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The Census is NEXT year! Have any of you had similar experiences?

Earlier this year I had a census taker come to my house, walk all the way to the back yard where the kids were playing, initiate a conversation with the kids, and not once came to my door. I only knew she was there because I went to check on the kids and found a stranger with them. I have a 5 acre yard so she had covered a considerable amount of ground to talk to the kids. She had a government badge around her neck, gave me her name and stated that it didn't seem right that we were a single family. She needed to be told a number of times that there was no one else living with us, either in our pole barn or garage or even the basement. She questioned my address and the fact of whether or not I knew my own address because she would know if the enhanced 911 was already in progress. Enhanced 911 came about to do away with some rural route addresses that could be considered within the town limits and making it considerably easier to find in case of an emergency. I had to explain that the only notice I'd received about the Enhanced 911 was in the form of a letter from the post office telling us of the new address. I told her I would get it for her but she declined. She left me with papers that stated I would receive information in the mail and that I would be fined if I failed to file them or something of that nature. I never received anything in the mail concerning a census. Maybe she got the address wrong; afterall, I only clarified it 3 or 4 times. Her badge was authentic or a very good imitation. I have no idea what any of it was about but if the papers were correct, they stated there were penalties if I didn't comply. I do think she was an actual government employee, one who embodies the exact nature of why our system is falling apart.

I posted this several days ago in answer to another census question and since then have learned that ACORN is running around the country asking lots of UNCONSTITUTIONAL questions to unsuspecting citizens. I know of one other exact (except that she was asking many questions about his neighbors!) situation that happened about 20 miles from my house and only a few days ago! This other individual that this happened to said they had a GPS with them. I didn't notice when this lady was at my house. Any thoughts?


You know what, Marcia and North Korea? Just because you find it hard to fathom does not even suggest that I am a liar. I am no liar. I am sorry that you are so ignorant and prone to judge others...but not at all surprised that you support our new communist leader. Bite me.

Update 2:

No offense.

11 Answers

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've heard of a lot of people being GPSd, but not that. I'd complain if some bozo was corralling my kids in our yard without speaking to an adult first. She could have been anyone.

    Also, Ron Paul has cosponsored a bill in congress to remove penalties from refusing to answer any questions on the census except contact information, age, date of response and how many people live there. The questionaire they want filled out is a bit much.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There was a documentary on TV a while ago which covered this. They pointed out that many people who were crucified were still alive when removed from the cross but gone into a coma through shock. It is quite possible that Jesus did survive and had to get out of Roman held territory. The easiest way would have been into Afghanistan and Inda so it would make sense. It could also be that the Jesus story is the result of rumours about many different characters which history has attributed to one man. Jesus was a very common name, no records exist of his existance (the Bible is heresay, not a reliable source!), there was alot of trade between India and the Middle East and many who were escaping Rome went East.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never had any such experience. I've participated in 3 of them in my life time. Two were strictly by mail, and one a census taker came and asked a few normal questions and then left.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No offense but I don't believe 90% of what you claim. The US census will mail out an questionnaire to every residential address in the US in 2010. They have been doubling checking the address lists from 2000 for the past several months. I did this years ago when I was in college and no, there's nothing sinister about it.

    Throttle back on the drama...

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No. Funny how the Right wingers always seem to have such experiences, huh?

    ACORN has nothing to do with the Census. This is an outright lie the Wingnuts have been pushing for months now.

    The census is mandated by the constitution. There is nothing particularly private about the fact that you have a house with an address.

    Taking a GPS map spot simply logs the fact that there is a residential (as opposed to commercial) building there. Every one of the canvas workers have a computer to log map spots. They are counting the number of residential structures in the country. My city was done in the spring.

    They are also counting the number of units within a residential structure.

    The Right are too prone to paranoia. Where were you ten years ago when the census was taken? or the ten years before that?

  • 1 decade ago

    The Field Rep was using a GPS device to obtain the exact location of your address. They did this for every address in the US.

  • 1 decade ago

    I grew up in an extremely rural area so I know exactly what you are saying about the enhanced 911 addresses.

    The woman that came to your house sounds crazy...I wonder how well they screen the people they hire. That is weird how she was walking around your backyard like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    the census has been taken every 10 years since the country was founded... why all the hysteria now?

    And, no, ACORN has no role in the census. The census department conducts the census.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    mine came to my driveway and read my license plate and then tried to escape but I caught his sneaky butt and questioned him about his illicit license plate writing activities and chained him in my basement so now he's part of my census for this house.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    my thought is this is like fiction and not fact and i think you are spinning the truth for one reason or another. maybe you enjoy getting attention

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