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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Do you believe future generations will look back at christianity as we do on Greek mythology?

In about 4000 years do you think that their Historians will look back on Christianity, Islam and Judaism and think it ws crazy like people do today, reguarding the Greek Gods?

Seriously. People were killed, sacrificed and built monuments temples to old gods like Athena (Greek), Romulus and Reemus(Roman), Osiris (Egyptian) and the Mayan sun gods. They thought their religion was every bit as real as the religions of today think they are.

I know this is going to piss the religious people off, but what is religion anyway? A man made set of answers to help them deal with the insignificance of their life.

What do you think the future will think about people strapping bombs to themselves in the name of Allah or the Christians worshiping a victim of torture by wearing a mini version of the Torture device around their neck on a chain. If Crist was hung would the church's symbol be a noose?

What do you think?

- I am a History Major minoring in Biology at U of Arkansas, and I plan to get my masters in Anthropology: PreHistory human history.



Sorry , I sited my education so people wouldnt think I was just trying to start a religious fight or troll.....Douchebag.

Update 2:

Sexy Butterfly:

My question is going to be my Senior Thesis so I like outside input. I made no claim that Christianity was the oldest religion, read my question agian and don't be in such a hurry to jump to answering it. But since you brought it up... What does being sexy have to do with butterflys? Your not into Formicophilia are you? Thats twisted.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ...and then in the 20th century all these competing variations of this religion had multiple TV shows and whole networks devoted to media campaigns attempting to make money. Little of the money was actually spent doing any good whatsoever for anyone... but some people got very rich giving their opinions about everything from world events to fashion.

    This turned out to be very bad for the idea of religion and eventually the whole thing collapsed in a giant heap of stinking corruption when all the major players were discovered to be participating in gay drug orgies with slave children and betting on weekly ratings.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't see the future so I'm not so sure how people will think. Heck I don't even know what events may happen. If the only religious books left are of those religions then I guess it could happen. However, there are some forms of religion that do believe the events of Greek mythology. Not all religions are just sets of answers. And christanity isn't the oldest religion. How do you know that future generations won't be Pagan? How do you know that they won't see mythology as truth and the Bible as fiction? And what does your major have to do with this darn question anyway?

  • 1 decade ago

    Christianity, like Judaism, Islam and even Buddhism to the most part, offer something that Greek mythology can not. It presents stories of real people living actual lives that modern man can relate to. The lack of that is the very reason Greek mythology died off. I believe Christianity will be around in some form for a very long time to come. God Bless! +?+

    Source(s): Bachelors in Religion on my way to a Masters!
  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is no the difference tween Christianity and Greek mythology

    The greek gods were statues and eventually crumbled, whereas Christianity is all about faith and believing in something that at this point in history cannot be proven or disproven and the final episode is about where you go when you die, heaven or hell and their again no one really knows and most people don't want to gamble on being wrong so Christianity is going to be around probably for ever, fear of going to hell will over rule most thought of logic.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You separate the two as if one is not the product of the other.

    Being a history major you should perfectly understand how one event is never separate from those previous, but rather that all events are the product of all previous events.

    And being a biology major you should certainly understand evolution.

    What, religion and spirituality cannot evolve? The universe is evolving, we are evolving, plants animals and even thought is evolving, but somehow spirituality isn't?

    And when you study prehistory, what will you blame for all of the killing those persons certainly committed? They didn't have a god or gods or religion they killed in the name of.

    So maybe you agree that religion doesn't kill people, but rather people kill people.

    And that is why we have religion to try to stop us all from doing just that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's see, 4000 years ago (more or less) Moses was leading the nation of Israel away from Egypt into the desert.

    About 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was born, lived, crucified, died, was resurrected and ascended into Heaven.

    Since I believe that those events happened and I don't believe in Greek mythology (as real events), I would have to say that in the future, people are still going to believe in Jesus and God.

    Truth will out.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes. i already do. christianity won't be looked at like greek mythology by most people for a while though.

  • 1 decade ago


    Edit: I'm a history major too, but I'm getting a double major in Broadfield social science (BFSS) with teaching intent.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me too, but we need to get rid of the zealots first before this can become a reality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not quite. we don't generally laugh and giggle at greek mythology.

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