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OGRE!!! asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What evidence suggests Obama was born in Kenya?

No seriously. Why would an 18 year old white college student travel from Hawaii to Africa to have a child? It doesn't make any sense.


@specialunicorn: Her and the father were both students at the U of Hawaii at the time. Neither lived in Kenya.

Update 2:

again, @specialunicorn: what money has he spent on concealing records? sources please.

and while I agree the easiest thing for him to do would be to just show it and make everyone stfu, I agree with his decision not to show it. If he gives up on this, he will have to answer to every beckon and call of all the whackjobs & conspiracy theorists every other week, making his presidency a living hell.

14 Answers

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    I've posted this information / question / rebuttal many times (TOO MANY!!!) and have YET to receive a credible response from the birthers, but I'll do it again:

    *Recently, SecState Clinton complained about the shortage of people willing to through the "VETTING" process top be Undersecretaries of State and other high-level State jobs, due to the "lengthy, exhausting and intrusive FBI and CIA background investigations."

    Now, that goes back to my original points: it defies common sense that if Undersecretaries of State have to (HAVE TO !!!!) be vetted so thoroughly, it only stands to reason that a President would even be MORE THOROUGHLY investigated, and by even more Federal investigative and intelligence agencies, due to his access to, and control of, State secrets AND the Nuclear Launch Codes.

    Never mind that his birth and womb-to-tomb (you know what I mean) records would have to be, and therefore have ALREADY been, verified by ALL of those agencies, which include (a PARTIAL list follows) the FBI, CIA, NRO, DOJ, State, pentagon, DIA, DEA, Secret Service, etc etc etc.

    Never mind that FOX, with its doggedly conservative bent, has NOT been able to have its enormous investigative resources come up with ANYTHING that would disqualify Obama. And the same applies to the National Enquirer, TMZ, or any other fringe medium.

    They will soon be face-to-face with the sad (sad, to them) fact that "there's no there, there." Conspiracies are the last refuge of the unimaginatively weak-minded and desperate. With the Obama birth certificate already posted on The Web, "of course" they call it a phony. THERE IS NO EXPLANATION AND/OR PROOF THAT WILL SATISFY THEM. If you present one proof, they'll switch to another canard. They're stuck in the revolving door of lunacy: endlessly repeating the same mantra and expecting a different result each time. It's a losing strategy, and only losers resort to it: they have NOTHING ELSE.

    I learned years ago not to argue with the insane. It's like trying to teach a pig to fly: it wastes YOUR time, and pigs will NEVER fly anyway... and it just pisses off the pig !!!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you suppose it could be because she was married to a Kenyan who was the father of the child? In Additional Detail you state that you agree with his decision not to show the birth certificate. Can you give a logical reason why? I wouldn't claim any you've given as more important to be more of a priority than something that is either constitutional or unconstitutional. What would be more important. I can see that since you are liberal the constitution wouldn't matter to you that seems to be the norm. If it were successfully defended once that would be enough but so far that isn't the case. If it were then as you say everybody everybody would have to stfu. The fact that the father was not a U S citizen makes him not a natural born citizen. The fact that his mother remarried to another man who also adopted him and also was not a U S citizen made it a requirement for him to be naturalized in order to even become a citizen at all we he re-entered the country. That should have been done for him to even be a citizen at all and then only naturalized, not natural born as called for in the constitution. I can't even see where he is a citizen. I'm not alone. Residence alone does not establish citizenship, and in this case not even natural born. That's impossible. Dual citizenship is not allowed where he was adopted. His U S citizenship would have have to have been renounced. He would then have to be naturalized and could not become natural born. He is a fraud. Everything about him is a fraud.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, I have been researching this for about a year, ever since it first popped up into the picture. The truth is, and I know it is, that he is a natural american born citizen, and no one is going to make me believe otherwise. Unless you can come up with a kenya birth certificate, which you wont, because you cant, because he wasnt born there. I have read millions of articles, done a year of research, spoken to so many ppl, and have yet to find one shred of evidence that points to him not being born in Hawaii. Any questions? Email me. or send me a message on here.

  • 1 decade ago

    a WELL SPUN publicity stunt.. and a fake video in a foreign language. Well edited to cut out the part where she was reminded that the subject was Obama Jr (the interviewer cleverly asked about both father/son immediately prior to her answer.. which could confuse anyone, much less an old lady).

    The rest of it is creative script "well.. she COULD HAVE"... which means nothing.

    What an old lady SUPPOSEDLY remembers.. is easily manipulated. Original documents, validated by a legal authority.. is not manipulated.

    Best hoax of the century. Of course, it does not make sense. Making sense is not the point of the exercise... discrediting the candidate is the point.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sometime near the time of his birth, the mother visited her new mother-in-law in Kenya.

    And fertile imaginations and wishful thinking took over from there.

    Hillary supporters were the first to spread the rumor. I beleive the Hillary camp was investigating the suspicion. If there was any truth to it, the Clinton machine would have uncovered it. And I would bet Bush used some of the CIA and FBI to investigate as well.

    I have NEVER heard O'Reilly or Glenn Beck spread that silly rumor.

    I don't watch much of Hannity but I don't think he spread it either. Although I think Savage did.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, that's what Rushannitybeckfox world net daily said. It was on the internet, it must be true no matter if there are any facts to back it up. As a matter of fact, facts just prove that there is a cover up! The only valid support for an idea is LACK OF FACTS!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The truth is Obama has yet to prove that he is a natural born american citizen.

    He has spent over $800,000.00 and have had many lawyers get the birth certificate he used for Harvard and other schools concealed. He has family members who have said they traveled to Kenya for his birth. His grandmother said she went to Mombassa. No actual hospital has came out and confirmed that he was born there, and no other president has gone to such lengths to conceal such a document.

    If Barrack Obama was really born in Honolulu,Hawaii on August 4,1961 why has he hired legal defense teams to conceal this document?

    These people aren't wack jobs or theorists. They're just american citizens who have the right to know if Barrack Obama has conned the American People.

  • 1 decade ago

    Despite the fact that some have claimed there was evidence from Obama's siblings, these have proven patently untrue.

    In short, while there is clear evidence that John McCain was born in Central America, there is no evidence to support that Barak Obama was born anywhere but Hawaii.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama's Kenyan grandmother says Barry was born in Kenya, and that she was present for the birth.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no evidence. Most republicans don't even know where they 1st heard that.


    See how long its taking for you to get any answers with evidence? They have nothing.

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