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My 2 week old baby is throwing up after almost all feedings, shes been really fussy and we have changed her fo?

we have changed her formula. I am trying to breast feed now because i am sick of the formula issues. I tried breast feeding from the start but she wouldnt do it. Now i am pumping and i am starting to get milk and i finally got her to latch on, now i am waiting on getting good milk supply. Do you think it will help. Today especially she has thrown up and i mean fountain like it went everywhere the last 4 feedings. She acts like she is so hungry and she was screaming crying. Doctor switched her formula from similac to similac sensitive to soy. I do not like the soy because it has no additional nutrition added.

Im sorry i am rambling i am just worried about her and the doctor doesnt seem to be helping. Is there anyway other then pumping to get my milk flowing better. Im so happy she latched on tonight. Ive been trying since she came home.

Thanks so much! Im just panicky!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds like she may possibly be allergic to the soy formula or possibly have another issue such as pyloric stenosis. If she is acting like she is in pain (and you know best) then you should take her back to her pediatrician as soon as possible.

    If she is have an allergy to the formula, then yes, absolutely, breast milk will work a ton better. It is very highly unlikely that she would be allergic to breast milk. The best way to get your milk supply built back up is to keep nursing her and pumping in between nursing. Also proteins will help your milk supply and you may even ask your doctor about taking reglan to help increase it as well. If she starts breastfeeding and eating alot and still continues to have the projectile vomiting it is absolutely necessary that you get her back into her pediatrician (again) asap! Good luck.

    Edit- I wanted to add in that spitting up is normal with babies but when it becomes "projectile" or like you said, like a fountain, then it becomes more of a concern than just regular spit up. Projectile vomiting is a sign that something is wrong.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Newborn Fussy After Feedings

  • 1 decade ago

    Be patient. Just keep breastfeeding her, but going to tell you breast milk is very thin so she would want to eat more like every hour or 2.

    May be signs that your baby may be allergic to formula, so keep breastfeeding her with a bottle to may sure she's getting an enough.

    Your baby should drink 6 to 8 times a day during his first eight weeks. He will drink about 2 to 4 ounces at each feeding. He will probably want to drink every 3 to 4 hours. Wake your baby to feed him if he sleeps longer than 4 to 5 hours.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Remedies for Breast Enlargement
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  • 1 decade ago

    All the answers are valid, as your baby may be allergic to the formula.

    Also, could be reflux. Does your baby fusses during and after feedings, turns away from nipple then wants to drink again? Arches back during feeding? HATES it if you place her on her back to sleep? My baby has reflux and I have to hold him upright for 30 mins after feedings, elevate one end of his bed at 30 degrees for him to sleep in. These two methods helped a lot. He's still a little uncomfortable and will cry once a few times a day, but he's no longer the super-fussy cry all day long, refuses to nap baby.

    Also, Ped prescribed Zantac. I was reluctant to give it to my baby at first but seeing him suffer was too much. So he;s on it now. I still think the holding and positioning did more good than the med. Try these methods and if it is reflux, you should see improvement within 1-2 days. Meanwhile, do see your Ped and ask abt reflux.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all - when you say throwing up - I have a couple of questions - has this happened since birth or just started - if it just started and the emesis is very forceful then I would be concerned with pyloric stenosis.

    Okay now to your milk supply - have the baby suckle as much as she will at the breast - the more suckling she does the more milk production you will get. Also pump about every 2-3 hours - both breast for 15-20 minutes. You can also try eating oatmeal or oatmeal cookies and there are other herbs that you can try as well

    Source(s): lactation counselor
  • 1 decade ago

    Breast milk may help the problems. It might be best to keep dairy out of your diet while you are getting her started, just to make sure that doesn't cause any problems. Then once you are sorted out with the breastmilk supply, have some dairy if you want and see if it makes any difference.

    Breastfed babies don't have as much reflux problems as formula fed babies, she won't get constipated, there are many benefits to breastfeed if it is possible.

    Once you stop the formula, see if the vomiting stops, until then, just make sure she is wetting plenty of nappies during the day so that you know she is keeping enough milk down.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay calm down, she can sense your anxiety and that will make her fussy.

    My best friend's granddaughter went through this. Breast milk is best but until your milk gets to flowing well you will probably need to supplement with formula. Let her nurse then offer her a little formula, maybe 2 oz, to top off her little belly. She may be hungry because she may not be getting enough from you right now. Also make sure she burps good, she may not be getting all the air out of her tummy.

    After feeding make sure to keep her sitting up for 30 minutes, she may be having some reflux problems. You can place blocks under the crib to elevate the head of the bed. Under the crib, not under the mattress of course.

    If she continues having problems or shows signs of dehydration take her back to the Dr and if needed take her to a different Dr for a second opinion.

    Watch for signs that she's getting dehydrated. She's not having wet diapers. The inside of her mouth should be moist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give her a little more time, but if she continues to project while she is throwing up, i would have her checked for acid reflex. My sister had that and when she would get sick as a baby it would shoot out (sorry, i know this sounds gross). If she does have that im sure they will suggest a special formula, because my sister couldn't breastfeed when they found out what it was. But dont worry to much, i think your baby probably just needs a few more days to adjust.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I started my second child on soy-based formula automatically because that was what my first was on. Turned out he couldn't tolerate it. Switched formulas three times, but, that didn't help. He couldn't tolerate them either. By 3 months, the kid was thin, his skin was grey-tinted and I was just about convinced that he was going to die. Finally, his pediatrician told us to put him on goat's milk as a last resort. That worked MUCH better, but, we still had to start him on baby foods quite early. Today, he is almost 30 y.o. and still does not tolerate milk or most milk-like products terribly well, though yogurt doesn't seem to bother him much.

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