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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Don't you love it when people claim to be intelligent but are afraid of Islamic individuals?

If you are intelligent folks then you can gather up the data and determine whether the INDIVIDUAL is going to cause harm to society. Not constantly posting questions that all Islamic individuals are planning to take over When you know nothing of the religion. I also love how Christians, Catholics, etc. say unto atheists that they are ignorant and need to study their religion but they misquote the Koran and call Islamic individuals terrorists. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hypocrites all around! Have you learned anything from History. The same hysteria came from Antisemitism. How can you possibly be intelligent when you have made the same mistakes that people have made to the Jewish people for the past 2,000 years? Also I think fear is also somewhat of a contribution through ignorance. I think really intelligent people have trouble holding fears because they are busy fighting off the fears so that they have the time to take care of things they need to do. Intelligent people can fear it is just that it is difficult for them to hold onto fears because they condition themselves to ignore the fear so that it doesn't hold them back.

Do note Julia Peculiar that not all Muslims are evil so please stop with your racist propaganda. Thank-you. Oh I am not a Islamic individual I just like Neda Agha-Soltan.

Long Live Neda Agha-Soltan.

She did not die. That bullet only destroyed her flesh but the idea, the idea which creates the man, which breeds his very being, which allows him to live, still lives on and lo' many people have said that she is dead but I say she lives and I see her now as the idea that will never die and thus I say this with utter sincerity!

Long Live Neda Agha-Soltan!

As I have said before and I shall say it again. History will always repeat itself unless the people are willing to change and so the true question comes into view. Are you willing to change?


answer4you: What I meant by fear I meant like hysteria. You know the type of fear that just stops all rational thoughts and drives people to start riots and such.

Update 2:

Mesperanto: Interesting catch but I said racist propaganda because Julia Peculiar makes several questions that are quite offensive to those who would come from the Middle East.

Update 3:

William C: Yes I know what you mean. I hate Fox News and Bill O'Reiley.

Update 4:

Cleopatra: I am not saying all people are afraid of Islam. I am talking about the people who are and some religious people are and so that is why I had said that. I didn't say all religious people were. I was simply talking about the people who are.

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The reality is we have all failed to learn from history. The Nazi holocaust is but one example. All through mankind's history, minorities have been targeted for financial gain, religious bigotry and political advantage. The major religions are the prime movers, for example Islam was active in the African slave trade long before Britain and other european countries became involved, Roman Catholicism lead many of the pogroms that saw jews expelled from most european countries during the 12th to 14th century.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing unintelligent about being wary of any guy with explosives for a t-shirt, no matter what religion. You can't contest that Muslims seem to be the experts in this fashion though, although it does seem to be dying out a little.

    And as to not being afraid of hosts, I'm sure the people standing in front of Genghis Khan's hoards didn't conclude it was just one guy so there wasn't really much to worry about there. If they did, history doesn't really recollect when they decided they had made a slight mistake in ignoring the rest.

    As to "Long Live Neda Agha-Soltan. She did not die.", I'd prefer to hear her view as to whether she'd rather be alive or her idea to live on. I suspect she'd not agree with you saying she is currently living on and would prefer the alternative of quiet obscurity with a death of old age. You need to ask old people about that. I suspect old people rarely regret not being martyrs when they were younger but regret lots of things to do with living not dying.

    The sooner that Muslims consign the word martyr (and any other cause for that matter) to a historical curiosity, the better the whole world will be. Until the Muslim world uses the correct term for martyrs, which is killers, murderer, cowards or criminally insane, then the rest of the civilised world will look on with a combination of condemnation, disdain and fear.

    Welcome to 21st century diplomacy. It's time for all Muslims to enter it too.

    PS Islam isn't a race. You can't be racist against a religion or a political or idealogical movement.

  • 1 decade ago

    Intelligence and Fear do not have a 1:1 correlation. So you can't really say that someone is not intelligent because they fear.

    Intelligence is primarily the usage of the brain to decipher truths about a particular object, situation, or problem. Fear on the other hand, is more of an emotional state based on the surrounding stimuli.

    As such... People can be intelligent and still fear muslims... or not intelligent and not fear muslims.

    I consider myself intelligent... I got my degree from UCLA... but I can tell you that I do not fear muslims at all. Most muslims are perfectly normal human beings just like everyone else... It's the muslims extremist... who I find to be cowards, do stupid things, and then blame it on Jihad...

    It's cr@p really. So no... I am not scared of the muslim cowards...

