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Is anyone else tired of the Christians who try to convert people on Yahoo Answers?

I've noticed that every time someone questions their faith on YA, there's always a bunch of people that only say something like "You need to find Jesus, and accept him as your lord and saviour-(Sources) I'm a saved Christian."

The people asking these questions are just having a hard time, it happens to everyone, and it's not your job to force your ways on them during their rough time.


Yes, I know what section I'm in. I'm in the section of Yahoo Answers where people can ask about Religion, Faith, Spirituality and other related topics and expect to find a mature answer.

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. If they wanted "the lord" to save them, then they would've gone to church. They want answers not to go attend a sermon

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nah I think it's hilarious!

    We don't get these crazies down here. Australians don't talk about religion a lot, so no one is ever trying to convert me to anything in real life :(

    I got a funny email the other day from a Yahoo member who's had no contact with me at all, they must have Just read a few of my answers.

    "If you are so intelligent then you would have Understanding and if you had Understanding you would have Knowledge of the most Holy Proverbs 9:10 and yet your a lost soul devoid of the Light and thus Anti-christ. Little do you realize you'll give account of your sinful ways in days to come, so repent before it is to late! "


    This would never happen where I'm from. The only people who talk to strangers like this are homeless guys with signs saying "the end is near" :D

  • Jeff S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well Aqil, this IS the Religious and Spirituality section of Y/A, if you don't want to receive answers with a Christian or any other spiritual tone to them then perhaps you should be looking in a different section.

    Oh by the way, I am a Christian and whether a person is having a good life or a bad life, we have all sinned against God and someone is going to pay for those sins when we die. Who pays for those sins is up to each of us individually. It will be us or it will be Jesus.

    I know it can be painful to hear this but this is what the Christian believes. This is told to people because reading the Bible we learn what the wrath of God will be and do not want even our worst enemies to suffer that wrath. You may not want to hear it but God wants you to hear it, He does not want you to die in your sins.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    liked James answer superb because of the fact of its openness and honesty. large question too and the stereo-varieties are so on the right music. anybody's grow to be an criminal expert and can makes ideal. Why do we've this might desire to continually immediately take care of our positions? So in many situations we talk from heads and not from our hearts or from our souls. We 'pay attention' to a minimum of one yet another without somewhat listening to. Is that what makes "the way narrow"?

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  • 1 decade ago

    At times I feel like I'm intruding on a clique. They post and answer their own questions to gain points. Some of the 'best answers' I think just so it's 10 pts to their friends. Questions are asked but the answers 'must' fall within the cube, no thinking outside the cube allowed.

  • 1 decade ago

    So if someone asks a question wondering about their own faith, thus seeking for opinions of others, you think its wrong for people to give their opinion on the subject?

    Its not forcing anything on anyone. The person is posting a "question" to get opinions. They are inviting the opinions so how is that people forcing their opinion on them????

  • 1 decade ago

    We all will die and what a shame not to share Jesus with them You are now accountable curiosity brought you here but God is speaking to you and yes you are on the religious section

    Source(s): BIBLE
  • 1 decade ago

    Well you have to remember that you are at the spiritual section. Someone struggling with their weight might find that people in the health section give them health advice. It's just the nature of how it works.

  • 1 decade ago

    Good lord are you kidding me! This is religion section right? What else would you expect?? You honestly asked this question. Really? I mean really?

  • Greg
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You came to the religion and spirituality section. What do you expect?

  • 1 decade ago

    Very tired. But they have every right to be here and express their opinions just like the rest of us, by sticking to the Community Guidelines.

    If they stick to the guidelines, you can refute their arguments in a civilized way that does not itself violate the guidelines. If they do not stick to the guidelines, report them.

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