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Is there any hope of getting one who lies to stop lying to you?

Is this a sign of disrespect to the one getting lied to? Or is it some God-awful character flaw that can never be repaired? Both? It is not even always big things either, oftentimes it is such stupid stuff that I can not believe one would go to such lengths to lie about it. What causes this and how can I make it stop?


Spoken like a true liar, "me lovey long time"....yuk

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I disagree with the person who says that you're just as bad as the person lying to you, just because you respect yourself enough to demand the truth. That's not your character flaw or your problem; the problem lies with whoever is lying to you!

    If a person is constantly lying, lying, lying -- even about small things -- it usually means one of two things: either the person is a compulsive liar and cannot help it (and seriously needs to seek help -- not even trying to be funny here) OR the person is telling small lies to cover up bigger ones that you don't even know about. It is TOTALLY a sign of disrespect; and, as long as you respect yourself enough to feel like you deserve better than to be consistently lied to, you should not put up with this type of behavior.

    We teach people how to treat us. If you don't put up with ill treatment from people (whether that means walking away from the situation or from them completely), then they can no longer treat you like that.

    But you cannot make it stop. You cannot change a person. They have to want to change themselves. Trust me -- I've learned this the hard way! No matter what you do, if a person is not ready to change, they won't. If you don't like it, don't deal with the person. You deserve better.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hmm thats a bit of a double edged sword. I am a firm believe that ignorance is bliss depending on the situation. If he said he cleaned that bathroom and dint so what. If he said the hotel charge on his credit card was fraud and he was enjoying a hooker thats bad. But lies are lies period. My boyfriend lies about the dumbest things but it does make you wonder hey if the lied about that imagine what else...

    But no if someone is a liar thats what they are a liar

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a God's honest TRUTH and will save you more stress in the future than you'll ever know:

    A liar is a liar is a liar.

    They DO NOT change.

    Just get out.


  • 1 decade ago

    If someone lies someone else can't control it. If he chooses to be dishonest with you I would imagine he is never really honest with himself.

    From what you said, it sounds like he lives in a world apart from reality and the only way to make it stop is to disassociate with him entirely.

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  • 1 decade ago

    People don't change unless they truly want to change.

    So, stop wasting your time and effort in trying to change another person's behavior.

    None of us are perfect. We all have flaws and/or behaviors that someone doesn't like. The best ways is to just accept that person the way he/she is, but you have your own choice of whether you want to put up with it, or simply minimize interaction with him/her.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can't "make" anyone do anything. You can only take responsibility for your choices. And, one choice you're making that you need to take responsibility for is choosing to be lied to. You're tolerating the behavior. Accept that you are choosing to tolerate it, and decide whether or not you want to continue this relationship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it's even about small meaningless things, it is pathological and the person will never change.

    Run the other way and save yourself a whole lot of grief!

  • 1 decade ago

    if they lie and even lie about small stupid stuff, than they will never stop. i hope for five year, that mine ex would stop the lies. but they just got bigger and bigger. the more you try to make them stop, the worst it gets for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about you stop obsesssing about petty lies, that way it won't be such a big deal. Only reason its such a big deal, is because YOUR making it a big deal.

    If its a stupid little lie, just let it f'ing go and move on with your life. Getting hung up on petty things makes you just as lame as the person lying about lame things.... go read a book, read a newspaper, have an intelligent conversation and make yourself useful.

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