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Aaron T asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

christians who don't believe in evolution.?

god created adam and eve right? (2 people) shouldn't we all be the same color. black ppl are living proof of evolution we are from africa and well adapted to hot climates. what more proof do you need


houston you need to read a bible. i am a christian. i just don't understand why some christians don't accept some forms of evolution. eve was created second you idiot. and i'm pretty sure they inbreed . which would probably explain all the defects found in humans.

Update 2:

piper your answer makes since and i agree with you almost completely.

Update 3:

ohmaigah. you're completely wrong. the human race tried to build a tall structure to reach heavan and god punish them be seperating them by language not race.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's alot more complicated than I can explain, but VERY BASICALLY here's the thing- Adam and Ever were most likely medium brown, because then they would have the very dark gene and the very white gene mixed together. So, their children could have any combination, making them white, medium, dark, anything in between.

    But when God spread everyone out from Babel, different climates did lend to genetic mutations to find the best skin type for that area.

    Christians aren't against survival of the fittest. It has been observed. Nor are they against micro-evolution, small changes occurring within a species (finches with different-sized beaks). But they do disagree with macro-evolution, changes that can change one species (whale-like thing) into another (land-dwelling cow), however slowly. This has never been observed nor can be proven by experiment, so evolution is definitely not a science. It is as faith-based as Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Two reasons.

    First, they claim the story of Babel as one way God scattered the people and changed them so as to look and sound different. So, magick accounts for it.

    (I know, the Bible only says language, but many scholars include race none-the-less. A little metaphorical reading between the lines as it were.)

    Second, because the evidence for evolution was mounting and creationists were failing to rebut it, they invented something dubbed "micro-evolution." This means that "kinds" (which is a term they will not clearly define), like dogs, can evolve within their kind (dogs can be bred over time into different breeds, for example) but they will always still be their kind (the new breed of dog will still be a dog). Thus, humans can micro-evolve (change in height, skin color, hair color, etc), but we all still remain humans. They claim there is no "macro-evolution," which is change from one kind (dog) into another kind (cat).

    However, actual scientific evolutionary theory makes no such distinction. The only difference in macro-evolution and micro-evolution is time. Macro-evolution is just micro-evolution plus time. Even with changes, a dog will stay a dog for 500 years, even 5,000 years, but not at 500,000 years. The changes will mount and mount and mount until the dog becomes something else.

    The mechanisms that creationists accept for micro-evolution are the SAME ones that evolutionists put forward for macro-evolution...given more time. Now, a dog will never become a cat because that's simply not how things work (I only used the example above because it is the one they most commonly use themselves), but we can clearly show how early land-dwelling creatures became modern whales, for example, and they just refuse to acknowledge it.

    Also, anyone who says evolution isn't a science is an idiot who doesn't know what the word science means. Direct observation or the ability to recreate every cited event with laboratory experimentation is not the sole defining characteristics of what is or is not a science. Besides the fact evolution DOES have lots of direct observation and experiments, it also has overwhelming indirect observations in the forms of comparative anatomy, embryology, genetics, paleontology, computer modeling, and experimental breeding (animal husbandry).

  • B SIDE
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Speciation is the formation of new biological species by the development or branching of one species into two or more genetically distinct ones. The divergence of species is thought to result primarily from the geographic isolation of a population, especially when confronted with environmental conditions that vary from those experienced by the rest of the species, and from the random change in the frequency of certain alleles (known as genetic drift). According to the theory of evolution, all life on Earth has resulted from the speciation of earlier organisms.

    Creationists are usually happy to concede to minor evolutionary changes between varieties of similar animals. (An earlier answerer offered finch beaks as an example.) This is something they like to mislabel "micro-evolution", which is simply evolution measured over a short time.

    Many christians (the micro-evolution people) seem to think that there is some sort of evolution-blocking gene that prevents speciation from occurring as a gradual process even over very long periods of time. They believe this because of a reference to animals reproducing "after their own kind" found in the biblical account of creation. How this evolution-blocker might work at the genetic level, however, is outside the realm of what we may consider rational scientific thinking.

  • I'm an atheist, and an evolutionist, but your question challenges nothing. If one beleives that God created Adam and Eve, it only says he created them first (actually Eve was the third human, after Ester). Nothing says God didn't create other humans as well (who do you think their kids married?). The bible only states that the chosen people will be decendents of Adam and Eve.

    Note: Sorry, the first woman's name was Lilith, not Ester. I've studied so many other mythologies that I mixed the names. According to Jewish (and therefore, according to Christ's own words, Christian) tradition/mythology, Lilith was Adam's first wife, not Eve. And your assumption that they inbred is the idiocy - at least my points are based on the very religion you claim to be knowledgeable of, and aren't made up like your unsupported "inbred" supposition.

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  • god didn't stop after creation.

    if you recall, there was supposedly a great flood that killed everyone except noah and a few select others. his wife, kids, in-laws, i think?

    i'm not really sure...


    i'm not certain, (nor a christian, but this is what they say)

    one of adam and eve's sons(maybe grandsons.. not too far away from their descent). i'm not sure who, was 'cursed' and god 'made' him black.

    i'm probably, most likely, missing A LOT of info on this, but god made black people, and all the other races as well... all for punishment. like separating their languages. the flood supposedly broke the pangea, and that's why all our continents are separated.

    read a bible and compare it to your own knowledge, is all i can say.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everybody started in Africa.

    You don't need one specific case, evolution itself proves religion is a crock of ****.

  • 1 decade ago

    God doesn't talk to me. lol that's more proof.

  • 1 decade ago

    this isnt even a question!

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