  • I care not for other people's opinions, nor do I make any claims about my intellect but I have researched Islam and totally reject it. I am not 'Islamaphobic' a media coined phrase that is actually inaccurate but certain people would rather believe others are phobic than they reject Islam. I have read the three translations of the Qur'an and other Islamic literature, visited numerous websites and debated with muslims and non-muslims so I think I do know enough about the religion to have an informed opinion. You on the other hand have expressed a personal opinion, presumed to know what others think and/or know, and made sweeping and inaccurate generalisations. In England it is certainly true than some muslims expect the English to accept and adapt to their religion and culture instead of their accepting and adapting to ours. There is without doubt an expansionist agenda and people are right to be concerned about that. I doubt anyone thinks all muslims are terrorists but recent terrorist atrocities have been committed by muslims, that is fact. It would only take one 'extremist' to successfully detonate a bomb that could kill hundreds if not thousands so numbers are not relevant. I am not and have never been anti-semetic, there is simply no comparison. I accept Jewish people who have integrated and live within our society respecting other religions whilst observing and keeping their own, unlike muslims. Julia Peculiar has every right to exercise freedom of speech and express any view she chooses, regardless whether others agree with her or not. No-one is forced to read any question or answer they may find offensive, but of course some are offended by those having different beliefs and/or opinions to theirs. Finally I have no interest in your opinions or beliefs but answered simply to challenge your inaccurate generalisations.

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  • MTR09
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't say that I had any fear of Muslims. Most Muslims that I have met are more trustworthy that Christians.

    I do find Christians easier to talk to when religion comes up though.

    Basically, there are some extremist Muslims who commit atrocities and plenty of so-called "moderate" Muslims fail to condemn their actions.

    In contrast, when a Christian nut job does the same, they are condemned by their own people.

    This is why some people have an aversion to Islam, because it appears that a majority of the "moderate" Muslims support the extremists.

  • Anna
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Terrorism is not a Muslim only club, there are terrorists from every religion.

    But why no Atheist terrorists? Why does the belief in a God any God encourage murder and terrorism in the name of that God?

    I don't understand how being a religious bigot makes you racist though. There are people of all colors in the Muslim faith. Muslim is not a race so it isn't racist. That doesn't make it right. Bigotry is bigotry.

    I will admit my understanding of the Muslim faith is not as great as many other religions, but it is still based on faith and not evidence.

    I am an atheist, I think Muslim law breaks basic human rights and like the bible, the quran is very misogynistic and anti women. No one should be treated like property, all people are equal.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree, not all muslims are evil, just because a person is evil, doesn't mean the rest of the people from that same religion are. Sure muslim women dress like ewoks and muslims worship a squiggly line they call allah, but they are all sane people, they are not insane, only some are. Like after the mumbai attacks, I do not see all pakistanis as being gterrorists, but I have always hated them because they are a bunch of damn nut bags. but people must stop the hatred.


    Source(s): muslim athiest family
  • 1 decade ago

    As I understand the meaning of Jihad it is a holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims. I am with the understanding that such a Jihad has been declared on all unbelievers of the Muslim faith. As proof for my beliefs are the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York USA. The attack on the USS Cole, The attack on our Marine barracks, The attacks on the trains in Spain, etc. I could go on all day.

    I am glad that you are so intelligent that you can see it in some other light than I can. I don’t believe you as the muslim people even raise up their children to be suicide bombers. What kind of intelligence is that? It shows me they don’t even love their children, as such how could they love me?

  • 1 decade ago

    You and your so called religion is barbaric, 2000 years out of date as is the Jew, you are parasites on the back of modernity any new inventions that the west come up with you lot snap them up, and yet Islamic women either treat themselves as slaves to the men or are treated that way, because they are stupid enough to let themselves be used. The whole Islamic thing is a sham, they are lead like sheep, and so indoctrinated that they believe that killing Westerners is a great thing, they should stay in there own homelands, around the middle east, and leave the rest of the world in peace.

    Source(s): All the brown Asians around here where I live.
  • 1 decade ago

    No i don't love it.

    You say- "I also love how Christians, Catholics, etc. say unto atheists that they are ignorant and need to study their religion but they misquote the Koran and call Islamic individuals terrorists. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Hypocrites all around!"

    You can't make a sweeping generalisation like this and expect to be taken seriously.

    You show a hostility towards Christianity which says much about you.

    You may not be stupid, but you are a hypocrite and you are ignorant.

    How ironic.

    Source(s): Are YOU willing to change?
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