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cak_ask asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

To the Owe-BA-MAo sycophants, how do you justify this one - NASA's main mission no longer space, but placating?

Muslims? yes, sounds just like a Christian (as Owe-BA-MAo lyingly says that he is. ????!!??!

Look you have a right to debate missions to the moon, Mars and beyond, but NASA is the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. WHAT THE H-LL is with the dismantling of the agency and their mission?

"NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his "foremost" mission as the head of America's space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Though international diplomacy would seem well outside NASA's orbit, Bolden said in an interview with Al Jazeera that strengthening those ties was among the top tasks President Obama assigned him. He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel


"When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview. "


as to this "He said better interaction with the Muslim world would ultimately advance space travel" - what give them access to our technology so they have better access to bomb us and our allies?


Hey Frenchie, I said you can debate the current need for the trips, but without NASA there would be no satellites and many of the technological advances. But instead of answering the question you go off to another subject? The question was how to justify using NASA to placate Muslims. (not whether you agree with their real mission (stmt))

Update 2:

Hey Frenchie, I said you can debate the current need for the trips, but without NASA there would be no satellites and many of the technological advances. But instead of answering the question you go off to another subject? The question was how to justify using NASA to placate Muslims. (not whether you agree with their real mission (stmt))

Update 3:

Hey "Instant Karma" aka Jack---, Pretending that you are informed and that *I* am not?

I've quite a few friends that work/worked at NASA and they ALL think it is a joke . They think he is pulling a fast one to out BHO for the moron he is.

(why the hell do we need Indonesia, Kenya, etc have affirmative action where we try to give them access to what Owe-BA-MAo is not allowing our own Agency do? )

WTH does patting them on the head do to advance the mission of SPACE EXPLORATION?

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Liberals will continue to defend this schmuck

  • 5 years ago

    What as soon as made America nice - is long past. That which makes ANY nation nice is the sum of it is ingredients. In 1960, Americans elected a brand new form of President. He was once no longer one to be led - HE made selections. Great ones ! Such because the Peace Corps. He wasn't going to be tricked right into a gigantic War - which was once assured to make BIG $$$. So, he desired America to stand up to greatness. An informed, technology minded country. And he informed the humans: 'We are going to talk over with the Moon'..! He mentioned it on May 25, 1961. It did NOT take lengthy ! Even despite the fact that we had not anything with which to even start this pastime. Only 7 years & 7 months later, three Americans have been orbiting the Moon ! And 7 extra months, we had humans jogging at the Moon. Soon, we have been even DRIVING at the Moon ! Look up Apollo 15. It was once so cool to look them force proper as much as the Hadley Rille ! We had a huge infrastructure constructed up for human area journey & exploration. We had plans for a lunar base. And we had a nuclear powered rocket engine - established and able to move for the Mars manned visits. We had many clinical explorations going or deliberate. Undersea additionally. Antarctic.. scientific.. It is ALL GONE ! Thrown away. Purposely. Yes - purposely. It wasn't approximately the expenses !!! NO. So, now - again to the primary aspect of my reply. What made us a nice country - is long past. The cause ? It is considering the fact that EVERYTHING that was once nice like our scientific career - is now a scientific INDUSTRY ! Our academic procedure was once a career - no longer an INDUSTRY ! Cancer - is an enterprise. Not a ailment to be cured.. no. Sports. You would be a legit baseball participant. And made a well sales. Maybe $50, 60, seventy five and even $one hundred,000 a yr. And even the 'typical' man or woman would pass to tuition & it would not fee unimaginable sums of cash ! And - a unmarried man or woman would aid their loved ones with one sales. You need to fully grasp. The United States.. (hardly ever united) is not going to be exploring a lot of some thing. Like the gap station. Only through paying a PRIVATE trade - then you'll be able to get into area. Do you fully grasp ? America has been co-opted through the greediest beings on the earth. That is why the arena is a large number. Always has been. Look on the Middle East. Now appear at in which we've got been pouring TRILLIONS of greenbacks. And hundreds of thousands of lives. Look on the different countries being dragged down into the trash. Educational expenses are tripled for the UK.. and they have got been rioting. France ? No. Canada ? No. Australia ? No. Why us ??? we had all of it. What occurred ? We, the humans, did not smash America. Look for the greediest scumbags in the world !! Sorry for the dangerous information. People are fitting mindful of WHO is doing it to us. But they truthfully are AFRAID to mention WHO those.. 'humans' are !! Can you suppose that !! ??

  • 1 decade ago


    In addition to the nations that most of you usually hear about when you think about the International Space Station, we now have expanded our efforts to reach out to non-traditional partners,” said Bolden, speaking to a lecture hall of young engineering students.

    Specifically, he talked about connecting with countries that do not have an established space program and helping them conduct science missions. He mentioned new opportunities with Indonesia, including an educational program that examines global climate change.

    WOW what part of that do you not get!!!! We want to bring muslim COUNTRIES into the space program ,NOT terrorists.

    You are without a doubt what is wrong with this country,you lack the attention span to do independent research!!!!

    Source(s): Independent,with more IQ and attention span!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    From WH: "Obama wants NASA to engage with the world's best scientists and engineers as we work together to push the boundaries of exploration.

    Meeting that mandate requires NASA to partner with countries around the world like Russia and Japan, as well as collaboration with Israel and with many Muslim-majority countries. The space race began as a global competition, but, today, it is a global collaboration."

    NASA spokesperson said that Bolden was speaking of priorities when it came to "outreach" and not about NASA's primary missions of "science, aeronautics and space exploration." He said the "core mission" is exploration and that it was unfortunate Bolden's comments are now being viewed through a "partisan prism."

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  • 1 decade ago

    Don't care.... NASA is a waste of taxpayer money anyway... it should be scrapped altogether

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