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Do you have a Primary Care Physician?

The reason I ask this is because if you don't now you had better have one before Obama shoves his health care down your throats because after he does you will be left out in the cold. You can't take a health care system that already has massive shortages of doctors and nurses and push 40 million new patients into it, this is exactly one of the problems they have in Canada and all around the world in every country and since it takes 10 years for a person to become a doctor its not looking very good. This isn't a Democratic or Republican issue, this is an issue for every person in this country because it will take the whole system down. People should go to the town hall meetings in their area and ask their representitves how our health care system can handle 40 million new patients pushed into it. Preparing the health care infrastructure should be Obama's primary cause.


So Wendy C you think the shortage of doctor and nurses in this country is a lie to scare people into not changing the health care system in this country? Tell me exactly how this "reform" is going to put an end to the shortage of doctors and nurses in this country. People simply need to ask their representitives how they intend on coping with the shortages of doctors and nurses in this country, that should be simple enough.

Update 2:

LOL, you think it will "slow" down our system, it will bring it to a sliding halt.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama is shoving everything and anything down our throat and up our @SS thanks to all the STUPID @SS people who put him where he is so i hope he breaks it off in all of the ones who voted for him

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a widely used care surgeon is a designation used via coverage companys to maintain expenses down. Any regularly occurring MD/family contributors prepare or pediatrician (reckoning on age of affected person) could be particular as a widely used care surgeon in the event that they're engaging on your coverage. The health center you frequently attend can inform you in the event that they're engaging with your coverage, or your coverage 800 quantity provides you names of docs on your section that they approve. The designation has no longer something to do with skills, greater to do with money. A surgeon, as you pronounced, won't be able to be a widely used care surgeon because of the fact they are actually not the surgeon you are able to see for a sinus an infection, bunions, or the different regularly occurring ailment. they seem to be a professional. they have had particular scientific education and internship in specific for surgery. a widely used care surgeon will refer you (or inform you and your coverage business enterprise) which you have a definite scientific undertaking that they can't diagnose or take care of because of the fact it demands a professional. That informs your coverage business enterprise which you require specific care from a greater high priced style of physician. that's designed to maintain coverage rates down, via conserving people from consulting a podiatrist every time their foot hurts, or an ear nostril and throat professional for a chilly or viral an infection that must be dealt with via a regularly occurring physician at your health center. the two docs could have attended the comparable college, in spite of if the surgeon could have attended added years or interned in a distinctive place under the tutelage of surgeons.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously.. you seem to miss the whole point of the health care reform...

    which is that persons with NO INSURANCE, have no primary care dr. Or (more likely) you really have no concern at all for people with no health care.

    By the way.. I don't guess that you have paid attention either, to reasons why many drs. have been leaving medical practice.. because dealing with most of the insurance companies, has become so complex that they no longer are able to actually treat patients. With reforms, some of that burden might be lifted.

    The "system" has already crashed. The point of reform is to fix it.

    And just one more point to clue you in..

    those without health care are completely aware of the fabrications being put out, to prevent any changes. Something about no health care being a REALITY to us, and not just some theory or hypothesis.. tends to make persons much more aware than you think.

  • logan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No I don't have a "primary care Physician", I have my own family doctor. Regardless of the propaganda that you believe, that fact of having my own doctor will NOT change. BTW, what are we supposed to do when we get to a town hall meeting and how do you suppose we ask our rep any questions? Are we supposed to get up and interrupt him/her every chance we get? Are we supposed to call out all of the lies some have been spewing? Are we supposed to spread the fear and hate? Don't think so dear, that kind of behavior is only inviting hate and making those poor people who have been brainwashed look foolish and dangerous.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So I better wait a bit longer to have a heart attack? There aren't enough doctors to take care of all Americans, so that is fixed by the for profit ins. companies ,how? Why should I have my hard earned money ending up being "shoved down the throats" of fat cat execs.?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So then , by your thinking ...40million men , women and children shouldn't be allowed to have health care because it will slow down YOUR doctors.

    How selfish is that?

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, I have no health care coverage at all. And mostly only the people who still think Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction are falling for the propaganda being spewed right now.

    Why do you think Obama has been consulting with the AMA for? Expert advice. As for Health Care for Seniors, the AARP is supportive of the Health Care Reform.

    July 1, 2009

    AARP Responds to Health Reform Scare Tactics

    Commentary by Betsy McCaughey “rife with gross, cruel distortions.”

    WASHINGTON—AARP Executive Vice President John Rother issued the following statement in response to recent commentary by Betsy McCaughey in various media outlets on health care reform measures passed or currently being considered by Congress.

    “Betsy McCaughey’s recent commentary on health care reform in various media outlets is rife with gross—and even cruel—distortions.

    “Ms. McCaughey has again launched her customary broadside attack against comparative effectiveness research. She describes this term as ‘code’ for ‘limiting care based on a patient’s age.’ In fact the term for that is ‘age rating,’ a practice used by insurance companies to discriminate against older Americans against which AARP is vigorously fighting, and we look forward to her next column to help the cause.

    “‘Comparative effectiveness research,’ on the other hand, is a technical term that just means giving doctors and patients the ability to compare different kinds of treatments to find out which one works best for which patient.

    “Some estimates say that only about half of all therapies that patients receive have been backed up by head-to-head comparisons with alternatives. While our country spends more than $2 trillion a year on health care, we spend less than 0.1 percent on evaluating how that care works compared to other options.

    “This research has been around (although sadly not enough) for decades, enjoying support from political leaders of both parties, doctors, patients, and consumer advocacy groups.

    “The main opponents of this research are those groups with a vested interest in a health care system that wastes billions of dollars each year on ineffective or unnecessary drugs, treatments or tests. Given Ms. McCaughey’s position as a Director of a medical device producer, I would hope that any potential conflict of interest has not influenced her commentary.

    “More concerning, Ms. McCaughey’s criticism misinterprets legislation that would actually help empower individuals and doctors to make their own choices on end-of-life care.

  • 1 decade ago


    AARP is a left wing, liberal organization now, they no longer care what their retired members believe.

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