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Mormons: What do you think about the kiss-ins at Temple Square?

How do they make you feel and do you think the church responded appropriately?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yea the church responded properly. And I've researched it the statments from both groups.

    First on their own blog it states at first that they just held hands and kissed. On another story and report it now says that they were hugging. Sounds to me that the story keeps constantly changing.

    The church has constantly stuck to their report and stated that they were acting inapporapriately were asked to stop and they refused.

    Frankly, this yet again shows the lack of respect people have for others.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, as far as the Church goes I do think they handled it quite well. I do however have a problem with what happened. The news story tried to get around it, but it is pretty clear that the two asked to leave PRIVATE PROPERTY were acting inappropriate to begin with and then became abusive when asked to leave. The response? Somehow it is the owner of the properties fault for their misconduct and they make is some HUGE BIG deal. No heterosexual couple could get away with it, and I think its just a media show and really brings to light what kind of people they were.

    BY THE WAY, you may think that this has something to do with the Mormons, but it doesn't. Its about the Gay movement (not homosexuals but those who feel the need to flaunt it and force it into everyones faces). Almost the EXACT same thing happened in a Taco food place in Texas the same week. Group of gay men asked to leave the restaurant became abusive, got the cops called, and the next day had a HUGE PROTEST outside the building. Now being gay excuses inappropriate and abusive behavior?

    Source(s): I dont care what you do in the bedroom, just try to force to to condone your sexual behavior. That goes for EVERYONE no matter orientation
  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see the LDS having a church service on the gay people's doorstep and having a pray-in......

    I won't say "typical" because millions of gay people don't do this kind of stuff and think it's wrong, but, it only adds to the stereotype for the gay community about how they are thought of and how they don't respect others property, views or rights and how the gay community is becoming and has become stereotyped as being like whiney children who think the world should revolve around them.....and they do it themselves and then many of them (and many of them don't) wonder why people don't "respect" them.....

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what exactly it is that they're trying to accomplish. The kiss-in is a reaction to two gay men who were arrested last week for trespassing. They were kissing and feeling each other up on church property, so they were asked to cease or leave. They refused, were profane and vulgar to security guards, who called SLC police who arrested them for refusing to leave, thereby trespassing.

    Again, I don't know what they're trying to accomplish. Do they really think that the church will change their mind on homosexuality as a sin because they do a kiss-in once a week for the rest of time?

    That's what I think.

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  • Kerry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They were on private property and choose to do provocative behavior at a sacred site to Mormons, the temple grounds. When politely asked to stop, they angrily refused, and cursed the person making the request. They then continued the behavior.

    What this suggests to me, is that these people were insensitive at best, and demonstrated totally self absorbed behavior. If they were trying to illicit sympathy and respect for their cause, it had the complete opposite effect. They came across as rude, belligerent, self centered, and completely disrespectful to the rights of the property owner.

    Is this representative of all gays? I would hope not.

    Source(s): Lifelong Mormon
  • 1 decade ago

    I think the church responded appropriately. THese people were on church PRIVATE property. They were asked to leave and when they didn't because of some stupid protest the police were called to keep the peace. The church was well within their legal rights to do so.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think the Church summarizes my feelings on the matter wonderfully in a statement found on the Church's news website. "As we said earlier on this matter, these men were asked to stop engaging in behavior deemed inappropriate for any couple on the Plaza."

    I do not think anything more than that needs to be said.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What the hell is a kiss-in?

    EDIT: 22:26.

    Perkele! OK.......I'm bisexual and we all dont act like that. Protest if you like but dont dishonour yourselves by acting like cu.nts. It doesnt help anyone and it gives ammunition to your enemies.

    My motto is dont give the bastards any power over you. I really hope this Prop 8 thing is overturned. The UK has had civil partnerships for years and we haven't sank into the North Sea yet. If you're against gay marriage, dont have one. And please dont give me that nonsense about it affecting your marriage. Where were you lot when no-fault divorce was legalised?

    Oli, the thinking process of those particular gay people. I dont do shite like that and no one represents me but me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Private property is private property, and the church representatives were very respectful. What more do you want?

    I think it is admirable that at least one institution is willing to stand by its teachings and not be bullied into "popular" practices.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like some disgustingly immature behavior to me. PDA is obnoxious, whether the people are gay or straight. Private property is private property.

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