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Believers, is you God and beliefs so week that he can't be criticised ?

Why can't you question the validity of your beliefs, learn what is real evidence and scrutinies your religion? Why do you need faith, if it is real wouldn't you have evidence instead?


The lie is too big, you can't see it, You never will. I give up, I will no loger tolerate your rediculous beliefs.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't help but sense the anger in the question. If you are interested in learning the truth, you can't let opposing beliefs throw you off. Once it becomes an "us vs. them" game, the goal becomes winning the argument rather than seeking the truth. If you can't tolerate ridiculous beliefs, your in the wrong forum. Let go of your frustration and stay focused on what's important.

    Source(s): Satanist... just my advice
  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with questioning ones beliefs, or even asking the rational for that belief. I think criticism is a good thing, not only does it force an individual to examine his or her beliefs more closely but it also challenges one to question why they believe.

    Your use of the term "evidence" is interesting. Interesting because many skeptics use that term to mean "scientific' evidence. If that is the case then you are barking up the wrong tree. Science is a method of exploring the natural (i.e. material) world, and has a priory that automatically rules out anything supernatural or spiritual. This priory is self imposed and significantly limits the scope of science as a tool for finding the Truth. Anything spiritual or supernatural is necessarily beyond the scope of science. Since science relies on observation, and experimentation the scope is further limited to current events and carries with it the assumption of uniformity which is do varying degrees questionable.

    If by evidence you mean "scientific evidence" you are off base because the subject you seek to criticize is outside the scope of science. If you are open to other forms of evidence then that is certainly worth discussing.

  • 1 decade ago

    My God is almighty and all powerful and can take on any criticism. I find it sad that people feel the need to be critical of the very one that gives them every breath even though they deny Him.

    If you don't agree with our beliefs why can't you just go on with your doubt and disbelief and leave us alone? Christianity is a "Faith" based religion. I have evidence, my Bible.

    One thing is absolutely certain: The truth will be known at the end of time. Unfortunately there are many who will have doubted their way into hell for eternity.

  • 1 decade ago

    I questioned my beliefs a long time ago that is why i have faith today in my Lord Jesus Christ. it is also say ed in the bible

    Matthew 24:9

    Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. Christian's do not need evidence for there faith it's the non Christians that would like the evidence but wont find it until they give there lives over to Christ. I pray for them every day.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Faith is evidence that God exists.

    If not how exactly did it evolve? how many years did it take to evolve? 100- 500 billion years? And what exactly was the necessity for it to evolve?

    Faith is required by God because its a complete surrender of power and reliance on an unseen God. Thats what He wants: us to recognize His authority, power, love, and soverignty. Anything else is pride in our own abilities. God is all powerful. He created us and anything we have or are able to do is an outcome of HIM. When we have faith we are in recognition of that.

    So this is why faith is necessary. good luck in your quest for Truth. Hope your path will be blessed.

  • Karl
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    IF I spoke badly of your parents saying false things because I do not know them would you be upset? Well you speak ill of God, our father in heaven, and do not know him. Just say bad things, and this upsets a child when you say the parent is bad or evil or ugly or whatever. Shall we do this to you and your parents as you do to us, I think not that would be cold and heartless and just mean..

    The spirit of God lives in us once we accept Jesus as our savior. So how can you deny something that now, is apart of us. that is like denying I have a soul or emotions or character (good or bad). It is in us and we can not deny it, and it being in us makes it the truth. Faith is the beginning of our relationship with God, then we get to learn more about him as we spend time with him.

    hope this helps some and take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure we can, but your people don't like our evidence. It seems that you can't understand it or something.

    Example: When I say that the Dead Sea is in the exact location of Sodom and Gomorrah listed in the historical book called the Bible, your people go that doesn't prove God, and then I go, stupid!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For those who believe no evidence is needed.

    For those who don't believe, no amount of evidence would ever be enough.

    You may scrutinize and question all you want. None of it would have any effect on what I believe.

    P.S. The use of spell checker would have helped eliminate your misspellings and made your question seem more intelligent.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have evidence of Gods existence. But it is personal.

    God is loving but God demands respect. It does not matter if you like it or not. You show Him disrespect and you will regret it.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you have faith, then you can see the evidence. When you don't have faith, it's really hard to see the evidence of God's existence because your mind is closed to all of it. When you put your faith in God, He opens your eyes and then you can see evidence of His creations and miracles all around you.

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