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I ♣ Liberals

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  • LeGarrette Blount Might Be Reinstated?

    How do you feel about Blount being reinstated? What punishment would you have given him? My opinion: this is inexcusable behavior. If he had only punched the other player, that would be bad enough but I'd probably would of suspended him half the season. But trying to punch FANS? That goes above & beyond stupidity and I wouldn't tolerate it as a coach. He's a senior and should of known better.

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Help: Any Ideas for Signs for DC Obama Protest?

    I'm attending the Obama/health care/tax protest in Washington DC on 9/12 and I need some help coming up with creative slogans for signs. Anything along the lines of smaller government, anti obamacare, etc., short & sweet slogans would be best.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy Symptoms After Miscarriage?

    I had a miscarriage and let it take its course naturally a week and a half ago. However, I'm still having pregnancy like symptoms (especially sore breasts). Is this normal?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Will a clinical pregnancy test be able to determine if I've had a miscarriage?

    What I mean is, if my HCG is a certain level, will the clinical pregnancy test determine it is a miscarriage or will they need further, in depth testing to know for sure?

    The story is I haven't had sex since mid July and had a fairly normal period July 20th. August 3rd I started having cramping and bleeding, which has never happened to me between periods before. My boyfriend suggested I take a PT and it came out positive. I don't have insurance or enough money for a visit to the doctor or ER so this weekend I am planning to take a clinical pregnancy test.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Sorry for all the questions, but, question about cost of ultrasound?

    I'm in a pretty tough spot because I have no insurance, I'm having irregular bleeding (I'm between periods), and took a PT Monday which came out positive. It's likely (from what I've read) that I'm having a miscarriage, but to be sure I would need an ultrasound. Ultrasounds are expensive (from what I've read, starting around $300) which I can not afford. Should I wait it out? Let my body naturally miscarry? The only problem is if I'm actually pregnant, this would be a bad move. Any advice? Thank you all.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Likelihood of Miscarriage?

    The last time I had sex was around July 10th and my last period was on July 20th. On Monday I started having heavy bleeding with clots and cramp like pains so I took a PT which came out positive. Is it very likely that I'm having a miscarriage? Also, I'm planning to get a test at a clinic this weekend. If I've had a miscarriage, will the test there still come out positive or will they be able to tell I've had a miscarriage? I'm not trying to sound ignorant, but I've never been pregnant before and I'm unsure about this.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Help...Pregnancy Question?

    I'm 21 and have no children. The last time I had sex was on July 9th (my boyfriend lives in the next state over and we see each other once or twice a month) and I had a normal period on July 20th-July 24th (it is normal for me to have a fairly short period). On Monday (August 3rd) I started having menstrual-like cramps and discovered I was bleeding. I've never had bleeding between periods before. I called and told my boyfriend and he suggested I take a pregnancy test, which came out positive. As of today, August 5th, I am still having some bleeding. I'm curious for your opinions on what this might be: is this normal or is it likely I'm having a miscarriage? I'm planning to go to the doctor this weekend when my boyfriend is in town.

    Thanks all.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Obama Supporters: Am I Crazy Or Does This Just Not Make Sense?

    New federal guidelines prevent deputies from arresting illegal immigrants, proposed by President Obama. Being an illegal immigrant is illegal, correct? Doesn't the fact that it is illegal to prosecute something that is illegal therefore make it legal?

    (a negative+a negative= a positive)

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Which Event in History Was Worse In Your Opinion:?

    American slavery of African Americans or the Holocaust against Jews (amongst others)?

    I've always wondered about this because in my previous history classes (from middle school to my college world history courses) we always spent much longer talking about slavery. My history books only contained a few paragraphs about the Holocaust while slavery took up chapters at a time.

    42 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is It Humorous To You That Outspoken Conservatives Continue to "Shock" Liberals?

    Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, etc.

    If you one those who are "shocked" by these people, can you name an example of why?

    33 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How Do You Feel About This Response To a Question Asked Last Night?

    From a program that aired last night...

    Host (talking about the 70% approval rating for Obama from African AMericans): Do you believe African Americans see something more in President Obama that people who are not African American do not see?

    Response (African American woman): Yes. President Obama is very "Cliff Huxtable". Also, he shoots down pirates and fires the head of GM. This is very gangsta and gives him street cred which is something African Americans can identify with.


