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Christians: Why do you make it so hard?

Over the past few years, I've been searching for ways that different religions of the world share beliefs with each other, and especially science. But I had just pieced together what I have heard about other religions. I had made a good case for the connection between the theory of evolution and Genesis. But tonight, I read The Book of Genesis online at and, based on what I read, I can find little to no connections to actual proved science. Can you guys help me? Is my source inaccurate? Or should I just give up now?


I'm seeing that there's some confusion. I'm not trying to make sense of the Bible in a completely literal form. I'm just trying to make connections to, hopefully, lessen the attack on religions as being "anti-science." I really don't like that people have to choose between knowledge and faith, so I'm just trying to blur the line a bit. Also, I'm not Christian...

Update 2:

Also, I KNOW that God created the universe. It is the method by which he did it that is confusing me...

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, don't give up, science just hasn't caught up yet.

    To illustrate, the ancients thought the heart was the center of a person, and yet it is only now they discovered that there is a brain in the heart (you may google it).

    The ancients also believed in moderate fasting and diet control, and yet it is only the modern age that the studies show this to be the healthier way to live.

    Meditation was once seen as a source of calming the inner tensions of a person, and yet it is only in the past years that the benefits of meditation are seen as truly beneficial.

    Etc etc etc

    Source(s): Orthodox Christian
  • Dawn C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for. The Bible is a book of faith; the science is there, but most people don't know where to look for it. For example, the book of Genesis mentions that the land was divided (earth used to be one huge land mass) in Gen. 10 :25. It is an obscure verse, that most people don't even notice, but it is there. This is a scientific fact.

    The Bible tells us that the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22) when it describes how God sits above the circle of the earth. As you see, a scientific fact, hidden among a statement of faith.

    As far as evolution, the Bible states that in 6 days God created the heavens and the earth. Evolutionists believe it took millions of years. But many Christians have no problem with the old earth theory. I don't. The scripture says that 1 day is as thousand years to the Lord. That means that time is irrelevant to God. He has been around for eternity. One day could have been a million years to Him. Then He could have said, okay- now for this next period of time, I will create this. And the second day could have been another million years, or 5 million. The word 'day' in Hebrew is 'yom", which means a 'period of time'. It is not a literal 24 hour period.

    Science and the Bible agree- but you have to understand how to interpret scripture. Most folks just don't take the time to really look at it and read it in context. They are looking only for ways to disprove it. You can't just read Genesis- the Bible is connected all the way to Revelation. It is not the history of the earth- it is the story of Jesus from beginning to end. Little bits and parts of how the earth developed and science are there- but that's not its main message.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aqil , If you KNOW that God created the Universe, why is it you have to limit God to only what you can UNDERSTAND about science . If God created the universe ( As He most cetainly did) then why have you limited His powers by even thinking that He would use a process as slow as the theory of natural selection, (which never happened). There is not one schred of evidence for evolution none, zero, zip, nada. On the other hand there is a multitude of evidence for the biblical account of creation. Number 1 on the list is the world wide flood. The Bible acurately records the actual event of the flood, of which the evidence is not even in question for any serious geologist. Futhermore no archeological, geographical, historical, or any other fact in the Bible has ever been proved false If then the bible is accurate in historical data , the flood and etc. then we can also rely on the truth of the Biblical creation account. The Bible is completely compatable with science. In fact Biology, the mystery of DNA , the origin of life, the human eyeball function, and irreducible complexity can only be

    adequately explained by the existence of an omnipotent God . If you are serious in your pursuit of making connections between science and God do yourself a favor and read the entire Bible thru at least 5 times with an open mind and heart . When you have done this, you may come to the only conclusion that any one who truly seeks out God has come to . That God is, Jesus Christ is ,and you had better find out what is expected of you in light of these 2 important truths. The method God uses is that He spoke it into existence. For the author of DNA, the, maker of all things , the king of the universe nothing is impossible. I hope you will seriously consider what I have said here . Your eternal soul depends on what you do in respect to God. May God guide you to His truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your problem is the source, that is, the original Hebrew from which the translation you read on biblegateway was taken. All valid translations will give you next to nothing to relate to actual scientific theory.

    Because the priests who wrote those versions of ancient Canaanite / Mesopotamian tales knew nothing about science beyond their own observations, which were unsystematic and haphazard.

    Besides that, there is a traditional way of interpreting the scriptures, but that way is not the only valid way.

    For instance, the NASB translates Genesis 1:1 as "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

    An equally valid translation would be "First the gods made the sky and the ground."

    Or, to be pedantic about it, the latter is a BETTER translation, since the word translated as "God" is a plural that is usually interpreted as "angels" but more likely meant "gods" at the time this text was first written.

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  • Vixen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If you are looking as to how science meshes with the Bible, I put a link below to a website that answers everything you might ask. You might come away convinced and you might not, but you will know exactly what this side believes and why. Go in with an open mind and don't think about being "converted" -- just get your questions answered whether by their resources, their museum, or by speaking to them.

    I myself think it's a good idea to know both sides of the debate very thoroughly... otherwise you're spinning your wheels. There is no way to have an intelligent debate (in any subject) unless you really know what you're arguing against. So I am teaching my kids evolution right alongside creation, as well as the "gap theory" and "creation via evolution" thought. Of course, they know which side we're on. And I don't worry about what public schools teach about anything, and I don't protest or lobby or get political about it. I just teach my kids what we believe, just like all parents should.

    Why do we make it hard? I didn't know we did. Seems pretty simple to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Science deals with matter and the physical world. And physical evidence. God isnt physical, so the two obviously will bump heads. But saying God doesnt exist, is like saying Love doesnt exist. Which we know is a lie. And guess what... God is Love! (1 john 4:7-8)

    So if love is real even though we cant taste it, smell it, touch it, hear it, or see it. Then God, which is love, also is 100% real.

    Why do atheists makes this complicated.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a complete edit of my original post, decided to change it after reading your additional information.

    The method of creation is not explained to us, I think because God wants us to use the knowledge of science that he has given us to come to that discovery. This is probably why the planet Earth has been so perfectly placed in our universe so that we can make the discoveries of the worlds around us. It gives us the ability to 'see' far into the distance and watch 'creation' happening around us. We are also discovering new things on the planet, such as ancient cities and never before seen creatures.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have two problems:

    1--You're trying to read science into a text that makes no scientific claims.

    2--You're pretending that evolution is a legitimate science without questioning it.

    So: why would you question Genesis but not science? Didn't you know that the art of inquiry and skepticism is what drives science? Are you a student of science or just a gullible disciple?

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not Christians who make stuff hard, maybe you make it hard for yourself?

    If you read the Bible, this source is not innacurate. Science doesn't invent stuff per se, it's the study of what God has created, it explains the laws that God made.

  • Did you know that God says he purposely has made us to where humans could never know his ways? Read the book of Job. Scientist believe they have found proof and hard evidence just from human standard. Christians on the other hand like I agree with what God says that even if he told us his ways, we wouldn't understand. Please accept His Son and believe His word.

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