blister - Any idea what it is?

    Yesterday I was typing on my laptop and I noticed that my inner wrist felt like I had burned it (like when you burn it on the oven). When I looked it was very red, but flat and looked like that kind of burn, but I had not done anything that should have caused that. So I put aloe on it and later A&D ointment. Oblong about the width of a nickel.

    Today, it started to "grow" a little blister that has grown larger as the day went on. Now, most of the red has lessened except for the part that is totally covered by a filled (pus) blister - the main part the circumfrence of a pencil eraser.

    Then a couple smaller little painful blisters on first finger and back of the base of the thumb - and they had nothing yesterday.

    Any ideas? I am going to put Neosporin on, but I have no idea if I was bit or by what? And do I drain the "blisters"?


    8 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • WTH doesn't Rex Tackle Stacey or punch her out for the blood? OLTL?

    And why do they make him as dumb as they did to let her grab it back away from him!!!!!!

    10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago