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Dumb - dumb - dumb Americans?

I'm always reading or hearing people say Americans are dumb. So, I would like to ask, what's the dumbest thing an American has ever told you or asked you?

I'm curious to see what you have to say. I'm American, so be nice. LOL.


I knew someone would answer "this question".....

Update 2:

I knew someone would answer "this question".....

Update 3:


Update 4:


Update 5:

Thanks to all the great answers.

46 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My dad got hired to work in the USA for a year, he is an educated man and it was to do with oil industry and rope access.

    He was discussing oil drills in the US, using a map, the guy he was talking too asked him where he lived and to show him on the map. My dad said 'this is a map of north America I come from Scotland' the guy looked at him blankly and said 'yes so where on the map is it'. The man could not grasp the thought he came from another country and he asked if we had TV.

    CNN or equivalent done a survey in New York and asked there fellow Americans if they knew on a map where America was. 40% got it wrong!

    A rocket scientist thought my dad was Russian even tho he has a paisley accent!

    America employ a lot of British educated workers because they are more dependable than there own people.

    My dad said he has never been so shocked at the behaviour and attitude of Americans. He met nice people but he thought that they where dumb and Ignorant.

    He thinks it not there fault, as America glorify themselves and do not show any concern out side the USA. He found it hard finding a TV channel that kept him update with things back home. It is very 'America is so great' in your face.

    EDIT -----------------

    maariya above proves my point, delusional. For starter America is not a country of inventors and most of her list of so called American inventions where in fact invented by Europeans or Asia. As for aeroplane it was not the wright brothers it was in fact a guy in New Zealand but he never got the confirmation for it. Da Vinchi was very close and he European.


    Remember America has no long serving history it is a country full of people all coming from a 'different country'. Theses inventors where European but only came out in America. I looked them out Bell who invented the Telephone was Scottish!!

    The guy who invented the diesel engine which was the first engine 'not petrol' was German.

    Like I said it is in your nature to think America has done and will do everything because of the lack of education and guidance. The men who run your country make it one off the richest country's in the world because they don't fork out for decent education for all there people so ignorance is all you have got to go on. I do feel sorry that your government are so greedy and foolish. Mine are not so good either.

    Americans try so hard to convince everybody that they have always been there but you are a young country compared to everybody else. The America's had to brutally kill the natives for what they wanted. They have the history and the wright.

    The amount of inventions that have come out off a country that is so large and heavily populated it is not that many. Scotland is renowned for its inventors & inventions and for there surgens and we are a small insignificant country.


    First sighn of electrisity

    600BC: Static electricity

    Thales, a Greek, found that when amber was rubbed with silk it attracted feathers and other light objects. He had discovered static electricity. The Greek word for amber is ëelectron', from which we get ëelectricity' and ëelectronics'.

    1600: William Gilbert invented the term electricity

    William Gilbert, scientist and physician to Queen Elizabeth I, invented the term electricity (from the Greek word for amber, elecktra). He was the first person to describe the earth's magnetic field and to realise that there is a relationship between magnetism and electricity.

    1705: Francis Hauksbee invented Neon Light

    Francis Hauksbee created electrical effects by putting some mercury into a glass globe, pumping out the air and then spinning it. When he did this in the dark, and then rubbed the globe with his bare hand, it glowed. (He didn't realise it, but he had invented the neon light!)

    1752: Franklin proved that lightning is a form of electricity

    Benjamin Franklin, famous U.S. politician, flew a kite with a metal tip into a thunderstorm to prove that lightning is a form of electricity. He was very lucky he wasn't killed. Don't try this at home!

    Electrisity and what we do know is not down to one person or country but the world of knowledge to get it where it is know.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Dumb Things Americans Say

  • 5 years ago

    I think it is a current global trend. I think Americans are getting dumber in certain fields like Math, Science and technology, while fields like banking, finance have remained unaffected. I studied Computer Engineering in a University in Nigeria for a couple of years before I came over to a US college, and my personal experience (and my grades) show that the coursework is clearly several levels easier over here in the U.S. Similar statements can be made when comparing coursework in India, China and Japan. On the other hand, there is a constant brain drain from all over the world to the US in the science and math fields as thousands of people migrate from countries like China and India to the US to start new lives each year, so I dont think the US will lose its technological edge for a couple of decades at least. In fact, take a stroll through the College of Engineering buildings of most colleges in the US and u will see a dominance of Asian students (When China gets their act completely together, its over=)

  • 7 years ago

    The dumb Americans opened a museum to teach children that dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time as humans, and it only cost a billion dollars

    now that is dumb, dumb, dumb & dumber

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  • 7 years ago

    I am American and I actually agree with Hawkeye. It's not that we are dumb but we are very ignorant to other cultures seeing as though most of us stay in America and we are pretty far away from Europe and the connecting countries and a lot of times I'm embarrassed by my people and how they think they are the greatest but a lot of times I will see people mock those people and joke about how we think we are the greatest and I see people joke about how my country seems obssesed with guns (mainly the south) hopefully we will change in the future.

    Source(s): I'm a American
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The wright brothers got the credit (wrongly) for the first heavier than air flight NOT the first aircraft. Electricity was not discovered by Franklin. The car was not invented by Americans either. The first car was actually invented by Karl Benz, a German. Maariya doesn't know much by the looks of it and her comment is the reason why many of us europeans think americans are stupid/arrogant. Because we meet so many of you who are like her: 'look at us and how great we are!', 'you couldn't survive without us' etc when in reality the majority of essential inventions we european.

  • 5 years ago

    The Paleo Diet is an effort to eat like we used to back in the day, way back in the day. If a caveman couldn’t eat it, neither can you. Read more

    This means anything we could hunt or find meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens, regional veggies, and seeds. Sorry, the pasta, cereal, and candy will have to go! Instead, you’ll be making things like chicken stir fry and paleo spaghetti.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm an American, and a pretty intelligent one at that.

    However, I once had a friend ask me where in South America Africa was.

    That was pretty dumb, if you ask me.

  • 7 years ago


    put aside the fact you said God created electricity

    The car was not invented by one man, it was a grouping of inventions from different people from across the world.... that is why no one inventor gets credit for the car... as a dumb American you said Ford... as in Henry Ford? he for sure didnt invent the car considering they existed for decades prior to him building his first one

    Wright Brothers get too much credit, so many people at that time were working on flight, they were just the first one to succeed and publish it... heck birds were doing it millions of years before them and dinosaurs and insects 100s of mllions of years before birds

    Americans are dumb because we think our way of life is the best way of life without even knowing or understanding how others live

  • 7 years ago

    I'm American and I have to admit there are a lot of dumb people here. They are usually very religious, racist, or believe they are better than everyone for some stupid reason. Fortunately, they are segregated into their own crappy neighborhoods and most of the time you do not have to cross paths with them. Unfortunately, they have access to the internet with a lot of time on their hands to make us smart Americans look stupid.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I agree, some Americans are really ignorant. But, that doesnt mean all of us are. I mean, each society has ignorant people but in America we just film them.... Which is a bad idea because now everyone else in the world think we are all mindless idiots. Trust me. There are both really intellegant Americans and really idiotic Americans.

    Source(s): I've lived in America my whole life.
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