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? asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

How to curl my pin straight hair?

I have very straight, long hair. When i curl it with a curling iron, hot roller or anything it falls flat within 10 mins. you would never be able to tell it had a curl in it. my hair is layered and it comes down to my bra strap.

How should i curl my hair and what product should i use on it. i don't want to burn the sh!t out of it.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi my hairs the exact same, i had to have it curled for a show recently and i didn't know how i'd do it o:

    But what i did and it didnt drop was wash you hair the night before,

    and when its damp put in mousse and scrunch. Then put in foam rollers , secure in and spray with hairspray. Sleep with them overnight and theyll be curly the next day. at first they'll be v.tight curls but they drop after about an hour. if its still not curly enough, put your already curled hair into a bun or plaits for the next few hours, then repeat what you did the night before but this time with heated curlers, using the mousse and hairspray. Run your fingers through or softly brush them into looser/fatter curls, and add a small amount of hairspray if still needed. Hope it helps :)

    Source(s): Experience (:
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    With somewhat wet hair section into finger thick sections and twist until they begin to tighten then pin them to your head. Do it all over your head. Spritz with hairspray. Dry with a hair dryer. Then wet again and let air dry. The longer you have it in the tighter the curls.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    to get beautiful long lasting curls try this tutorial

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