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Republicans - is it true you'd rather see 4 years of recession than to see Obama get a couple of agenda wins?

That's the message you're sending, so if that's not how you feel, please explain.


As usual Republicans refuse to answer a simple question, except for one person who admitted he'd rather see the country fail for for years than to see a few policy wins. Nice, huh - a REAL American.

Update 2:

Answer the question people. It's not a difficult one.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Finally. I never thought I'd live long enough to see honesty from right-wingers... but I guess if you can live long enough to see a majority of Americans choose a black man as their President, you can live long enough to see anything.

    Thank you. You have exposed these people for what they are: People who hate America and don't have a clue as to what "socialism" is.

    They'd probably accept a hundred-year war in Iraq if they thought it would lower their taxes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes and here is why.

    I do not believe that the recession will last 4 years if capitalism is allowed to work. If we allow companies to fall, and allow something stronger to rise from the ashes, the system works and we don't see 4 years of recession. We could Use a good recession, we have become so spoiled as a nation that a good tough long recession would be good for all americans to bring us back to reality. No you do not need the iPhone, You do not need 3 cars in you garage, and you do not need most of the excess crap that we all have. We got so used to all the extra money that flowing around everywhere we lost sight of what actually matters and we forgot the difference between want and need. Also I believe that his policies will actually end up causing much more harm to the economy than anything. Just like FDR, Obama will actually push us right past recession and into full blown depression. That is what happened with FDR in office. His policies forced us into depression, instead of a deep recession.And he used the power the hand outs gave him to stary in power for 12 years. Only leaving because of the 22nd amendment. He raised the taxes to 90% and all of the sudden everyone needed govt help. Even those who had been wealthy. And that was the point. Power. If we had not passed the 22nd amendment I am positive we would have ended up a tyranny. A govt which took all our money, yet allowed us to own our own houses. Obama is viying for the same thing

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama agenda wins guarantee more recession. Bush had a 900 million dollar deficit after 8 years in office, Obama has racked up 2 trillion in his first six months with a projected 10 trillion more over the next 10 years.

    Can you not comprehend that will destroy our economy?

    The best we can hope for is that he will continue to lose his legislative battles (cap and trade, card check, health care takeover) and popularity and will become neutered for the remainder of his term then fade into the sunset taking liberalism with him until we forget again just how dangerous these clowns really are.

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I can tell, they don't care about anything anymore-they just want to bully and are hysterical since they're now out of power. For instance, this HC plan. I've heard them complain nonstop about it but not once have I heard them suggest all. Good or bad. They're not even trying.

    Now I hear mutters from a few that this financial mess has somehow been caused by Obama. At least if that becomes a party decree then they can lose even more members.

    Let them keep it up. Hopefully the bad behavior will teach them that if they want to have any power, they need to act reasonably, not like school-aged bullies.

    Edit: lol One person commented that all these other countries with socialized HC are failures. Then another says our Depression lasted longer than their's b/c we had a President that was too much like them. eye roll

    Have you ever heard England or Canada or any country that had socialized medicine trying to turn theirs into a massive failure based on capital greed like ours is?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that's a true statement.

    Just follow their actions. They fight against anything Obama wants to do but offer no alternatives.

    They use their mouthpieces (FoxNews, Rush) to continue to incite stereotypes - socialism, communism, etc... - without explanation or apology.

    They use "strawmen" to continue the outrageous assault on Obama regarding his citizenship. When have you ever heard a prominent Republican try to close down that ridiculous conspiracy theory?

    They refuse to take any responsibility for any of the mess we're in; yet they blame it all on Obama and have "tea parties" to protest.

    They continue to try to use fear to motivate people against Obama and his policies.

    They know that if Obama is able to make the economy turn around and prosper again, he and the Dems will win again in 2012. They would rather the country fail, so their party can benefit.

  • Doc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    While it may be ugly, I can survive four years of recession/depression. The country however, can not survive absolute bankruptcy and socialism.

    He "borrowed" $787,000,000,000 from the Chinese to fix Clinton's "more affordable" housing problems.

    Repaying that over a 30 year period with no interest added, equates to almost $22,000,000,000 a year.

    Now add that to the already unthinkable $1.1TRILLION deficit.

    Now add to this his $1,000,000,000,000 for health care. It's a guesstimate, meaning most likely the cost will actually go up AND, he wants to pay for this over the next 10 years. That's another $100,000,000,000 annually.

    And by the way, whens the last time any one or group of companies actually "volunteered" to give up $80 BILLION in profits? If he got the pharmaceutical companies to "endorse" this the same way he got the AMA and key reps. from the insurance industry, it's called "Coercion" and won't stand up in a court of law. To the AMA and Insurance folks he said "If you don't agree to sign on to this, I guaranty you will all go the way of GM." What? Be illegally owned by Congress, have their CEOs dismissed, their companies broke up and sold off under order of federally mandated bankruptcy? The guy's Al Capone reincarnated.

    Yeah, I'd rather deal with 4 short years than an eternity of absolute and total destruction.

    Source(s): "Why tell the truth when a lie will suffice?" FDR Me? Retired military, combat vet. BA in History AND a business owner. I paid for my health care insurance with blood, sweat and tears how about you? Sign me, a "REAL American." Semper Fi.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hummm, the message we're sending, by your own words, is yes, four years of recession are far better for Americans than the real cost of any one of Dumbama's radical ill-fated agendas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Obama's agenda passes, the recession will last a little longer than 4 years.

    And what do you mean Conservatives didn't answer your question? Is that because it wasn't the answer you were looking for?

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, I rely on federal grants to continue my career. I really would not want to see that money go away because some moron spent it all on pet projects. So, I would like to see the economy get better. Whence comes my animosity for Obama, who spends imaginary money as fast as he can get his hands on it on things that do not aid economic regrowth. So, I dislike Obama because he has allowed his personal ideologies to cloud his policies for much-needed regrowth.


  • 1 decade ago

    It's amazing how you guys simply don't get it! If Obama's agenda is successful, the recession will be WORSE... not better... just like the Great Depression was extended longer in the US than Europe because of the agenda of FDR... which in many respects is just what Obama is trying to do.

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