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Obama Supporters: Am I Crazy Or Does This Just Not Make Sense?

New federal guidelines prevent deputies from arresting illegal immigrants, proposed by President Obama. Being an illegal immigrant is illegal, correct? Doesn't the fact that it is illegal to prosecute something that is illegal therefore make it legal?

(a negative+a negative= a positive)

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Then I guess Obama should be charged with aiding and abetting criminals along with the rest of the liberals who won't enforce the laws in place.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pul-eeze: If state or city law enforcement cannot arrest anyone for breaking federal law, I am going to go rob banks since it will take hours to mobilize the feds since, according to some, the local boys have no probable cause [jurisdiction] to affect a stop! I guess someone should tell Sheriff Joe to stop busting illegals in Arizona... oh, yeah, that's been tried and failed! Federal crimes are tried in federal courts who have jurisdiction over the crime but state and city cops can arrest you for the crime itself and turn custody over to the federal level for processing. This will be Obama's next Agenda item: amnesty [already trying to get them set up for the health care] under the guise of "border security". Napolitano did squat here [and fought enforcement] so I imagine she'll been just as impotent on the national level... unless it concerns right-wing veterans.

  • 1 decade ago

    because obama is really an illegal immigrant

  • -RKO-
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    While I agree that people coming into this country should become 'legal' citizens, I also reflect on the words emboldened on our Statue of Liberty, which says: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

    Things we need to remember:

    The first 'illegal aliens' were most of our ancestors, who arrived on the shores of Jamestown 402 years ago. These white-anglo-saxton-Protestants refused to learn the language of the native American Indians; refused to adapt the customs and cultures or the native American Indians; swindled or stole land from the native American Indians (who considered land to be sacred and belonging to all). Then, as we moved westward into the bowels of this vast new land, we slaughtered millions of buffalo, just for the 'sport' of it (a natural resource Indians regarded as God-given for food, shelter and clothing). And, if those native 'savages' resisted our advances into the great Plains, we massacred them, or eventually sent them to reservations (out of sight, out of mind).

    As we arrogantly took over this great land, we imported black slaves to be traded, bought and sold like all other personal property (and today we whine about how the blacks have 'taken over').

    We consider ourselves 'honorable' people, yet we represent only about 5% of the world's population while we squander almost 50% of the world's natural resources, allowing the rest of the world to live in more primitive conditions while we enjoy buying plastic junk we don't need at WalMart's "low prices - everyday".

    One more thing: those illegal aliens come here for a better life, just as our forefathers came here to better themselves, to escape high taxation without representation, or to avoid religious persecution. Today's "illegal aliens" come here to do the work most Americans wouldn't lower themselves to do: pick cotton in hot-as-hell weather; babysit for spoiled rich kids while their parents work at 'careers'; take 'day job' construction work at minimal wages; clean toilets in fast-food restaurants; perform back-breaking physical labor in corporate asparagus fields or strawberry patches, or work in chemical plants where the poison air asphyxiates workers daily.

    If Obama arrests all the illegal aliens, our economy would be drained of the 'lower-rung' labor pools, and that would devastate this nation.

    The suggestion would be to 'legalize' all 'illegals' so that they can pay taxes, earn decent wages, and enjoy the same quality of life and freedoms that the rest of us take for granted here in the good old U.S.A. -RKO- 08/04/09

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  • 1 decade ago

    there is no money in it.

    if they stop arresting illegals that will free them up to write more tickets to otherwise law abiding citizens and increase revenue.

  • 1 decade ago

    Local law enforcement is never allowed to involve itself in federal crimes, and immigration is no exception. If you think immigration should be an exception to the rule, or that the rule should be changed, contact your congressman.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think anybody who doesnt want to help others are crazy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Other than that, if they break the law, they'll be arrested.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are crazy

  • 1 decade ago

    Kevin A.R.T. is correct.

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