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Why Global Warming Alarmist lie and deny?

Recently I added topic "Global Warming" in my Twitter Search and almost 90% of people complained about how cold it is for the time of the year, other than few people from Philippines where global warming will have least effect (According to Global warming Alarmist).

Still I see Global Warming Alarmist argue and deny, what's the catch?


Twitter is bunch of people around the world who type what they feel without them being biased about anything, NASA, IPCC and other organizations are paid by government or by rich people around the world.

A person who has nothing to do with anything will have no point lying, why organization can lie to protect its interest.

Update 2:

Dear tmuk55,

I do understand science and I am a believer of science like you but if you believe in science could you please look around and see and tell me relation between CO2 and Green house by giving any experiment that proves that fact or by showing some mathematical equation that proves that CO2 causes global warming.

I should not be told that CO2 causes global warming like as if its some religious guy telling me God exists, I need some proof.

Update 3:

Dear Sarahh,

When I encounter a person like you, I just feel like shooting myself in head.

If you're so smart and you know so much about science then give me an experiment to prove that CO2 is causing global warming, please.

Mars has 12.7 times more CO2 than Earth in fact 97% of Mars atmosphere is CO2, we should have a green house planet there but its "COLD" and "DEAD". On Earth we have 385 PPM CO2, which is a fraction of amount compared to other gasses, if its so potent as Green house gas that if we get it to 500PPM and it rain havoc on Earth why isn't 12.7 times more which comes in Earth term to 4877 PPM isn't turning the heat up on Mars?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Andy has a good point. Dana does like to use random starting points. If another uses a different starting point it is "cherry picking."

    I just love how AGW supporters are double minded. As long as they are the ones with the argument, the blog, or the journal it is okay and "scientific." But if somebody, not supporting AGW, puts forth an equally viable idea, it is cherry picking, "just" a blog, or a "hacked paid for by oil" journal.

    These guys are all phonies and I hope we can brush them off soon to get back to real science.

    A pleasure to see Dana again. Notice how he loves the appeal to authority move. Dana loves the drop the name game.

    Just because it came from NASA does not mean it is accurate or infallible.

    Solar Cycle 24 predictions are a testimony to this.

    As for the data Dana speaks so highly of, new papers have been coming to light calling into question the accuracy of that reporting of popular surfacestation temperature .

    "Christy et al. 2009 demonstrates

    that popular surface datasets overstate the warming that is assumed to be greenhouse

    related for two reasons."

    "For scientists

    reading this response, I would encourage you to read Christy et al. 2009 for a discussion

    of how the delicate nocturnal boundary layer formation process is disrupted by surface

    development, leading to an increase in TMin which is unrelated to greenhouse gas


  • 1 decade ago

    The sun is the true answer to all your questions. Piers Corbyn has been accurately predicting MAJOR weather events for the past 25 years using the true source of weather THE SUN.

    The truth is that there is a SOLAR CYCLE and when the SUN SPOT activity is the greatest the SUN gets hotter and the Planets including Earth get warmer. When the whole Myth of Global Warming was put out there was at the start of the hot Cycle and I believe purposefully done knowing this. Now a bunch of know nothings like AL GORE have grabbed on to and made it into a huge deal, but it is all a lie and NOW the SUN is going into SOLAR MINIMUM. The SOLAR CYCLE is going into a cooling period that started in 2008 and will last till 2030. The SUN SPOTS disappeared completely and were late returning and returned in much less then expected amounts which means a true global cooling is upon us. NOW they want to call it CLIMATE CHANGE knowing that the SOLAR CYCLE is now against them and they are trying to justify the cooler weather with nonsense science they think we will buy. BUT the growing number of scientist rejecting Global Warming is a huge threat to them.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because of the way alarmists calculate things truthfully. The average alarmist climatologist rarely if ever sees a complete set of recordings taken by meteorological stations. What they get is the result of the days high and the nights low. They take the high and subtract the low to get the days average. They call this an anomaly and they record it as a plus or minus from a point only they know. Now as everybody knows the daily highs have dropped drastically over the last few years, but because of increased humidity and the urban heat island effect nights have been warmer.

    So by the way they do the math and chart things they to their minds see warming while everybody else in the world sees cooling. There are many ways of stacking the deck to make figures come out the way you want them to. Some are honest and some are not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Global warming doesn't just warm the planet, yes it does in KEY PLACES. You can't just base it on a couple of your little friends saying "oh it's cold!". No, global warming is supposed to lead to an ice age, did you know that? I guess not, because your question shows a total lack of knowledge on the issue.