    Also, can you guess which show this was from?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If 9/11 Could Have Been Prevented From Administering Torture To Terrorists, Would You Still Be Against It?

    A hypothetical question for those who are against torture.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Are These True Life Examples Enough To Provide Evidence of One Huge Problem We Have In America?

    ALL are 100% true life examples based on firsthand experiences)

    Example 1:

    A friend of mine had her first son at age 14 and her daughter at age 16. They have two different fathers. She is now 20 years old and makes about $9.00 an hour. She rents an apartment and receives about $500 a month in food stamps along with getting her daycare for her daughter paid for and after school care for her son paid for. Along with those, she receives an amount of money (not sure how much, probably around 200 a month?) of welfare to do whatever she wants with. Yesterday she called and told me she bought an $100 digital camera with her welfare money. Also, she gets her nails and toenails done about twice amonth as well as her hair done about once a month. Yet all the while she claims how "broke" she is. I remember she called me and told me she'd be getting an extra (unspecified) amount of money for food stamps because the stimulus bill was passed. Hooray for Obama!

    Example 2:

    Living across the hall from the friend mentioned above is a woman with 3 children and no father in sight. She does not work and recieves Section 8 (basically her rent is completely paid for), food stamps, and welfare money probably totaling around $1000 a month. Keep in mind, she does absolutely nothing.

    Example 3:

    A woman I work with is pregnant with her 5th or 6th child (can't remember), with at least 3 fathers involved. She proudly boasts that she receives $800 a month in food stamps.

    Example 4:

    The father of a woman's child I know is 23 years old, does not have a job, or live on his own. He partly stays with his mother, grandmother, and random girlfriends who take him in. He has two children by two different women, and pays child support for neither. He went to the state and, since he has no permanent resident or job, qualified for "emergency foodstamps" and receives around $300 a month and uses them for himself and his friends to eat while he lives rent/bill free. As a side note, the mother of his son does not qualify for government assistance because she makes too much money. The mother of his daughter is the woman listed in example # 1.

    All the while CEO's making six figures a year are demonized. Why is doing the wrong thing rewarded in this country while doing the right thing is punished by being taxed to the ceiling to pay for these things? Yes, I believe in helping others out. However, why can't this be done privately by donation and not controlled by the government? Think: ASPCA except for people.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If A White Person Had Called A Black Singer (ex: Rihanna) "Black *****" Would There Have Been Bigger Backlash?

    Jamie Foxx called Mile Cyrus a "*****" and the woman radio host called her "that white *****". Why is this acceptable?

    19 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is Standing Up For What You Believe In "Whining"?

    According to Democrats it is. They are in a tizzy about the Tax Day Tea Parties. To top it off, some Democrats actually think it will involve drinking tea.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Help! Which Set Do You Like Better For Twin Girls Due in June?

    Charlotte Daphne

    Victoria Renee


    Micheline Brielle

    Nicolette Liana

    31 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Do You Think Yahoo! Answers Even Reviews The Question/Answer After It Has Been Reported?

    It seems that way. I have given answers that aren't in the least bit a violation, but people report me because they don't agree with me. I have even appealed my violation explaining myself but it doesn't matter. This is unfair and frustrating.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I Thought Hillary Was Going To Give Consequences to North Korea For Missile Launch?

    "This provocative action … will not go unnoticed and there will be consequences,” she said.

    Hmmm...consequences? Consequences? Where are you, consequences? Just another example of the Obama administration:

    It's not what they do, it's what they say they're going to do.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does A Person Who Loves America Say These Things?

    What if I, or any random person on the street, say:

    "America fails to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world"

    "America is arrogant, dismissive, and derisive"

    "God damn America"

    "American's chickens are coming home to roost" (regarding 9/11)

    "For the first time, I'm proud of this country"

    Would you say that I'm a person who loves or dislikes America? Obviously, a person who disliked America would say things such as these. Why is it OK when Obama or people close to Obama say such things? He is our president for crying out loud! If these words don't offend you, then what exactly would Obama have to do or say in order to change your opinion of him? "**** America?" Honestly, people are desperately defending a man who says things on grounds of being impeached. Why?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago