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Christians, who are we in this world?

This posting is to encourage all christians, because we are in a spiritual war, and have already won in God's eyes. Our battle is not with flesh and blood ( Ephesians 6:12 ), even though we have to deal with people every day. I'm going to share scriptures with you, because we are the army of God, and are strong in the Lord, and the power of His might ( Ephesians 6:10 ). No weapon formed against us shall prosper ( see the rest of Isaiah 54:17 ), because greater is He that is in us, than he ( Satan ) that is in the world ( 1 John 4:4 ). We are more than conquerors through Him that loves us ( Romans 8:37 ). We can do all things through Christ ( translated the Anointed One and His anointing ) which strengthens us ( Philippians 4:13 ). We are ambassadors for Christ ( 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 ). We have the mind of Christ ( 1 Corinthians 2:16 ). Now, to put the sword in the devil's heart and twist it: Jesus said, he that believes on Me, the works that I do he shall do also; and GREATER works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father ( John 14:12 ). Here is very strong meat for all christians: 1 John 4:17 says because AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD. God bless every christian with wisdom, revelation knowledge, and understanding: be bold and courageous, we are more than we ever imagined in Christ Jesus, and God is preparing to unleash His anointing in this earth like never before in history.


Hey, I get a kick out of the atheist's answers, but I expected as such. I posted this for christians, not unbelievers, but you are always welcome to check it out too. Sorry you are so blind, but Jesus said if you are not His sheep, you don't hear His voice; but the real children of God will hear.

Update 2:

I see the first question, and this will blow your religious mind, but please, check it out and see. Revelation 20:9-27 explains that the bride of Christ is the holy city Jerusalem, not the body of Christ. I too had believed this for years, but read this and see, the angel said he would show John the bride, the Lamb's wife, and what he showed him was the holy city.

Update 3:

Just one more encouraging detail for all christians. A minister from Africa said once ( he is a white man with an African accent ) that he doesn't give a rip what the people think, and I was rolling with laughter. That statement has set me free, I don't give a rip how much the atheists rag on me, you can't shake my faith in God. Everyone reading, don't let anyone shake your faith in God, He is our reward ( Here is another scripture that will bless you - 1 Peter 4:16 says, if any man suffer as a christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf ). I got another one; 2 Timothy 3:12 says Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. Verse 13 says but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. We christians truly are blessed!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Heavenly beings (in an earthly body) on an earthly journey.

    1 Cor 15:48 As [is] the earthy, such [are] they also that are earthy: and as [is] the heavenly, such [are] they also that are heavenly.

    1 Cor 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

    Source(s): KJV Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Onward, Christian soldiers,

    Marching as to war.

    With the cross of Jesus

    Going on before!

    Christ, the royal Master,

    Leads against the foe;

    Forward into battle,

    See His banner go!

    It Baffles me that people do not believe what is right before their eyes but call us Christan's foolish for our they called Noah Foolish when he was building the ark. And thank you for your post it was very encouraging.

    Like a mighty army

    Moves the church of God;

    Brothers, we are treading

    Where the saints have trod;

    We are not divided;

    All one body we,

    One in hope and doctrine,

    One in charity.

    Source(s): Praise be to King Jesus
  • 1 decade ago

    I find Jesus Christ to be an amazing character, and if he was real I would follow his teachings. The morality and kindness behind the Christian religion is what I love, but I don't understand why one must believe that this man lived 2000 yrs ago in order to go to heaven. To me he is more of a symbol than an actual being. Because if someone lives by the same decent morals as Christians do why shouldn't their kindness and compassion by them a ticket into heaven? I just don't understand the views of a bible belt baptist, just seems too radical. But i have nothing against Christians or their religion.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm elated. Some WWE fans keep on saying that Vince doesn't like Christian but I didn't stop believing in him. That's why I keep on mentioning Christian all over the internet despite doubters out there.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We are all parasites living in this world. We do NOTHING good for the planet. The Earth would be a lot better off without us destroying it as fast as we can. If a comet or asteroid doesn't impact us soon the earth may never recover. The greed of the Christians are whats really destroying the world so fast!!

  • 1 decade ago

    "I will go before thee," said the Lord, "and make the crooked places straight. I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron".

    "And I will give thee the treasure of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I; the Lord which call thee by THY NAME, am the God of Israel. Isaiah 45: 2-3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are two things we need to fight for; one is freedom and two is spiritual freedom. We fight for freedom so our country is not overtaken by our enemy (which is only temporary). Then we fight for our spiritual freedom (in Christ) so we dont submit to the spiritual ruler of this world, but submit to the ruler of holiness and righteousness which is eternal freedom.

    Source(s): you can go to or read "purpose driven life" by author rick warren or "if you want to walk on water, you got to get out of the boat" by John Ortberg
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We don't belong to this world. But yes, I agree with all the quotes!

    I want to see Jesus!

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you! I am so very glad to see this on here, these are powerful words. You know we will both be blasted on here right? Who cares, all we can do is pray for the non believers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are crazy and brainwashed. Your have taken a metaphorical guide for how to live your life morally and read it literally. The bible can be a dangerous thing when put in stupid people's hands.

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