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What has been the big "change" under Obama?

He has continued the big business bail outs. He has not removed a single troop from Iraq. He has not provided universal health care. He is rich. He has surrounded himself with career Washington D.C. politicians. The two parties still line up along party lines on opposite sides of the aisle on every single issue. He got a White House dog. He goes to church where Bush went to church and has the same pastor. So I ask you exactly WHAT is the big change? I would like to hear from conservatives and liberals on this.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bail outs = True

    Removing troops = False

    He's rich = True

    Washington politicians = True.. Which president ever, hasn't?

    Party lines = True.. No president can stop that..

    White house dog = true.. Tradition..


    Most things you name, aren't what people wanted to change.. He's also a man, which wouldn't be a change either.. Most your points are just as irrelevant..

  • 1 decade ago

    The big "change" that I see is a movement towards socialism... With the nationalized healthcare plan and the government owned car and banking industry, there isn't much further until we are a real socialist nation.

    I am not someone who is totally against Obama and all democrats but I do honestly believe that he is moving our country in the wrong direction. Our government was not designed to be as big as he wants it to be. The true meaning of capitalism is little to no government interference and President Obama is creating quite the opposite. Soon we will see long waiting lists just for people to get the medical treatment they deserve, just like in Canada, UK, and France. Our dependence of foreign oil is growing everyday and the government is spending way more than it should be allowed to.

    However, we cannot blame all of this on Mr. Obama, we must also hold the congress that passes all of his bills responsible too! In 2010 we Americans must show them that we want politicians who actually care about the country and its citizens and not just their careers. We must also remember that the big spending did not start with the new administration... It was merely continued but definitely expanded more than anyone would have like or expected!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    IRS objectives professed anti tax communities. internet/telephone surveillance. properly Patriot Act, congressmen on the two facets handed it and extensions. you recognize via vote casting, democracy and all that, cuz you have been frightened of the terrorists, tell them no longer too, supply up reelecting them in the event that they shop at it? Been happening for a mutually as. Benghazi has been mishandled, media has been throughout it. Federal government implements a clean tax, additionally implements a important for some human beings no longer procuring coverage. you recognize automobile's ought to have coverage besides good? Is automobile coverage tyranny?

  • 1 decade ago

    As you can see, the pubs are split between saying Obama has done nothing and Obama is a raving communist. As usual, the pubs do not provide reasons for their opinions, nor cite Obama's record.

    The Dems have pointed out that troops have been removed from Iraq. Troops have also recently been removed from the cities. Obama does not torture and kidnap children, unlike Bush. To give a list of differences would be huge - I would urge you to look at the polifacts website where they have some 32 odd campaign promises that Obama has done - everything from the detailed - giving Katrina victims trailers that don't have formaldehyde, to eliminating torture and extraordinary rendition of current detainees. He has reformed the various departments, stimulated the economy, and brought back professionalism and ethics to much of government.

    I would like to see a lot more change, but Obama is seriously limited by the right wing media machine and a public who is ignorant of what he has done - people much like yourself.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The change is that Bush was able to push his agenda through congress. Obama seems to be unable to do anything that helps the economy and congress is fighting him over health care and cap and trade.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Socialism - we only get to keep the change in our pockets.

    The only "good" decision he's made is a dog for his daughters and that wasn't even a choice since Bo was a gift!

    Source(s): Obama is not my fault!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A change into socialism. A health plan agenda that will devastate and ruin our nation and the acceptance of every sick and rotten liberal cause imaginable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely nothing but the start to communism! The guy before me was telling the absolute truth!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is what the majority of people in the US wants to know

    The only thing ~~Biden is a good jolly old man and Cheney was a mean old man

    ~~and Obama got his kids a nice DOG

  • 1 decade ago

    The only change so far... New face and different name.

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