    The ice caps are already melting, and polar bears are becoming extinct. HOW the hell do you explain that? Is that a natural occurrence, I think not.

    But since the ice caps are melting, the sea level is rising. It already has, and that changes the weather pattern, making weather more extreme. Not just hotter.

    Check your facts before you ask a question, this is the number one most ignorant question constantly asked on yahoo.

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  • mick t
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sarahh - You should check your facts before telling anyone else to.

    The 2006 survey of polar bear populations carried out by the fish and wildlife service showed that the population is about 22000 divided into 20 more or less discrete populations. 2 of those populations are on the increase, 2 on the decrease and the other 16 stable. In some areas population have reached their optimum ecological capacity.

    Overall the polar bear population is at its largest since records began

  • 1 decade ago

    Can you not understand that there is vast difference between Weather and Climate? Do you understand the concept of "underlying trends". have you any understanding of data, graphs, statistical curves and trend lines?

    Weather is to seconds as Climate is to a lifetime...can you judge a life by a snapshot of a few second or even hours?

    Or, if you prefer...

    Weather is to an individual as Climate is to a whole of a planet's population. Can you tell how healthy a species is, globally, by examining the health of an individual, or 10, or 100?

    Why is that so very difficult for you people to understand? Why do we have to keep repeating it, again and again? Are the words we are using too, *too* difficult for you? And why are most CCDs Americans? Is it that your level of education is so very poor? one can only hope that President Obama will serve the maximum allowed number of terms as President and rectify this tgruly lamentable state of affairs....

    Because Climate Change Deniers shamelessly parade their immense ignorance that anyone else with a grain of self-respect would be *so* embarrassed to admit. Frankly this shames your great Country, giving the impression that all of the USA is populated by people that in Europe would be consiered illiterate.

    Only CCDs can boast that they get their news and information from ***Facebook*** or some two-cents rag from the Back-'-Beyond, owned and staffed by people who get their science news from their next door neighbour.

    Others, educated, intelligent people with self-respect, invest weeks, months and years in study, reading science Journals, evaluating hypotheses, theories and models on the basis of informed, expert opinion, like that of Climate Scientists.

    They therefore understand that "uncertainty" in science does not mean what it means in everyday life. They would therefore acquaint themselves with what "degree of confidence" means and what the given d.o.c. is for a given dataset, for the methodologies applied to its collection, the limitations of the analyses ad therefore of models.

    They would also read about Systems theory and Chaotic behaviours thereof.... and therefore appreciate the fact that it systems subject to increasing entropic 'disorder' enter into an increasingly chaotic state. They would see at a glance that this means that cooler periods, more extreme weather events and violent swings in extremes of temperatures if anything confirm the worst fears of the Climate Scientific community.

    In conclusion: if you have the education to understand it, visit Real Climate and inform yourself further.

    If you do not, please refrain from commenting on topics which re simply beyond your understanding and capability.

    And that goes for all the other ill-educated and therefore ill-equipped "commentators" on Climate Change that infest Yahoo Answers.

    Source(s): BSc Honours Environmental Quality & Resource Management
  • andy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The catch is for the alarmists, a sudden once in every X year cool down is expected. As long as the overall trend is still a warming trend from their starting point is all that matters. People like Dana likes to show deviations from some basically random starting point.

    Currently, most of the predictions of the AGW crowd has not come to pass. Because of this, more scientists are now able to do research into finding out what actually causes climate change and all of the feed backs that slow or limit climate change.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because no matter how hard you try you can't convince the majority of the YA global warming crowd to join our side..... it's like they originally came here to share ghost stories and share their plans on how they'll survive in the post apocalyptic environment with a spoon! Well i bet they would of if it weren't for the good skeptics here keeping it interesting!

    Source(s): Old veteran skeptic that rarely visits.....
  • 1 decade ago

    June had the second warmest combined land and ocean temperature on record, according to NOAA.

    It is the global warming deniers who lie. By omitting statistics, or by just plain making things up. I'm fed up with their irresponsibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah because Twitter is where I get my global temperature data.

    Oh wait no, I get it from NASA, NOAA, and Hadley. All of which show the average global temperature near a record high right now.

    If you want to listen to a few Twitterers over the thousands of temperature monitoring stations across the planet, that's your choice. But 'alarmists' aren't lying, we're looking at scientific data.

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