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What about the 'New World Order'? Do we need to worry or can we look forward happily?

This is a serious question, please answer only if you are informed enough. Do a search, there is plenty available, articles and videos. Be very critical, there is a lot of nonsense out there, the same as every where about every thing... Finding out something that comes near to truth is hard work!


@Mel: "This is all based on speculation... Of which nothing is based on substantial fact."

On what substantial facts is this answer based? Obviously you are lacking information.

Update 2:

@Crafty: Yes, there are a lot of information about facts, although the facts can be shown and demonstrated that a certain wanted picture is given, manipulating the truth... So one can't just believe facts that are presented in a convincing way.

You wrote that we must worry. Maybe that's what is wanted? If we are occupied by being worried, then we will not do anything else than worry! Our rights and freedoms will cease to exist? Do you really believe that you have 'rights' and 'freedom'? That's an illusion and daily reality shows that this beautiful image is part of the fake reality of our society.

The fighting for this dreams has kept us in slavery of our beautiful concepts. We are trapped and imprisoned in our world of concepts! Maybe we will need to go into a totally controlled existence like described in this video, when every body has an implanted chip, - to find out that 'freedom' only can be realized from within each of us and that indeed doesn't depend on outside situations.

Update 3:

@Greg: World leader are part of the illusion and fake reality of our established world view. Personally they might have a good intention, so they mean it when they promise something, but they are not free as being part of the game.

"Give up all hope!" Is this from Dante or from the bible? Anyway: The 'Constitution' was a nice concept written with the image of an unrealistic picture of humankind, without enough knowledge of the human nature.

How can there be something different than corruption and crisis, chaos and war?

So consequently a 'New World Order' might be indeed a solution, - not very creative, but can it be worse than it is now?

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    We don't know what goes on there at the background. It is clear that who has the power is using it to influence and manipulate the rest of humanity, to do what the few mighty ones want. Probably they are not only power possessed but also want to create something they believe is the best. The question is for whom? The bad thing is that they act from the obscure background, using other people in governments and other places to decide for them, so we can't express what we want and voting for our political leaders doesn't make any difference as all is part of a big game to keep us quiet. So it looks like, that there is nothing to do about it, we can't change the system. But we are part of the system. We are used and we allow to be used. So the only possibility is, that we change ourselves. We not follow any more like sheep the herd, doing and thinking what others do. We start to be critical about our own attitudes, habits and our self image that we have established. Then we check it if that's what we really want. We know deep inside, that there is something more than consume, entertainment, properties, lust and money. We are all totally occupied following given goals of this society without having any doubt about it, because we believe that what all are doing can't be wrong. Yes, it can be deadly wrong and that shows now when our living space the Earth is destroyed, because of our unawareness...

    Do we need to worry? Not only we need to worry, but we need to wake up and do something about it. Finally not doing any more what we are used, that if something we don't like in conditions, situations or with people, that we are trying to change these, then fighting against the showing up resistance and so then this keeps us busy. No, not like this. We need to look at ourselves, being aware of our established attitudes, habits and all what we believe we are. That is hard work and we are not used at all to it and so it is naturally that we will try to avoid it. Here we can decide: Going forward 'happily', closing our eyes or taking self responsibility and getting out of the herd of lemmings.

    When we look around, then there is no doubt what people prefer to do and as a consequence there will be a 'New World Order', nobody will need to think by him/herself and every thing will function perfectly. Isn't this what we all want?

    But the few who are willing and ready? They can step out of the herd and start to ask questions. The answers will show up... For sure!


    PS: I just found the following video that is worthwhile to watch:

    Then I started to read an interesting dialoge at:

    this shows another dimension to your question...

  • 1 decade ago

    Besides the fact that Obama is continually talking about global economy, global citizenry, collectivism and the greater good, I am currently finding it difficult to look forward with any optimism. With all that the current administration is doing such as taking over banks, auto manufacturers, nationalizing health care and taxing the air we exhale, and the speed with which they are doing it, it seems to me that there is so much damage being done to our "free society" that I don't think it will or can ever be undone. Notice how everything is a crisis. Congress isn't even reading the bills they are signing into law. The Fed is printing trillions of dollars which has the literal worth of monopoly money. Inflation will set in at some point it has to. What we the people are witnessing is the absolute destruction of our Constitution. We are becoming a Socialist society and it only gets worse from there. I have a 16 month old baby girl so I do have hope but I have alot of doubt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This link will catch any ones attention. It does not consist of opinions, more fact than anything else. We definitely need to worry. I believe this is what Nostradamus is referring to, as well as the other prophets.

    We keep hearing about 2012 the end of the world. The world is not coming to an end. Its our rights and freedoms that will cease to exist.

    Clink on the link on the upper right side as well, more facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    across planes of consciousness, we must accept that opposite things can be simultaneously true

    The world is evolving collectively as part of a process...

    opinions of whether this is good or bad or right or wrong are subjective view points, not intrinsic conditions

    Heal yourself and you will heal the world


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  • 1 decade ago

    This is all based on speculation... Of which nothing is based on substantial fact.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    u mean dat 2012 s.h.i.t?? psh!

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